You Break Up (Dan Howell)

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Short chapter

My boyfriend sits on the opposite side of the couch, awkwardly. He's done this so often, seeming not as comfortable around me, even though we've been dating for 2 years. I mean, there are a few things that I guess I've done, but nothing bad. I didn't cheat on him, I'm not dating him for his money, I just don't feel as in love with him as I did a few months ago. I don't know what's wrong, but I think I've fallen out of love with him.

"Dan, what's wrong?" I ask suddenly. He looks over, shrugging.

"Nothing, why?" He replies, sounding a little mad.

"Because we haven't exactly been us lately, and you've been acting strange."

"It's- it's nothing, (Y/N). Don't worry about it." He brushes of my attempts to talk to him, and turns back to the anime. I sigh, letting it go. Maybe I'm making things up. "Actually, (Y/N), I do have something to tell you." I turn to him, worry in my eyes.


"You seem to be distancing yourself from me lately, and I'm just a little worried. Have you done something? You haven't cheated on me have you?" I breathe in, and go to speak, but Dan stands up, before bending down in front of me. "You have haven't you? I'm- I'm kind of sad about that. I thought I was doing good! I thought we were alright. What happened? Did I do someth-"

"Daniel!" I shout, smiling sadly. He cuts himself off, eyes wide, sad. "I didn't cheat on you, but I guess, I've fallen out of love with you." I admit. His face crumbles. "I don't know why, and I Googled it, and it said I-"

"I don't want Google's opinion!" He interrupts. "I want to know why you think you don't love me anymore!"

"I- I don't know. I just, don't love you as much as I did a few months ago. It's like, I feel like we shouldn't be dating anymore, because the spark isn't there anymore. Remember when we kissed, and you would describe it as a small shock? And I would agree with you and say I felt the same thing?" A tear comes out of his eye, rolling down his cheek. He nods, sniffling. "Well, I did feel the spark, but slowly I felt it die until it wasn't there anymore. I'm- I'm so-"

"Don't apologize. I just, I don't know what to say to that." More tears track down his cheeks. "What am I supposed say to you telling me you don't love me anymore. And here I was thinking I wanted to ask you to-  you know what, never mind." He turns away swiping at his cheeks. His tone is bitter, angry.

"Dan, I don't know what else to do about this. I just don't love you anymore. What would you do if you were in my position?" I demand, standing up with him.

"What would I do? What would I do? You're asking me that question? (Y/N) I wouldn't even dare fall out of love with you. I think it would hurt me more than it would hurt you."

"So you expected me to just keep us together, even though in a few more months, I wouldn't be happy? Are you fucking kidding me, Howell?" I shout.

"I expected us to be together! For fucks sake (Y/N), our anniversary was a week ago! I was going to propose on our date night tomorrow!" He says. By the surprise on his face, he didn't mean to say that. I feel my heart beat painfully. Now I feel bad. I mean, I did before, but now I feel even worse. He was ready to settle down, marry me, and I fucked it up. A tear drips out of my eye, before I could catch it. Tears continue rolling down his cheeks, but he looks more angry than hurt. "Leave. If you don't love me, and you don't want to stay, leave." He points at the door, looking at the ground.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dans POV~~~~~~~~~~~

I hang my head, not wanting to look at the woman I love. She doesn't love me back. Why does this happen to me? First my ex, Sarah, then my girlfriend back in college, Nicki, and now her. I though she'd be different. I drop my hand as I hear her footsteps thump softly against the carpet. I hear drawers being opened and closed, a zipper being shut before she comes out and lift my chin so that I'm looking her in the eye. Her backpack is slung over her shoulders. My heart shatters knowing that she's actually going to leave for a bit.

"I really am sorry. And for the record, I would've said yes tomorrow had you proposed." She says, her voice in a whisper. Tears flow even harder. Her lips press against my cheek before she leaves. The minute she leaves, I lie down on the ground, the tears flowing silently. And that's how Phil finds me, two hours later, still lying face down on the ground, my cheeks red and sticky, my eyes puffy. He helps me into bed, wordlessly, and leaves a glass of water and Advil.

"I'm sorry about whatever happened. Talk to me when you're ready." He says on his way out. When he closes my door, I mumble,

"She doesn't love me anymore." I press my face into her pillow, ignoring the things Phil left for me. It still smells like her, so I curl my body around it and sob hard.

"She doesn't love me anymore." I repeat.

Part 2?

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