Thanks For Helping Me (Brendon Urie) Part 2

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It's been a few weeks and I haven't forgotten about Brendon. What an ass! Always in my head with that fucking smile! I told myself I'd forget him, but it hasn't worked so far. I have to pass that bar on my way to work, and every time I do, all I can picture is how he was genuinely interested in what I had to say, and his laugh. 

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) are you listening?" Annie snaps in my face, grabbing my attention

"No. Sorry, I just kind of zoned out again."

"Are you thinking about that guy who drove you home from the bar again?" I nod slowly. "Okay, well then it's settled. We are gonna go there tonight."

"What? No, I have work tomorrow morning. I have to start early, before anyone shows up to the site. Then I get to leave earlier and have the afternoon off."

"I'm sure you don't have to show up to the site at the asscrack of dawn again (Y/N). Come on, please?" I shake my head at Fiona. "Ugh, fine! You tell us what he looks like though, and we'll talk to him for you. We're going in like, an hour, so better tell us all you can about this boy." I look at the clock, seeing that it's only 4:00.

"He's not exactly a boy, Fia. And why so early?"

"Why not?" I roll my eyes smiling at her.

"Whatever. Start getting ready then and I'll start talking."

~~~~~~~~~~~~Brendon's POV~~~~~~~~~~

Someone taps my shoulder, shaking me out of my daydreams and I turn around. A pair of girls stand there.

"Hi! I'm not going to be dancing, or drinking. I'm actually working right now." I say as politely as possible.

"That's alright. We're here to talk to you about our friend (Y/N)." My eyes go wide as the redhead talks.

"You guys are friends of (Y/N)?"

"Yep. She didn't want to come tonight, but we thought we'd come and talk to you for her."


"Because she's been thinking about you constantly and it's annoying. We need our friend back, and we thought that if we talked to you for her, you two would do some-"

"What makes you think I want that?" I lie.

"Okay, if you don't, you can reject her, and she can back on being herself." The other says. I sigh.

"I don't want to reject her, but I don't really want to talk to this girl I met through one of my jobs."

"Why? Isn't she cute, and nice?"

"Well, yeah, like really cute, but still."

"It'll be fine. I'm Fiona by the way," the redhead sticks out her hand, "and this is Evelyn." 

"I'm Brendon."


The next day, I'm driving in the direction of Harley street, my body doing the actions while my mind is thinking about how stupid this is. I only talked to her once, and I don't know what apartment she's in! I get out of my car, taking my keys and stepping out. I'm met by a guy pointing a gun at me. My mind snaps to attention, my heart rate increasing immediately.

"I want your keys!" The guy shouts. My hands fumble for the keys to my car, and accidentally press the alarm. My car starts beeping and honking. I jump, yelping. "Turn that off! You're gonna-" I turn off the alarm and hand the keys over.

"Hey! Back off David!" I hear a female voice yell down at us. I look up, seeing (Y/N). "Brendon? David, back off. That guns not even loaded and you know it!" The guy, David, sighs and tucks the gun into his pocket, giving me back my car keys.

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