Where Your Hands Are When You Kiss (All)

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Brendon Urie:
Your hips.

They'll start cupping your face, but his hands will drift down so that they're resting on your hips.

Your hands will be on his shoulders, or in his hair, pulling him closer.

Dan Howell:
On your face.

Pretty much the opposite of Brendon's. Dan's hands will start on your hips but will shift to where he's holding your face between his hands.

Your will be resting on his shoulders at first, but then they'll move to where they're on his waist.

Phil Lester:
In your hair.

He'll have them cupping your face, but then he'll move to tangle them in your hair, shifting it away from your face.

Yours will be around his neck, and they won't move a lot.

Josh Dun:

His hands always rest low on your hips, but then will come up a bit to grab your waist.

Your hands'll be on his shoulders, in his hair, around his neck, on his face. It kind of depends on why your kissing, and how heated it is.

Pete Wentz:
On your ass.

Did you really expect anything else from Pete though?? His hands will first be on your hips but they'll move down so that his hands are on your butt.

You hands will be behind his head, pushing his head closer yours.

Joe Trohman:
On your waist.

They won't move a lot, and they'll be resting gently on your waist, and just shift slightly up and down, rubbing your sides.

Yours, as always, will be in his hair, running your fingers through it, tugging a tiny bit so that he'll groan into your mouth and his hands will falter in their movements.

Patrick Stump:
On your ribs.

He'll have them on your waist, but will move them up so that they're resting on the bottom of your rib cage, his thumb just below your chest.

You hands will be on his shoulders, or his cheeks, because you find it more intimate.

Andy Hurley:
Everywhere. For both of you.

It really depends on what the mood is, to be honest with you. Both of your hands wander to different places, and I'm going leave it up to you where your hands go for certain situations.

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