Cancer (Twenty Øne Piløts) Part 3

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Josh's POV

I look over to where (Y/N) is standing backstage, dancing with Ally. I screw up part of the song, but quickly recover. I can't keep doing this. I can't just keep- ugh! I focus on my drums as (Y/N) looks over. I drum harder, getting nervous when I feel her eyes on me. I smash down on the drum, missing, hitting the rim and snapping my drum stick in two. I stop. The track cuts off after a few seconds and Tyler looks at me worriedly. I feel everyone's eyes on me. I hold up the broken drum stick.

"Sorry!" I mouth at Tyler.

"It's alright. Sorry everyone! Wooden malfunction!" He jokes. I chuckle, rushing off stage as the track starts up behind me. Tyler starts to finish the song. (Y/N) stares at me as I search frantically for my spares. I hear soft footsteps over the music coming from the stage. A hand falls on my sweaty shoulder. I look up to see her (E/C) eyes ringed with red eyeshadow that matches mine.

"Here. Someone told me to hold them just in case. I do it every show." She says quietly. She hands me my pair of light brown ones.

"Thank you. You're a life saver." I reply, a smile of relief spreading across my face. I bite my lip to hold back a wider smile as she grins back at me. I hear Tyler finish the song behind me. I look away and see Tyler talking to the crowd. "I think we're doing Cancer next, so if you wanna get ready?" I say awkwardly.

"Oh! Of course. Thanks. See you on stage Joshua." She says, her voice conveying nervousness.

"You'll do perfect. You always do." I reassure. Her cheeks go pink. I turn around and run back on stage, waving.

"This is my fren, Jishwa. Jishwa's my fren." Tyler says into the mic above his piano. I laugh. "Got your drumsticks?" I nod. "Great. Now, I'm gonna let you talk for a moment, I need to go check to make sure our friends are ready." He hands me his microphone and I take it, standing behind my drums and leaning against them.

"Salutations, I'm Josh. How's everyone doing?" People scream. My heart rate spikes. I don't normally talk to the crowd, so this is weird. "That seems like you're doing good. I just broke one of my favourite drumsticks, and I'm kind of sad about that. I've actually had that drumstick for a few months. It's a good stick." I pause, thinking over what I just said. "That didn't sound right. Anyway, our next song is called Cancer, and as a lot of you may know, our friends Ally and (Y/N) will be dancing to it. They created this dance, to where it was centred around Blurryface and Tyjo and I, and it's shows the struggle of having depression and anxiety. Their dance shows how everything starts off fine and suddenly depression hits, and it's there, and it controls you. Eventually it becomes you, and that's all everyone sees. Then, (Y/N) fights back, and Blurry leaves. I think we're ready, so I'll give the mic back to Tyler and leave (Y/N) and Ally to dance." I walk back over to the piano and attach the mic back to the stand. As (Y/N) and Tyler come on stage, I see (Y/N) has a headset attached to her head. I furrow my eyebrows and pout, confused. Tyler hits the starting keys and I begin to drum. Instead of him singing though, I hear an unfamiliar female voice coming out of the speaker surrounding us. I stare at (Y/N) doing the now familiar dance moves. Ally comes on stage and turns (Y/N) around.

"I will not kiss you!" I hear. (Y/N)'s mouth moves along with the words. It takes a moment to register that she's singing. Oh wow. She looks at me quickly before holding back a smile and turning back around. I drum harder, getting even more nervous than before. Her movements are graceful, beautiful. Her body moves softly. I'm in a trance, not even realizing I'm supposed to stop. I finally recognize my mistake and stop, tapping my foot anxiously.


"Hey, Joshua, you alright?" I hear (Y/N) ask from the bunks. Her voice sounds sleepy. It's so cute.

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