Watch Where You're Going (Patrick Stump)

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(y/c)= your choice.

I was on the way back from the studio when I got stopped by a small group of fans. I wanted to be polite and talk to them, instead of just kind of push past them and leave, so I did. But, I'm getting tired of standing here, and I just want to go home and relax.

"Hey, Patrick, are you alright?" A fan asks, concerned.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just a bit tired, ya know? It's been a long day, and the band has been working hard on American Beauty/ American Psyco, so I'm a little drained."

"Oh shit! Sorry for holding you up then. You should head home." She says politely. I smile at the kindness. My phone goes off, and I quickly take a look at it.

Pete: You get home safe?

"It's alright. I don't want to be rude." I say, texting Pete back. I itch the tip of my nose quickly.

Me: Got stopped by a few fans. I'll be home soon.

"No, it's absolutely fine. Besides, we'd feel like it's rude that we're preventing you from relaxing. Right guys?" The fan looks at the group. They all nod.

"Absolutely. Head home Stump." A guy insists. I nod, unsure still.

"Thanks. It was really nice seeing all of you. Hope you all have a good night." I adjust my glasses, shrugging my backpack onto my shoulder a bit more.

"Bye Patrick!" They all say. I turn around, and start heading toward my house. I plug in my headphones, turning on some Prince, keeping my head down. As much as I love fans, I really don't want to be stopped again. Suddenly, someone runs straight into me, and my phone is knocked out of my hand. My headphones fall out as well and clatter to the ground. The other person starts apologizing. I look up to see (E/C) eyes and long (H/C) hair over her face.

"It's fine. It really is. I wasn't paying attention."

"Neither was I. I really am sorry though."

"And it really is fine." I bend down and pick up one of the phones on the ground. Plugging in the earbuds, I begin to walk away. Once I play the song, I realize that this isn't my phone. There's some catchy pop song playing through the small speakers. I turn around immediately, not seeing the girl. I frown, walking back the way I came. She's no where to be seen.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

My cheeks are hot as the extremely attractive man walks away. I pick up my phone, and put my headphones in again. I go to press play, but I see that the wallpaper isn't mine. I look at the bare iPhone, not seeing a case, with the plain white Apple earbuds. We have the exact same phone. Fuck, where did he go? I look around, not seeing the guy, and end up just saying fuck it. I plug in the earbuds and play the song. It's Prince. I nod along, heading to my job.

~~~~~~~~~~Several Days Later~~~~~~~~~

I wipe down the bar from a spilled drink as someone comes up to it.

"One moment please." I say. I put the cloth down, seeing a big head of curly hair, and bright blue eyes staring at me. "What can I get for you tonight?" My tone is bored as I smack on the gum in my mouth.

"9 shots, a coke, and your number for my friend over there." The guy says bravely, pointing behind him at a small table with 3 others sitting at it. Two of the men point at a guy who is keeping his head down on the table. I wave.

"Uhh, yeah I'll get that for you in a moment. You can sit back at your table for now." The guy nods, and rushes back to his table. The one with his head on the table just shakes his head against his arms. I chuckle slightly. I look at the phone in my pocket, finding that guy's number.

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