How He Reacts When He Finds Out You're Pregnant (Fall Out Boy)

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He opens the present that has little something special wrapped up in the red and green wrapping paper. He picks up the stack of things that you've collected over the years and starts going through them. It starts with a receipt from your first date, going through movie and concert tickets, pictures you printed off of the two of you. It all ends with a piece of paper that simply says, "we've lived a really great life so far, and we have a really great family, why don't we add to it?" He looks at you confused, before pulling out the positive pregnancy test at the bottom of the small box.  His eyes go wide, before darting to your stomach. Pete smiles up at you.
"You're serious?" You nod. "Holy shit!" He stands up and picks you up in a hug. He buries his head in your neck, kissing your shoulder occasionally.
"This is okay? Me being pregnant is alright?" He nods, pulling away.
"This is amazing. Wow. We're having a kid!" He bends down in front of you and holds your stomach. "Wow. There is a baby that's growing in there. And it's mine."

You weren't sure how to tell him, and were still working up the courage to do it, so by the time he found out, you already had a tiny baby bump. You had hid your morning sickness, and never let him see you naked. He actually found out by trying to shower with you, and by accident. When he climbed into the shower, you were facing away from him.
"Mind if I join you?" You jump, dropping the shampoo bottle on your foot. You swear.
"Fuck, Joe! Don't sneak up on me like that." You bend down, grabbing the shampoo and placing it on the side of the tub. You frown, still facing the water, your back to him. He wraps his hands around your waist and kisses your neck softly.
"Sorry, darling. Mind if I?" He kisses your neck a little harder. You pull away.
"Actually, Joey, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."
"Is something wrong? You're not leaving me are you?" He swears. You smile, holding in a laugh. "I thought everything was going okay! I thought things were going awesome. Did I do something wrong?" You shake your head. "Then what is it (Y/N)?" You turn toward him.
"I'm pregnant. About a month along. I couldn't figure out how to tell you, but I guess this is a good a time as any." You shrug. His eyes go wide, looking down at the small baby bump.
"Oh. Well, this is better than you leaving me. This is infinitely better than you leaving me." You raise an eyebrow. "You're pregnant! We're having a kid!" He presses a chaste kiss against your lips. "I've gotta say, this is better than you breaking up with me."
"Why would you think I'm breaking up with you?"
"I have no idea, but I've been worried for a month that you would. You've been distant, (Y/N). It worried me." You both laugh and kiss again.

"(Y/N)! Where are you?" Andy shouts as he opens the front door. You lay in bed, watching some documentary, almost crying over the fact that some baby turtles got eaten. You look toward the bedroom door.
"Andy?" You yell, standing up.
"I'm home!" You run toward him, well as fast as you can run being 4 and a half months pregnant. When you get down the stairs, Andy just stares at you, wide eyed. His eyes are locked on your stomach.
"I missed you! So much." You wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him hard.
"You're pregnant!" He shouts excitedly. "How far along?"
"Almost 5 months. Remember when you came home for a few days, and we, Umm?" You back away and rock back on your heels.
"Oh! Well, good to know it's mine, at least." He jokes. He hugs me again, before bending down and kissing my stomach. "Hello baby. This is the first time I've known about you. I'm your dad, and this is a great welcome home present from your mom."
"I still don't know the gender, or have any names picked out. I was waiting for you." Andy stands up again, smiling.
"I honestly don't care. You could've done all those things and I would still love the baby almost as much as I love you. God I love you." He kisses me for the first time, and his lips linger. I pull him back and kiss him hard, my mind only thinking how I haven't done this in months. Andy, however, pulls away quickly.
"That's how this was created. I don't think it's safe, because I have no idea what could happen if we continue." You pout.
"So you won't kiss me? Not even a little?"
"I guess I could." He jokes. He pecks my lips.

You back away from the toilet bowl, wiping your mouth. You haven't been feeling good for the past week, and you are honestly starting to worry about it.
"Honey, are you okay? You're not throwing up again, are you?" He calls through the door, knocking. You roll your eyes.
"No, I'm just sitting on the bathroom, for fun. Yes, I'm throwing up." You answer sarcastically.
"I'm taking you to the doctor today. Are you gonna be up to it?" You stand up, opening the door.
"Sure. I'll-" you turn around and throw up again. You hear Patrick walk up behind you and he starts rubbing your back.
"I know. You'll be ready in 10 minutes. But it doesn't matter. I'm sure Dr. Charles won't mind you showing up in pjs. Besides, I already called saying we were showing up and warned him that you'd be in your pjs. You wanna stay here for a few more minutes?" I shake my head, wiping my mouth again.
"Okay, now I'm gonna ask you a few questions that might be a bit personal, but if you could answer them the best you can, that would be great."
"Yessir." You and Patrick say at the same time.
"Now, have you eaten anything that might have come in contact with anything you might be allergic to?" I shake my head. "Have you eaten an abnormal amount of antioxidants lately?" Another head shake. "Have you been sexually active recently?" I nod, my cheeks burning. "Was it protected sex?" I look at Patrick, not entirely sure. He frowns.
"I don't know. We were a little drunk." He admits shyly. Dr. Charles bends down into a cupboard and grabs a box.
"I'm going to need you to take this pregnancy test and come back in a few minutes." He says, handing me the box. I nod, my whole face hot.
"Of course." I stand up and walk out of the room and into the washroom. A few minutes later, I walk back in, the test in hand. Patrick looks up, worried and excited. Dr. Charles takes it and waits for it the results to come out. I hold Patrick's hand tightly.
"Okay, so, depending on what you were hoping for, it could be good news, could be bad news." Patrick and I wait patiently. "The test is positive. You are pregnant, Mrs. Stump." My mouth drops open on a small O. "Now, I'm sure you have a lot to talk about, so I'm going to let you leave. When you come back for ultrasounds, you'll have to ask for Dr. Cooper." I nod and Patrick and I leave. The whole ride home, we're silent. Only when we get inside does Patrick do something. He wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up, spinning me around. He smiles at me, looking so happy.
"Do you want to keep this child?" He asks excited.
"Yes." I breathe out. He puts me down, pulling me close so that we're nose to nose.
"Then we are having a baby. We are having a baby, (Y/N)." He whispers, looking so happy that I smile too.

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