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Favourite thing about you:

His favourite thing about you is that you love him no matter what. No matter how many fights you get into, no matter what he says, you love him regardless because some of the stuff he says when he's angry, was only because he was angry.
You'd love him because you know there's no one you'd rather be with.

How you met:

You were a dancer for Panic! At The Disco during the AFYSCO era. You auditioned, and he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. He demanded to have you on tour, and so you were. Brendon and Spencer knew about his crush, and got you to start hanging out with them. You flirted, he was awkward and shy around you. Finally, he gave up when the dancers walked off stage one night, and demanded to take you out after the show.

How you sleep:

You two fall asleep, with you lying fully on top of him, but while you're sleeping, you move to where you're being spooned by him. His arm tightly around your waist, and your head tucked under his chin. You fit together like puzzle pieces.

First date:

After the show, he took you onto his bus, where they had a tv and a VCR player. He put in some shitty movie, that you two didn't really watch, but instead sat there and talked for about 4 hours. Finally you decided to go back to one of the dancer's busses, where you were staying.

"Wait, (Y/N). Umm, can we, you know, maybe do this, a-uhh-again some time?" He had stuttered out. You had raised an eyebrow at him

"You wanna go on another date? Is that what you mean?" He had barely even nodded, still shy. "Cool. Tell me your next day off and we'll hang out then. 'Night Ry!" You walked off the bus without another word.

Favourite thing about him:

The way he's protective around you. When you two were with Panic!, Brendon would always try and flirt with you jokingly, and, even though Ryan is really awkward, he would pull you toward himself, glare at Bren, then jokingly growl "no". In public, he'll always have his arm around your shoulders. Any opportunity he has, he'll give you his sweaters so that people know your his girlfriend.

How you hug:

Koala hugs. The tall, skinny, bean pole looking fucker himself, can somehow still be standing when you jump on him, wrapping your legs and arms around him. You'll warn him, run, and just throw yourself on him. Typically, you do jump when he's facing you, so he'll wrap his arms around waist, and bury his face in the space between your neck and shoulder.

What you catch him doing:

Bent over piano keys, he was humming She Had The World, in the middle of the night. When you asked him about it, he said he had a nightmare, and didn't want to bother you too much, so he had went to the small space you keep instruments in and went to calm himself down.


Hey, just so that everyone remembers, my girlfriend looked hot on stage during the A Fever era.

Yeah, and just so that everyone remembers, my boyfriend was fucking hot during the same era

Where your hands are when you kiss:

He puts his hands on your hips. Mostly because that's how he starts kissing you. He pulls you toward him by the hips.

Your hands are on his shoulders, because when he pulls you toward him, you almost fall, so you use his shoulders for balance.

First kiss:

The Panic! At The Disco Christmas part back in '06. You guys were talking in a doorway, and Spencer, who was shitfaced, informed you guys that you were standing under mistletoe. Once he walked away, distracted by Brendon doing something stupid. Ryan just blushed, and leaned down to kiss you softly.

"There." He said softly, blushing harder. He had walked away after that, swearing under his breath about how stupid that was, and you had just stayed there, baffled about how nice that felt.

What he calls you:

My world

What you call him:

Flake (like snowflake. After he walked away after kissing you, you found him outside, angry because it was snowing, and he got a snowflake in his eye)

Your child's first word:

Little Raelyn was hanging out with your guy's dog, when you called Dottie to go outside. Rae had gotten mad and started crying. Ryan rushed over and was explaining that Dottie was gonna be back when Rae suddenly yelled, "DOTTIE!" The pup came running back over and Ryan looked terrified.

"Did she just-" you started.

"She did." There was a pause.

"Rae you tal-" You had begun to say at the same time Ryan had started saying,

"Raelyn, no yelling in the house!"

What you do in the fall:

You don't really do anything. You guys just kind of go about your normal lives, and begin prepping for winter. You two prefer winter over  fall anyway.

Who's your best friend:
Spencer, of course.

Both you and Ryan talked to Spencer about how you felt about each other, and he's the one who pushed Ry to ask you out. You both still talk to him, and most commonly, he's the one you go to, for Raelyn's babysitter.

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