FRIENDS AU (Feat. Josh Dun)

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I nervously on the arm of my chair, waiting for Rachel to show up. Come on, Rach. Don't be late this time. Come on! There's suddenly a hand on mine to stop the tapping.

"I know you're nervous that they aren't going to show, but come on! Relax!" My drummer Josh tells me.

"I know, I know. But Rachel is always late to everything, and we go on in 20 minutes. And she's bringing Chandler, and Ross, and I haven't seen them in ye-" the door opens behind me. I whip my head around. Ugh, security. No thanks.

"Green? You have some visitors." Rachel pops her head out. I stand up, finally relieved of some of my anxiety.

"Thanks! You're good to go." I urge the guy to leave. "Rachel! Oh my gosh, come here!" My older sister runs over and hugs me tight.

"(Y/N)! I haven't seen you in ages. Holy smokes, you've gotten tiny!" She backs up and looks at my frame.

"I know, stress from tour, ya know?" True. I haven't really been eating because I've been stressed, and I haven't had a lot of time to eat, to be honest.

"Sweetie, take care of yourself."

"I know, but where's Emma? Where's my niece?" I look around hopefully for Rachel's 6 month old daughter.

"Uhh, she's at home, but what about me, kid?" I hear Ross say. I look around Rach, and see my old band mates from ages ago.

"Ross! Chandler!" I quickly give both of them hugs. "I haven't seen you guys since-"

"Summer of '91! I know, last band practice before you moved away for school." Chandler remarks. "That summer was great!"

"Oh my gosh, it was busy though!" The gigs at house parties, recording tapes to send to labels, writing, practicing. God, not nearly as busy as I am now. Wish I could go back to those days.


Back when I was in my junior year of high school, I used to just practice singing and playing bass at Josh's house in his garage during the week. But occasionally, we would practice at my place. It was just the two of us for about a year, until it was the beginning of the last summer before college.

My parents were out of town and Rachel decided to throw a party, while I was supposed to be having band practice, but that didn't really stop Josh and I. We had the garage door open, he was lightly tapping on the drums and I was singing along, casually strumming my acoustic, when a car pulled up into the drive way. Ugh. I stand up, going to tell him to move.

"Dude! You can't park there! Rachel said you have to either walk or- Oh, it's just Monica's brother." I shrug it off when Ross steps out of the old car, and go to sit back down on the ground. Why's he here? Monica's staying the night. Whatever. Not my problem. Other than that hideous ensemble of a white jacket and a bold blue long sleeve underneath. Eww. Looks like some band from the 60s.

"Hey kid. Monica's inside?"

"Yeah, but's she's staying tonight. Didn't she tell you?" He rolls his eyes and sighs.

"No, she didn't. What're you doing out here?"

"Supposed to be having band practice with Josh, but it's too damn loud to hear our playing!" I yell back at the house, even though Rach can't hear me.

"(Y/N), relax! Jeez." Josh comments. I flip him off. He slams down on his symbol as response.

"I'm relaxed, just a little pissed. Rachel knows I was supposed to have band practice."

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