Jealousy (Pete Wentz)

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Pete's POV

I walk into the club, my sort of girlfriend,  (Y/N) holding onto my sleeve slightly, Patrick, Joe, and Andy following in behind us. Music pumps loudly through speakers, colourful lights flashing across the dance floor where people are pressed tightly against one another, dancing and jumping to the beat. (Y/N) tucks closer to me, shying away from the crowd, and bartenders walking past in a hurry.

"Alright, let's find a table." Patrick says. I barely hear him over the music, but nod in response, looking for somewhere to sit.


20 minutes later, I'm sitting next to Joe and Andy, Patrick and (Y/N) sitting opposite to us, 4/5 of us holding beers in hand. I distantly see her gesturing, while telling a story. My mind is elsewhere, thinking of other things.

"Why can't I just ask her to be my girlfriend? I mean, I love her enough to ask her, so what's my problem?" One part of my brain is saying.

"Remember what happened with Meghan? And Ashlee? Do you want that to happen again?" The other half argues.

"But like, she says she loves me, as much as I love her. I've heard her talking about this to Trick, and she wants me to say that we are dating. So why can't I just say that?"

"Pete! Are you here, buddy?" Joe waves a hand in front of my face. I snap back to attention, my cheeks going a little red.

"What? Is something wrong?" I ask, looking around to see (Y/N) and Patrick missing.

"Dude, what happened there?"

"I- I was thinking. I think I zoned out for a second. Where's (Y/N)?"

"She kinda stormed off because she thought you were ignoring her. She was talking to you, asking if you wanted to go dance, but you kind of zoned out staring at one of the bartenders, and she looked where you were looking and saw that. She grabbed Patrick's hand and just towed him over to the dance floor." My heart pounds, and my blood boils a little at that. I hear Andy snort as he shifts to the other side of the booth.

"What's so funny, Shades?" I demand. His smile fades to a smirk.

"You can't even pay attention to your girlfriend, even with her looking as hot as she is tonight , for more than 5 minutes." My heart pounds harder and I feel something snap in my mind at his words.

"She's-" Joe cuts me off.

"She's not my girlfriend!" He mocks. "I don't know what we are but we aren't dating!"

"She is my girlfriend," I point at Joe before turning back to Andy, "and I was going to say she's not yours to determine if she looks hot or not." I say, my voice sharp. I don't even hear my words as they come out of my mouth. "She's mine."

"Does she know that, because the way she's dancing with Patrick over there is making me think she doesn't know!" Andy says in a singsong voice. I look over to where he points to barely see my best friend and (Y/N) pressed right close to each other in the middle of the dance floor. I grind my teeth, glaring before making a quick decision I would have never made if she weren't to be wearing that, and the fact that I'm already pissed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your POV~~~~~~~~~~~

"But yeah, my sister was such an idiot! Like, how to you manage to cut off the end of your thumb with a dull knife?" I finish my story. Patrick, Andy and Joe laugh along, but when I look over at Pete, he's staring off somewhere else. "Pete? Hey, Pete, you good babe?" I ask softly, waving at him from across the table. He still doesn't pay attention. I see the other guys look away awkwardly before Joe starts up another conversation.

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