Favourite Memory (All) Part 1

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Longer chapter. Will be 2 parts just to make it a bit easier on me for writing.

When you surprised him on tour.

"Yeah, I got a day off tomorrow, so I thought we could Skype for a few hours, and have one of our little movie dates." Brendon says, sounding happy over the phone. You know tour exhausts him when it's show after show, with interviews crammed in between, and he really looks forward to days where he can just relax.

"I'm looking forward to it B. What movies we gonna watch?" You say, trying to conceal your laughter. Little does he know, you're on the way to surprise him at the show tonight. You flew out, and are currently leaving the airport.

"Hey, B, I gotta go. Breezy and I have a date for this afternoon and I have to start getting ready. I'll see you tomorrow, eh?" You offer, grinning as you hop in a cab.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye love." You hang up and give the cabbie the address of the arena B's performing at. When you get there, you thank the man, pay him, and leave the vehicle. You make your way into the arena, texting Zack to find out where he is.

Zack Cloud:
Why? Brendon said you had a thing with Breezy.

I'm surprising B. Where is he?

Zack Cloud:
Door closest to the stage, to the right. I told security that you're allowed in.

Thanks doll

You make your way down there, running into the rest of his band on the way. They all look surprised to see you, but don't really say anything. Dallon flashes you a smile, but that's about it. When you get to the door, it opens and someone runs straight into you, smacking their head against yours.

"Ah shit, sorry about- (Y/N)!" He slams into you with a hug. "Holy shit, you're here! But I was just talking to you, and you were saying- Breezy and- oh my god, you sneak!" He says very quickly, loudly, and happily into your ear. When he pulls away, he looks so happy, and so relaxed, more relaxed than he's seemed over Skype in ages. You feel more happy that you've ever been, knowing you've made this man as happy as he is right now.

And that's why it's your happiest memory.

The first concert he had after you two made it official you were dating.

That first concert, oh god, was he just a tiny bit more protective, and you just a tiny bit more provocative. Swinging your hips more, leaving lingering touches in places you knew you shouldn't. And during the 5 minute break they had in the middle of the show, he was a little pissed. He dragged you to his dressing room,  and had you pinned against the wall.

"Are you serious, tonight, (Y/N)? Really? We've gone on 4 dates, had sex once, and we made it official we're dating yesterday, and now you want to tease." His gaze had flickered down to your lips.

"Problem?" You said cockily. He chuckled at that.

"I mean, it's distracting. Just, stop. Please." He grinned sheepishly, before wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you tightly.

When he got off stage later that night, he immediately brought you outside, and to the car waiting for the band. It was a hotel night. Rare, but gladly welcomed. The driver dropped you two off, and went back for the other three.  Ryan had taken you up to his room, and just stood directly inside the door, hugging you.

"You're my girlfriend, you're not allowed to look that hot in front of all those people." Your breath hitched. He called you his girlfriend. Okay, you're officially dating then. Okay. Okay.

"I can if I want. And I could say the same for you. You're my boyfriend, and I don't want you looking as hot as you do in front of all those girls. Not allowed." You teased, laughing a little.

And that was your happiest memory. Knowing that you both were officially dating, and after that, you spent the night together. Not sexually, just cuddling. And you both knew that night that you wouldn't dare hurt each other, or let anyone else hurt you. It wasn't said, but just unanimously agreed.

When you got engaged.

It was your one year anniversary, and he took you up into a restaurant in a tree house. That was the day he said that one day he was going to marry you. He promised you that one day he'd propose, and you'd never see it coming. That he would make sure you were surprised.

And you were. 3 years later, he brought you to the same place, but this time, you weren't there to eat, or celebrate anything. He was on tour, and he brought you along, because that's what he always does. He brought you to the tree house restaurant and you just relived the memories of that night while you walked around. Nothing particular, just pictures flashing through your mind. His outfit, the food, the sunset view, stuff like that.

When he stopped all of a sudden, you thought he was tying his shoe, so you starting walking to a window to look out of. He grabbed your hand to stop you. He was on one knee.

"(Y/N), remember the last time we were here?" You just nodded, confused a little. "Last time we were here, it was our one year anniversary, and I told you I was going to marry you one day. I was so sure of myself, that after one year of spending time with you, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I wanted a lifetime of the small moments we share, like making breakfast together, or going for hikes, just because we needed something to do. I knew I wanted to keep waking up to you, asleep next to me, hair messy, face calm. I knew I wanted this life of being unsure of what we were going to do next because we never had anything planned, and  everything we did was simply just because we wanted to do it.

"That surety only grew the longer I was with you." By now you were tearing up, thinking of how only after a year, he knew he loved you enough to want to spend a lifetime with you. "When you moved in with me, and when we got Jim, I figured you wanted the same as I did, so I started planning this. I asked Tyler for advice, and he said to take you somewhere special, and the only place the came to mind was here. Where I promised I would marry you. I love you so much, and I really want to spend the rest of my life with you, so (Y/N) (L/N), will you please marry me, because I think I would die from embarrassment if you said no, because I literally just spilled my entire heart out to you." He takes out a small box, and opens it to reveal a simple looking ring.

You just had tears spilling down your cheeks, and you couldn't move, or speak. You were so stunned and happy, but it must have come across as something else because Josh got up and cupped your face worriedly.

"(Y/N), hey, what's wrong. I'm sorry, you can say no. I won't mind. I'm so-" you wrapped your arms around his neck quickly, regaining the ability to move. You just nodded, not trusting yourself to speak.

"Yeah? You want to marry me?" You nodded again. You can physically feel all the tension leave his body. "Thank god."

"I love you. So much." You managed to get out, your voice cracking several times.

Nothing could rival the amount of happiness the both of you had in that moment. Nothing.

When you moved in together.

He didn't move out from Phil and his's flat, you just moved in. You were together for 2 years at that point, and you were there most of the time anyway, so he just asked if you wanted to move in. You were in a bit of a rough patch in your relationship, him being distant, and you feeling left out because he was spending all of his time away from you. When he asked you if you would move in with him, that somehow got rid any doubts you were having about his commitment to you. When you moved all your necessities to the flat, he just kind of looked at you with this complete look of adoration.

"What?" You said sassily.

"I love you. I've just been nervous to ask you to move in." He moved across the room and hugged you right.

"I love you too."

This is your happiest memory, because you got to be closer, not only physically. Also you learned that every time he gets distant, he's planning something big, and he's nervous about it.

When you got your puppies.

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