How Road Trips End Up (All)

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You and B sing together to songs on the radio, but you both end up asleep when the other is driving. So whoever's driving ends up being lonely for a few hours before the other wakes up.


You have everything planned out for along the way. Who's driving when, when and where's you're stopping, snacks, drinks, and when exactly you'll be there, with and without traffic.


One of you will be driving, and the other will be  in the back seat, making sure everything fine, and that the driver has everything they need. There has been arguments about the driver being lonely in the front, and the person in the back will argue that it's more comfortable in the back.


You both hate driving, and you'd rather fly there and pay for a cab, but sometimes you think you'll be over not wanting to drive, but then both of you will bitch about it the entire time. It doesn't help that Dan thinks he's a great driver and criticizes you the entire time, and that he demands you don't talk when he's driving.


Phil doesn't drive, but when someone else is driving you guys somewhere, it goes well. You'll both lounge in the backseat, listening to music, snacking, and napping. There are hardly ever complaints, and when there are, it's about who ate the last of the snacks.

A little less than good

He drives, and he is a great driver, but he likes to tease you about sleeping so much in the car, and leaving him alone, to the point where you move to the back, and leave him in the front by himself. When you drive, he keeps you company, keeping up conversation, making sure you're alright, picking the music. Sometimes you'll smack his hand when he goes to change the station, because 'you've changed it 5 times in the past 10 fucking minutes Peter!'


You'll only take road trips if you're on tour with the guys, or if you're going somewhere with Declan and Ryan. With two extremely well behaved kids in the back, and you two up front, you get to your destination calmly, safely, and pleasantly.


Just, no. You and Joe don't take road trips. He hates being in the car for too long, and you get bored easily, so if you can fly out, you prefer to. Also, Ruby can't sit still long enough to take on road trips. Also, the one time you tried to take a road trip, Ruby was in tears, Joe was near tears, and you were half asleep and crabby. Not even going to mention what happened.


You and Andy actually love taking road trips to do something. You get all prepped to go, you have schedules for everything, and you do it. Everything works smoothly, and it's mostly quiet, except for the radio. You guys can entertain yourselves enough to get through it, and you both love seeing each other asleep in the passenger seat.

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