Silence Speaks A Thousand Words (Dan Howell)

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Mention of rape, abuse, anxiety attack. Please don't read if you feel uncomfortable reading any of that.

A hand is wrapped around my throat, my hands tied above my head, my hips, neck, chest, and face bruised. My thighs are being held down by my abusive boyfriend's other hand. I'm sore, and he won't get off of me. He pounds relentlessly into me, my abdomen in pain. Finally, he collapses off of me, passed out drunk. I'm in tears. I roll off the bed, and run to get my bag. I can't do this any more. I have to get out.


I press the bell to my best friend Phil's flat. I know it way late, almost 2:30 in the morning, but he and his friend Dan are usually awake at this time. I press it in a rush, begging to be let in.

"Who is this? It's not a drunk person is it?" I hear Dan ask sleepily.

"Daniel?" I ask, my voice raspy, and almost in a whisper.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" He sounds irritated. I lean in closer, repeating myself. "Who is this?"

"(Y/N). Dan, can I come up?"

"Holy shit. (Y/N) are you okay?" I shake my head, even though he can't see. "I'm letting you up right now." I nod, backing away. I see the green light go off next to the door and I open it quickly, running up the stairs. Every step hurts, and sends pains up my sides and all the way to my head, but I don't stop running until Dan opens the door for me. He inspects my face, his eyes trailing over the bruised cheeks, and the fingerprints going all the way under my shirt collar. He sees the cut near my ear, and my matted hair, tear stained cheeks.

"Holy shit. Get in here." I can't even nod. I go to walk up the stairs leading to their living room, but can't. My legs are too sore from running up the others. My knees buckle and I fall. Dan is instantly down next to me, bending down, making sure I'm alright. I can barely shake my head. My neck hurts so much. "Let me help." He goes to wrap an arm around my waist, and I flinch away. I can hear his jaw drop. "I'm- I'm not going hurt you. Why would-  why would you think I would hurt you? I want to help. Can I? Help you I mean." My mind is racing at a kilometre a minute. I manage a nod. "I'm, I'm going to carry you, alright? Like, bridal style." I nod again. He wraps an arm under my knees, and an arm around my back. He carries me carefully up the stairs. I see Phil sitting on the couch. He leaps up when he sees me.

"Oh my gosh. (Y/N), what the hell?" Phil curses, rushing over. He takes me out of Dans arms and places me carefully on the couch. I hear Dan make noises of concern. Phil hugs me close, making soothing noises. Dan leaves, heading to the kitchen. I lean heavily on my best friend, feeling drained, hurt.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dans POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I leave (Y/N) and Phil to make her tea. When I opened the door, her face was heavily bruised, a cut on her temple, and bruised like finger prints on her neck. She's been hurt. My blood boiled when I saw her, angry at whoever did that, and when she fell, I knew something happened to her legs as well. My anger turned to worry, and then jealousy when I saw her start to lean on Phil. I wish it was me, but that's not what's important right now. I want to know what happened, and who did this. I accidentally drop one of our mugs, trying to get (Y/N)'s favourite. I hear her let out a raspy scream. Phil makes shushing noises, assuring her everything is fine. Once I finish cleaning up, and making tea, I head out with the mug. I sit next to her, pushing the cup softly into her hands. Her hands are frozen.

"(Y/N), can you even talk?" Phil whispers. She shakes her head slightly. My fists clench at my sides. "Can you write? Can you write out what happened?" She shakes her head more firmly this time. "Can you shake and nod your head if we ask yes and no questions?" She pauses, taking a small sip of tea, wincing before nodding.

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