Found Me Running (Andy Hurley)

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I sit cross legged, strumming my ukulele softly, not looking up at anyone passing by on the busy street.

"Hey, do you sing too?" I look up at the woman and her child. I nod a little. "Any I'd know?"

"I can do some Led Zeppelin, AC/DC. Old rock?"

"Any Metallica?" I nod again, shifting my hands to begin the song. Singing the song too, the mother smiles down at me before placing 20 bucks in my uke case. I smile after her, finishing the song.

I'm technically homeless. Like, I don't live on the street, but I don't own my own house or apartment. I live in this complex with a guy, Faux, who gets people with musical talent, and he gets us to go out during the day and collect money, then come back at night and hand 3/4 of it in to him. It works. He gives me a place to stay, and I get to make a little money off of it.

Anyway, I'm leaning against some store, just randomly strumming tunes that pop into my head. I hear the door open next to me and look up to see an angry face.

"What do you think you're doing out here?" He growls. My eyes go wide, and I quickly pick up my case, throwing my instrument into it, before going to sprint away. He shouts after me, warning me not to come back. I slam into someone's shoulder, knocking them off balance. I stumble to regain my balance, still running. My cheeks are hot in embarrassment as I stop in an alley way, breathing hard.

"Just hold on. You almost have enough to get off for a few months. And you have that job interview to play at the coffee shop on Lanay next week. Just hold on (Y/N)."


I'm getting groceries for the home that night. I'm only half paying attention, trying to come up with somewhere I can go tomorrow. Someone's cart slams into mine, and mine spirals away into the eggs. My eyes go wide and I barely process what's happening as the eggs crash onto the ground. I see employees pop their heads out. I whip around, making eye contact with a cute auburn haired man with more tattoos than I can count.

"Hey, Miss, you're going to have to pay for those." I turn around, eyes wide.

"I didn't do that! I swear, it wasn't me!" I say desperately.

"Then who's cart is that with the eggs?" I breathe heavily.

"I swear, it wasn't my fault!" The man reaches toward me. I flinch away, before sprinting out of the store. I hear shouts of protest, and footsteps thunder after me. I curse as I keep running, my uke thumping against my back in its case. Someone's arms wrap around d my waist, and tug me into an alley. "Please, I swear it was the redhead! It wasn't me, he ran into my ca-"

"Shhh! They'll see you idiot!" The redhead hisses. His voice isn't low like I expected. He presses his hand against my mouth, pulling me behind the old car. I glare, biting his hand. He yelps in surprise, glaring back. "Don't do that!" I hear people run by, shouting for me. When they pass, I push away from him.

"You asshole! If they find me, they're going to make me give up my money for those damn eggs!" His eyes go wide as my words drip with venom.

"I'm- I'm sorry! It was an accident, but I was in a hurry. I just ran to grab drinks for my band!"

"And you weren't paying attention!"

"Well you weren't either! Look, I'm really sorry- Hey, haven't I seen you around?" He interrupts himself. I shake my head.

"I uhh, I have one of those faces, you know?"

"No, wait, I ran into you earlier! You run away a lot, don't you?" I remember back to earlier, when I ran into someone running from the shop owner. I nod a little. "Why?"

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