Centuries (Fall Out Boy)

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I stand above the colosseum, readying my bow and arrows. I aim at the Emperor. I see a figure move off to my left, and I flinch away for a moment. I let my arrow fly loose. It misses by a foot. Everyone looks up in shock, and I duck down, cursing. I hear footsteps thunder closer. I stand up, aiming my bow at them, aiming for necks. Arms wrap around my torso, and my bow is knocked out of my hand. My quiver is ripped off my body.

"You are under arrest for attempted assassination of the royal emperor." A voice hisses in my ear. Rope is tied around my wrists.

"Too bad I didn't succeed." I growl back at them.

"What is your name, sir?"

"I'm a woman, and my name is (Y/N)." I hear surprised gasps.

"Impossible. A woman couldn't possibly shoot the Emperor." They tilt my head up, taking in my short hair, and my face.

"Not impossible. I almost did it."

~~~~~~~~~~~~Patrick POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I eye the fruit stand, licking my lips. A group of people pass. I make my move. Sprinting by, I grab a handful of apples and pears, running away. I hear shouts of protest. I clutch the fruit to my chest, shoving my way through the crowd. Someone's leg sticks out last minute and I trip. The fruit is squashed under my chest and juice coats my shirt. My hands and knees are scraped up. The vendor grabs the back of my shirt, jerking me to a standing position.

"Are you gonna pay for that, sir?" He asks sarcastically. I whimper, scared.

"I just- my brothers, they need-"

"Guards! We have a thief over here!" The vendor shouts. People turn to me, and my cheeks go red.

"Please sir! I just need to feed my siblings. Please!" I beg. He laughs mercilessly. The guards grab my hands, and jerk me away from the vendor. I start to panic. I can't be taken away. My brothers will starve. "Please, I'm begging you! My brothers!" I cry out.

"Not a chance." The guard says angrily. "What are the odds we catch two criminals in one day? He can go in the carriage with the girl." My eyes widen. A girl? That's a criminal? I get shoved again, and eventually thrown into the small carriage that is used to hold thieves. A girl with short hair sits there, looking as calm as possible, her hands tied in front of her. I get pulled around, and my hands are tied with rope as well. I get pushed further into the carriage and we start to get pulled down the street by the horses in the front.

"What are you here for? You certainly don't look like someone who would get in trouble." The girl speaks up suddenly.

"I was getting fruit for my brothers. I tried to steal it." I explain. "I'm Patrick by the way."

"(Y/N)." Theres a pause in the conversation. "I tried to assassinate the Emperor, in case you're wondering." My eyes go wide. "I know. A girl couldn't possibly, but he killed my parents, and I've been training with a bow and arrow since I was little. I could've had the Emperor had I not gotten distracted." I shy away, scared slightly. "Oh don't worry. I won't hurt you. You haven't done anything to make me angry. Also, you seem too sweet for me to hurt you." She says it like it's a fact. I conclude that she's insane, and don't talk. The carriage stops suddenly, and I lurch forward. (Y/N) giggles as a man presses his face on the outside of the bars.

"Take this. It'll help." A man says softly. I flinch away as his hands reach in. "Take it!" He orders. I reach out and take the small bit of thin rope from him. "This is for the girl."

"Thank you!" (Y/N) replies happily. The man hands me a small arrowhead. I quickly hand it off to the girl and the man disappears into the crowd.

"Did you know him?" She asks, tilting her head on confusion.

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