Snowflake (Ryan Ross)

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So this is gonna be a little story for the whole "what you call him" thing from the Ryan Ross catch up.

"(Y/N)! Lovely, I have a question!" He slides into your dressing room, only wearing socks, and half of his stage outfit. I frown at that, and the other dancers in the room scoff, or giggle at his antics. I just hum in response, focussing on my makeup. "(Y/N)? Hey, sorry, did you-"

"Yep, what do you need dork?" I say quickly, really needing to focus.

"Sorry, I can wait for you to be done, if you want?" He asks softly . I stop, knowing I might have got him thinking he did something wrong.

"I'm listening, don't worry. Just make it really quick so that you can finish getting ready, because you are only half ready!" I tease, smiling.

"No, it's fine. I'll talk after the show." He nods and leaves, sliding his way out of the door. Keltie, from my old studio, leans over and nudges me.

"He is literally the cutest! Keep him, kid, or I'll take him." I glare, getting protective. "What? Come on, he is cute. Wait, can I ask you something? About your relationship I mean." I nod, going back to my makeup. "Have you had your first kiss yet?" I pause.

"No. Not yet. We've only been dating for, like a week though." I try and pass it off like I haven't been thinking about the fact that he hasn't kissed me at all. Nothing. It's been all hugs, and fist bumps.

"Oh dear. If he hasn't kissed you yet, I don't think it's going to last sweetie. Well, I've gotta do my hair. See ya on stage!" She walks off, leaving me with anxiety forming in my stomach. What a bitch.


After the show, Ryan tows me into his and Spencer's dressing room, having already told Spencer he needed it for a bit after the show. He looks nervous, and it's slightly off putting for me for some reason.

"Umm, I don't know how to ask this, because for the most part I've been kinda assuming that you would say yes. Well, hoping anyway but, uhh, there's a Christmas party for the band in LA, and I want you to go with me. Mostly it's the band, and manager people, and the tour staff, but-" I half sigh, and half giggle at this. He stops babbling, blushing hard. I walk up and grab his hands.

"Absolutely. That sounds great." I smile and he just grins at me, looking so happy.

"Fantastic. I'll tell you about all the details closer to the date. I think it's December 13th? I figure it out. I'm also pretty sure it's semi-formal and I think that means-" I place a finger on his lips to stop his rambling.

"Ry, sweetie, stop rambling. Tell me when you figure everything out, but I have to go back to my bus now. See you tomorrow." I leave him flustered in his dressing room.


So, morning of December 13th, Ryan has decided he would take me shopping for my outfit for the party. He says I should wear black, "just because it'll look nice, and I don't ever see you wear anything dark". Fine, I'll do it. See if I like the way the colour looks. He's picking out black dresses, in my size, handing them all to me. He sends me to try them on, and waits in a chair outside the room. Slowly, I try them all on, and show them. Every time he shakes his head, getting a small frown every time he sees me. Oh. Okay.

"I don't think casual dresses are your style. Keep these here, we'll go try jeans, and a nice shirt, maybe." He turns around and for a moment I swear I get that stereotypical gay vibe for a moment. I go to follow after him, but something catches my eye. Something black, with silver.

"Dork! Come here." I call after him. I look at the size on the tag, and see that it's a size too small, but it looks baggy. Maybe it could. There's no other sizes either. Worth a shot. Ryan walks over and looks.

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