The Heart Rate of a Mouse AU (Part 3)

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Brent and Joe have been giving me the cold shoulder for the past three months now. Ever since I broke Brent's nose. Doesn't matter to me, but they've been treating Brendon like shit because of it. It's the end of the tour, 1 week left, when we're driving up the road in the bus. The bus starts making a weird noise, when it stutters to a stop. I'm sitting on the couch, when I stand up, confused. Brendon's driving, so I put a hand on his shoulder, looking near the speed dial.

"Gas is empty." I point out, furrowing my eyebrows. "I thought we just filled up?"

"Uhh, Yeah-"

"Fag, what's going-" I glare at Brent harshly, "Brendon, what's going on?" He corrects himself, lowering his gaze.

"Empty gas." He mumbles, clearly embarrassed.

"I thought we just filled up though?" Ryan shifts toward the front as well.

"Umm, yeah, we were supposed to, but they wouldn't allow me to fill up the tank." Brendon's face is flushed, and angry.

"What? Why?" I ask, bending down in front of him.

"The guy at the station said that I looked too much like a fag, and that they don't serve fags, so I wasn't allowed to fill up the tank." He mumbles, hanging his head. I growl a tiny bit before standing up.

"I saw a service station a bit back. I'll walk, you stay here." I pat his leg, a small smile on my lips, before stepping off the bus.

~~~~~~~~~~20 Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~

I hear someone running up behind me just as the service station comes into view. I turn to see Joe.

"Hey, umm, I want to talk to you." He sounds really out of breath.

"Okay? Are you okay?" I ask softly, worrying a little, despite him being a jerk for a few months.

"I just ran to catch up with you and I haven't run in 10 years." He stops, putting his hands on his knees, breathing hard. I laugh, rolling my eyes. I wait until he's good to go before we begin walking again.

"Umm, I wanted to apologize for being an asshole to you for a few months, and not stopping Brent from saying those things to you." I don't answer as he continues to talk. "It's just, it's weird, you know? I'm so used to having everyone around me being straight, and suddenly in the span of a year, there's a gay, and a half-"

"Bisexual." I correct. He nods. "But that's the thing, I don't think you are going to, or even have apologized to Brendon, even though you would be apologizing for the same goddamn thing." I counter. "You're just apologizing to me, because I actually am still, to some degree, straight. Brendon's very..." I pause, "not. Joe, just, don't okay? I can handle things, for the most part, myself. I have Brendon to help. I don't really need anyone else." I brush him off, continuing to walk on. Joe just stands there, stunned at my actions.

~~~~~~~~~~~6 Days Later~~~~~~~~~~~

I finish my set, introducing the Followers. Second to last day on tour. My hair has faded to a lavender colour, shining bright with the stage lights. As I walk to my small dressing room, I get pulled into a room roughly. I see the entire band, and Pete. Brendon left, quit a few days back. Joe outed Ryan and his relationship with him, causing everyone but me to be pissed at Ryan. Spencer has a secret family, which is weird, but whatever. Oh. And speaking of Ry, he isn't here. Probably getting high in his dressing room.

"We only have a few minutes, so we have to do this quick." I raise an eyebrow, clenching my fist as Spencer steps closer. "Okay, we just need to talk, relax."

"I want to apologize. To you, I mean. For being a dick. I already did to Brendon, right before he left." Brent says softly, tense. "It was shitty to hold your," pause, "preferences against you. It affected a lot on this leg of the tour. And the last leg as well. You didn't deserve that." My eyes go wide.

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