Power Out (Brendon Urie)

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Some fluffy Bden for y'all.

I was home alone, watching Netflix, a storm throwing rain, twigs, and leaves against my window when my power cut out. Everything went black, the screen turned off, and I could no longer hear the hum of the fridge or the sound of my heater. I'm expecting it to turn on, and I just sit in the dark for a few minutes, but when it doesn't, I sigh, grabbing my phone, and beginning to watch Netflix on there. After 10 minutes, my binge watching is interrupted by someone calling me.


I pick up.

"Hey! Is your power out too?" Brendon asks immediately.

"Yeah. Out entirely. I started watching Netflix on my phone."

"Can I come over? You know, to keep you company? Or you could always come over here."

"Sure, come over. But be careful, the storms still going strong." He hangs quickly. 30 minutes later, my front door opens, and a very wet Brendon stands in the doorframe of my living room.

"Hey!" He says happily.

"I said be careful, dipshit. Hold on, I'll run up and grab your spare clothes." I quickly put my phone down and sprint upstairs to grab a pair of track pants, and a hoodie that Brendon keeps here. I run back downstairs and hand him the clothes.

"Thanks." He says. "(Y/N), where is my hello kiss?" He puckers his lips and I place a finger against them. His glasses are speckled with raindrops. I smile at him.

"Maybe get changed out of those cold wet clothes, and get changed into the dry ones, then I'll give you a kiss." I tease. He pouts, and walks away.

"I brought candles, because I know you don't have many. I also brought Monopoly, and Scrabble because we can't really do anything else." He calls as he hides behind the corner. "Where am I supposed to put the wet clothes by the way?"

"In the bathroom. When the power comes back on, I'll throw them in the dryer."

"Cool." He comes out a moment later, wearing the track pants and hoodie I gave him. I grin. "Can I have a kiss now?" He asks, sounding adorable. I loop my hands around his neck and kiss him quickly. After I pull away, I grab his glasses. "Hey!" He protests.

"Hold on. They're covered in water." I reply calmly. I clean them off before placing them carefully back on his face. "There. Perfect." I say, brushing back stray hairs from his forehead. He smiles toothily at me. "Now where are the candles. I'm having a hard time seeing here."

"Oh yeah. Right here. They're electric candles, because I know you don't like the heat or the smell of real ones." He picks up a small bag, where I can somewhat see the edge of boxes. He takes it out to my living room, beginning to turn on the candles.

"Why are you so perfect?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. He turns, smiling still.

"Sweetheart, I'm far from perfect." He says, his smile faltering a little.

"All of the things you think don't make you perfect, I think make you perfect. Now let's get these candles set up so I can beat you ass at the board games you brought over." I tease. He laughs, and pecks my lips, before turning back to his task.


"You motherfucker! I am not paying you 10 million!" I shout at my boyfriend.

"You have to! It's the rules, you land on my property, you have to pay me! Give me the card, (L/N)." Brendon argues.

"Nope! It's my money! You'll win if I give it to you!"

"All the more reason! You should want me to win! That way I can sit here and be smug for a few hours!" I shake my head, picking up one of his hotels and throw it at his chest. "Hey!" He shouts. We break into a fit of laughter.


"Fergalicious isn't a word, (Y/N). It may be in your mind, but it isn't really." Brendon teases. I stick my tongue out.

"Let me win, damnit! You won Monopoly, just let me win Scrabble."

"No." He deadpans. I fake a glare.

"Fine. I'll still beat you playing fair." I consent. He leans over the board and kisses me lightly.

"You never play fair, darling. Never." He mutters. I roll my eyes.


I'm rambling about the show on Netflix I was watching before the power went out when Brendon shushes me.

"Oh, sorry." I say, my cheeks going hot.

"Oh, no! Just stay quiet for a moment, not a word."

"Fergalicious." I say sassily. He looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What did I just say?"

"Oh, it wasn't a word when we were playing Scrabble, but now it is. How convenient for you." I say, feigning bitterness.

"No, just, hold on!" He giggles. He gets up off the couch, and looks out the window.

"What is it?"

"It stopped raining. The power should come back on soon." My heart drops a little.

"Oh. So you'll be leaving soon." Disappointment is evident in my voice.

"(Y/N), you idiot. It's nearly 3 am. I'm not leaving until way later today." He replies, hopping back on the couch. I yawn. "We should get to bed.

"Yeah. Probably." I say, leaning against him, looking at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Ya nasty, I ain't carrying you!" Brendon jokes. I pout further.

"Please?" I beg. He sighs, kissing me quickly.

"Fine, but only because I love you." He picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder before running upstairs. I shriek out of surprise, and start laughing. He tosses me onto my bed, before jumping on with me. "Hello." He says, his face two inches away from mine.

"Hey babe." He buries his face in my neck, and I can feel him smiling against it. "What are you doing?" I laugh.

"Cuddling." He replies simply.

"Okay, thanks for the clarification." I shift my head and kiss the top of his. He smiles wider against my neck.

"Good night (Y/N)."

"Technically it's the morning."

"Shut up."

"Love you too."

"You know I love you, sweetheart."

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