Damn It (Brendon Urie)

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For @BeeboTheBean04 .
This might be a bit shorter than I normally write.

My best friend, Cory, has been visiting me and Brendon for about a week now, and Brendon's been a whole hearted dick about it. And what makes it worse, is because he's being such a dick, he won't let me talk to him about something really important.

I'm pregnant, and there is no way it's not Bren's. But, again, he's ignoring me, being an asshole Cory, and spending all of his time in his home studio. I've had enough, and I just need to tell him about what's happened.

"Hey Cor?" I ask him. He looks up from his book, raising an eyebrow. "I'm heading out to Urielectric for a bit, 'kay?" He nods, smiling. Bogart shoots up from behind his position on the couch, tail wagging. "Not you Bogart!" I tease half heartedly, smiling. The puppy sits down next to Cory. I head out to the studio, knocking before I enter. Brendon doesn't answer, so I walk in. The studio is full of smoke, and I smell pot.

"You trying to hotbox the studio?" I joke, trying to start this off on a good note. He turns around, pouting before turning back to his computer. I sigh. "B, what have you been doing out here so much?"

"Avoiding the eye-fuck and cuddle fest happening in our house, without me." He spits, accusingly. My heart jerks, knowing this is going to go to shit already.

"Brendon, are you serious? We've talked about this!"

"Talked about what? The fact that you are so clearly having Cory over to spend less time away from me! If you don't want to be here, then leave!"

"Okay, I'm confused, Brendon. What the fuck are you on about?" I can feel myself starting to get a little high from all the smoke in the air.

"The fact that when you have Cory here, you completely ignore me, and spend all your time and energy on him! I barely see you when you're with him!" There's no hope on telling him that I'm pregnant now.

"Probably! B, I see him once a year! My apologies I want to spend time with him! I don't get like this when you see Sarah!" I snap, my eyes glaring. "So what if I spend all my time with him? You won't even bring me on tour with you!"

"Oh, this bullshit again, huh? You always bring up tour! I'm sorry you'll just be this huge fucking distraction while I'm trying to do my fucking job!" He shouts, stepping closer.

"That's not what I mean! What I mean is that you spend all this time away from me when on tour, for months on end, but when my best friend comes to visit for a week, you whine and pout about it like a fucking toddler!" I know I've hit a nerve with that. His eyes look murderous.

"If I'm such a fucking toddler, and I'm so fucking insufferable, why are you still here?"

"You want me to leave or something?"

"You know what? Yeah. I'm sick of all this, 'poor me! My boyfriend goes on tour without me, and I'm in love with my best friend' horse shit!" His eyes flash with a little bit of regret the minute he says it, but he covers it up quickly.

"I'm not in love with him, but if you want me to leave, because you can't handle me bringing up something, and you can't trust me enough to hang out with Cory, then why are we still dating. Brendon, I'm packing up my shit and going home." I stand there for a few moments, seeing if he'll say anything to stop me. He doesn't. I leave, calm as can be, while fighting off tears.

Cory sees me return, eyes wide. He must've heard the yelling match happening.

"Are you okay?" He asks softly. I brush him off, heading upstairs, to grab my suitcase. After I've finished packing, Cory standing in the doorway worriedly, I head to the bathroom. I search through the drawers in search of the pregnancy test. I throw it away angrily, before stopping out. I grab the suitcase, and brush past Cory again. Tears are now flowing freely down my cheeks.

"I'm not coming back, so grab your shit and go. I'm heading back home." I tell him, before stepping out the front door, and toward my car. I see B standing by the studio.

"Bye you fucking selfish prick!" I flip him off, throwing my stuff in the trunk. My voice cracks. "Ship me the rest of my shit." I hop in, buckling up, slamming my head once against the steering wheel, before driving off. As I go to drive up the street, I see Cory tell Brendon something, before hopping in his own car.

~~~~~~~~~~~~B's POV~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'm numb. I can't feel anything. (Y/N)'s been gone for a week. I haven't eaten anything. I haven't worked on the album since she left. My entire mind is empty. I hear one of the dogs get into something, before Penny comes running in with something in her mouth. She hops on our- my bed, wagging her tail viciously.

"Pen, no. Drop that. Please." My voice is hoarse from not using it. Penny drops whatever it is, before running off. I hear her attack Bogart before they start playing around downstairs. I pick up whatever it was, going to throw it out again, before pausing. It's a pregnancy test. My eyes go wide, and I drop it.

Oh my god. (Y/N) thought she was pregnant. I've made a mistake. I realized that directly after I told her to leave, but now I really realize it.

I scramble to find my phone, tripping several times, before dialling her number, pressing the phone to my ear.

"What could you possibly want, Urie?" She demands. A whole new wave of guilt washes over me when I hear her voice.

"(Y/N). Umm, I found something of yours at the house."

"And I told you to mail the rest of my shit to me." The phone clicks, telling me she hung up. Okay, understandable. Doesn't mean that doesn't hurt. I take a picture of the test, texting her it. I see that she read it, but she's not responding.

"Motherfucker!" I shout angrily. Bogart barks back at me. She's typing now.

Favourite Dumbass💙:
So? You told me to leave

Is it mine?

Favourite Dumbass💙:
Of course it's yours, asshole. I wouldn't ever cheat on you

She's throwing it in my face that I didn't trust her. That's fair.

Okay, it was my mistake not to trust you, but what did the test even say???

Favourite Dumbass💙:
It was positive.

Can we please talk about this in person? Please? I want to apologize. I'm a fucking idiot and I know that but please. I want to apologize

Favourite Dumbass💙:
No. Brendon, you fucked up, you couldn't trust me, but expected me to put all this trust in you, but seriously, I'm done. I'm not talking you anymore, don't text or call this number. Do not come to my parents. Got it?

My heart shatters. She doesn't realize how sorry I am. She doesn't want anything to do with me. Fuck. Fuck.Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck

(Nickname), please. Just talk to me.

I call her again.

"Sorry, this number either doesn't exist anymore, or this number has blocked you." An automated voice says. I swear profusely, calling over and over, but getting the same message repeated back to me.

I'm never getting her back. Oh my god. I really fucked up.

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