Fuck (Joe Trohman)

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I've been doing so many Joe imagines, so fuck me, but I saw this;

I've been doing so many Joe imagines, so fuck me, but I saw this;

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and thought it was a prompt, so here we go!

"Hey Mrs. Trohman!" I call over to her as Melanie tugs me into the house.

"Hello, (Y/N)! How are you today?"

"Very good!"

"We're gonna head out back to play, Mom, see you later!"

"I'll make you girls some snacks." We run through the house and out back to the trampoline. We jump around, giggling and falling occasionally.

"Hey Mel! Hey (Y/N)!" I hear her older brother shouts at us. We stop, looking over at the curly haired boy a few years older than us.

"Hey Joey!" Melanie shouts.

"Yeah, hi Joe!" I wave grinning. He winks at me. I roll my eyes.

"Hey kids. Come on in!" Their mom shouts. We hop off the trampoline and Joe ruffles my hair.

"Knock it off, Joey. You would hate it if I did that to you." I sass.

"That's why I do it, (nickname)." We walk in, teasing each other.

"You two knock it off." His mom says.

"Yeah, Joe, knock it off." I stick my tongue out at him.

"Your only 8, (L/N). You can't tell me what to do."

"You're only 12, Trohman!"


I rush down my street, tears streaming down my face. My knees burn where the air whips at the scrapes, and my elbows hurt where I'm moving them. I see a familiar head of curly hair walk out of the Trohman's house.

"Woah! (Y/N), wait, hold on! What's going on?" Joe yells after me. I keep running. "(Y/N), wait!" He catches up, lightly grabbing my upper arm. I don't look at him when he turns me around. "(Y/N), hey, what's going on?"

"Don't you have guitar practice?" I sniffle, rubbing at my eyes.

"Yeah, I'm supposed to, but now I'm worried about you." He holds up his guitar case quickly.

"I'm- I'm fine. Go to practice."

"No you're not. What's going on? What happened?"

"Just Chasity and Dan again. I'll be fine."

"Where's Mel?"

"She had violin, remember?"

"Let's get you inside, (nickname)."

"Joseph, I can handle myself." He scoffs.

"No, you clearly can't. Besides, you're pretty much my little sister right now anyway, and mom said I should take care of you like I do with Melanie. Let's get you inside." He repeats. He brings me inside, and helps me onto the counter. "Stay still. It's gonna hurt a little." He puts alcohol on a paper towel, holding my calf. He presses the cloth against my knee and I flinch, trying to wiggle away.

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