Dottie (Ryan Ross)

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The phone pressed to my ear rings and rings and rings. Finally, right before it goes to voice mail, he picks up.

"(Y/N)? Hey, what's going on?" Spencer asks.

"Yeah, hi, I need help." I reply, my words sounding like one really long word to my own ears. Thankfully, Spence understands what I said.

"With what?"

"Ryan's birthday is coming up and I sincerely can't thing of a single thing to get him. Ive thought it through, I've listened to everything he's said, even looked at what he's liking on Instagram, and I still don't know." God, I'm so stressed. My voice sounds desperate and tired in my own ears.

"Well, he has mentioned something to me, but I don't know. You wouldn't want to get it for him." Spencer sounds like he knows he shouldn't be saying this. My mind races, thinking of only one thing.

"No. No! He doesn't want a dog!" I almost shout. He sighs. Ryan knows I don't want any animals in our house. The only exception I've had is a stray cat who was on our doorstep for 2 days before I reluctantly brought him in.

"We were talking the other day, and I was saying how I'm planning on getting Linda a puppy for her birthday, and Ry had said 'oh that would be a great birthday present. That's, like, the only thing I can think of but (Y/N) would never allow it". He pulled up a picture on his phone of these cute little bloodhound puppies at the pet store, and was all excited. And, well, I just kinda agreed, knowing you wouldn't get him one, and-"

"I refuse. Isn't there anything else?" I cut him off.

"No. Not really. He was talking about how he loved your Valentine's Day-"

"Spencer!" I laugh, blushing. He laughs as well, doing a little snort. "Thanks, for helping. I still have a week, I think I can figure something out."

"Alright, good luck, (Y/N). See you at the party next week." I nod, humming before hanging up the phone.

"I am not getting Ryan a dog." I say determinedly.

~~~~~~~~~~~~4 Days Later~~~~~~~~~~

I'm bent at the waist, looking at the bloodhound puppies in the display case. They're wrestling, yipping, looking happy. One's sitting, looking at me, with a look on they're face that says 'buy me! buy me'. The last one is sleeping in the corner, unbothered by the noise.

I've literally thought of everything, and I cannot think of anything to get him except for a damn dog. I can suck it up, right? I can learn to deal with an animal in the house. Besides, Ryan will be there for the most part, taking care of them.

"Are you looking to take one out, Miss?" Someone asks me. I stand up, finding the lady who was at the front counter a moment ago.

"Yeah, I guess so. How many can I take out at a time?" My voice is unsure.

"We can get all of them in the holding area, if you would like?" I nod.

"The bloodhound puppies, correct?" I nod. She leads me to a small, fenced off space, and slowly brings all 6 of the puppies into the space.

5 of them play with each other, clearly happy to have a bigger space to play in, and the last one, the one who was asleep before, makes their way over to me, and paws at my hand. I slowly pick them up, and place them on my lap. The animal crawls up to snuggle their way into the crook of my neck, reminding me so much of Ryan, it kinda hurts.

"Fuck." I say softly, knowing I'm taking this one home.

"How's everything going over here?" The lady comes back, a smile on her face when she sees me.

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