But Its Better If You Do (Ryan Ross)

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"You're takin' me out tonight?" I ask, incredulous. I move from my lying down position, to where I'm sitting cross legged.

"Well, obviously. I have a place I wanna show you, doll." Ryan replies, fixing his tie. I smile, standing up and pulling the shirt I'm wearing down. It's his, but it covers everything up nicely.

"Ry, we aren't seeing' each other. We're just," I pause, beginning to realize all we've been doing, "sleepin' together." I finish. He sigh, turning around.

"I know. But I think we should start 'seein' each other'." He mocks my slight New York accent. I playfully glare, grabbing at his tie and fixing it properly.

"Oh bug off. Ryan, my father would kill me for seeing you." He places his hands on my hips.

"Yeah, I know. Get ready, would ya? I gotta get to work, and you gotta get home." I smile, pecking his cheek. "I'll meet you at your house at 7. See you then." He smirks down at me, before walking out of his bedroom. I smiles brightly to myself, realizing that I'm going out with the boy everyone wanted back when we were kids.


I'm waiting by the door for Ryan. 7:00 passes. 7:15. By now I'm getting worried. Normally he's right on time. My dad looks weirded out by how I'm dressed and how I'm waiting. I fiddle with my skirt. 7:30 rolls around before I stand up, frustrated.

"I'm heading out now. I'll be back by 10:30." I tell my Dad, opening the door.

"Okay. See you then." He waves me out. I leave, beginning my walk to Ryan's. When I arrive at his door, it's locked, with a note attached. I read it.


I'm heading to the club. I'll see you tomorrow.

He signed the note in his messy scrawl. I hear someone bound up the stairs behind me, and let out a yelp when they see me. I turn around to see a slightly familiar head.

"Hey! Who are you?" The guy asks.

"(Y/N). Do you know Ryan by chance?"

"Yeah, I'm Spencer. What's the note say?"

"He's heading to the club. He'll see you tomorrow. Where's the-"

"Oh shit. He was supposed to go out with you tonight." Spencer mutters, running a hand through his long hair. "He's not in there?" I shake my head, pouting. "I'll take you to the club. He was supposed to show you that tonight." He grabs my hand and begins to lead me out of the apartment building.

We walk in the opposite way of my home, heading in a familiar direction. Spencer is leading the way, apparently knowing where to go off by heart. We eventually stop at the building where I worked for a year, when I ran from home, before being caught by the police.

"The strip club?" I say loudly, astonished. Spencer halts to a stop and slaps a hand over my mouth.

"Kid, shush! You want the police to find out about this?" He chastises, looking around us, scared. There's one person, but they're way up the street. There's no way they can hear me. I lick his hand viciously. He backs away, disgusted. He laughs a little, realizing what I just did.

"I know this place, idiot! I thought he meant a golf club or somethin'." I spit. "Damn I'm stupid. I'm going in the back." I slap my forehead, before storming around to the back of the building. I hear Spence laugh, disbelievingly. I can't believe it either. Ryan at my old strip club. Stupid naive (Y/N). I pound on the back door. The little wooden piece slips open.

"Sarah?" The fake name I went by. I nod. "I thought you quit."

"And? I'm back. Let me in." The wooden slay slide shut, before the door swings open. I walk in, going to the change room, covered in clothes, wigs, and masks. I quickly get changed, throwing on the brown wig that looks like the one I wore. I pull on my old mask, tying it carefully before looking over my appearance. Good enough for 5 minutes of work. I go to walk out, barefoot as was normal for me. I glance around, dragging my nails on men's backs, smiling slyly when they turn to look. People mutter.

"Hey, Sarah, you're back." One of the musicians says, pulling my toward him by my barely clothed hips. His voice sounds so familiar.

"I am, darlin'. Nice to see you." I peck his cheek flirtatiously. The corner of his mouth quirks up in a way that's so familiar it hurts. Ryan.

"Remember me?"

"George, of course. One of my favourite men." I push off softly. "I have to work right now. Maybe I'll save a little time just for you." I wink, and he laughs.

"Good thing I have to work too, then, huh, baby girl?" My insides tingle, as they always do when I'm around him. "See you after the set." He plants a kiss directly on the corner of my mouth. I blush beneath the mask before backing away. Ryan's friends laugh. I catch a familiar gaze. Spencer. I stick my tongue out slightly, and he wipes his hand on his jacket.  I smile, before walking away to find some guy who'll pay me for a lap dance. I hear the singer singing something about "paying in naivety". After the chorus, I know what to do. I stop what I'm doing, double clap, and pop up my right hip twice at the same time. I turn around to see Ryan staring at me. I wink, my lips turning up in a grin.


"God I missed you. Where'd you get off to, doll?" Ryan asks breathily as I grind my hips down onto his. His hands grip my waist. I get up, teasing, and he whines in protest, reaching out. I giggle a little. I hear people shouting, and wood banging open but I ignore it.

"Remember when the cops came last time?" He nods. "Well, I might've gotten caught and brought back to my parents. Then I was busy with a few things."

"Sarah, I missed you so damn much." He says. The pain in his voice hurts me a lot. He missed Sarah, and was ditching me to play here.

"Thank you. I missed you too." I say half heartedly.

"Hey, I wanna tell you something." He reaches in behind his head. The mask slips loose, and fall off of his face. That's the final straw.

"He's showing Sarah who he is, and yet he forgot about me for our date." I take off my mask angrily. Ryan's eyes go wide. I glare.

"Oh yeah, ditch me when you were supposed to take me out, to go to some strip club. Asshole." I storm out of the back room. I get about 5 feet into the main room before I'm caught around the waist by a policeman. I yelp, kicking my legs. The wig is ripped off my head.

"Oh, little (Y/N) (L/N), back again. Haven't seen you in a while." The guy feels my thigh. I throw my head back, cracking it on his nose. He lets go and I go to run. I hear Ryan yelling for me. Spencer grabs my hand protectively, trying to get me out.

"(Y/N) Sarah (L/N)." He says softly in my ear. "Shoulda known. Let's get you out of here!" He pulls me further, only to have us both stopped. I'm handcuffed, and shoved toward one of the cars.

"(Y/N)! Take me with her! That's my girl!" I hear Ryan yell desperately.

"You're girl is a whore!" The guy behind me spits at him. I'm pushed into the car roughly. I bite at the air at the policeman. He just chuckles at me, before shutting the door in my face. The door opposite is opened and Ryan gets shoved in next to me. The door slams shut.


"You coulda gotten out." I say, my voice laced with shock. "Why didn't you take the back entrance?" This time my voice is angry and sad.

"Last time I left, I didn't see you for 4 months. I'd rather get caught then risk losing you again." I move over in my seat to lean my head on his shoulder. "Sorry about ditching you tonight." He mumbles as the cops hop into the front. The sirens turn on, and we speed off.

"How dare you!" I tease, looking up at him.

"Well, at least I know I only loved you then." My eyes go wide. "Yeah, I loved 'Sarah', and then I loved you, but because 'Sarah' and you are the same person, I only loved you."

"I love you too, darlin'." He kisses my lips.

"Hey, love whores, shut up!" The policeman smacks Ryan's knee with his wooden stick. He grunts, shies away.

"Hey, jackass, don't touch him."

"I'll beat you too, lady!" I spit on his cheek. "You'll pay for that!" I can feel Ryan smile at me.

"Good luck with that! She's a fighter!" He sasses. The cop ignores that, and turns back to the front. He wipes his cheek off angrily. Ryan and I both laugh a little.

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