Secrets (Fall Out Boy)

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My phone buzzes harshly. I take off my soundproof headphones. AC/DC blares out of the speakers. I glare at my phone, putting down my laptop. I answer the call.

"Hey, (Y/N)! Are Patrick, Joe, Andy and I allowed to come over still?" I look at the time, realizing that it is time for them to come over.

"Yeah. Where are you?" I ask, frowning and realizing they're late.

"Outside. You forgot to unlock the door again." I sigh, hanging up and walking to the door. When I open it, Pete's giving me that stupid fucking grin of his.

"Get in, jackasses!" I say, heading back to my laptop. "I need to finish editing this picture, then I'm good to start recording with you guys." Yeah, I know. It's weird I record with them, but honestly, I'm the only one with proper sound equipment, and I've known Pete for ages. I'll do anything for the guy. Except die. I don't want to die because of him.

I sit down with my laptop again, pulling out my earbuds from the side. I play my music again, causing Iron Maiden to play loudly out of the speakers. Pete hops over the edge of the couch plopping down next to me. The rest of his friends sit calmly down, either on the floor or on my chair.

"When are w-" Patrick starts.

"Shush. Almost done. I need to get this perfect." I cut him off, really focussing on the picture. I just finish outlining the yellow raincoat of my friend, before I click the button that sets everything together. Busy street, grey clouds, pouring rain, tall buildings. Right in the middle of it all is Reese, with her bright yellow rain coat, red umbrella, and yellow rain boots. Everything is in black and white except her coat, boots and umbrella. I grin, lopsided and excitedly show the picture to Pete.

"Shit, (Y/N). That's awesome!" He praises me, clapping a hand on my shoulder. I quickly save the file, before opening the recording app I use.

"Okay, let's head to the studio." Studio being used lightly. There's a few chairs, a microphone, speakers, their instruments pressed to the sides, and mostly floor space. Honestly, it's more of an extra room I had no idea what to do with.

We all pick up our stuff and move. Andy immediately takes his place behind the drums, Pete, Patrick, and Joe picking up their second hand guitars.

"Okay, so last time we left off with this," I play a 30 second clip of their song, "and I know you guys like it, but I'm not right now. I'm gonna need Patrick to redo part of the guitar, and I think I want Joe to do it as well so that I can see which one I like better. Also, Joe, your backup vocals need to be done today, or the song won't sound as good." I say quickly, professionally. They all make noises of agreement, and Patrick mutters something that sounds like, "boss lady scares me", but I don't say anything more. I connect the microphone to my laptop, before everything is set up.


I nod my head along to the instrumental music playing off of my cd player. It's all done by me, edited, and strung together to perfection.

"Alright. Let's take a break, because I need to pee, and I don't think I can wait any longer. Does someone want to order pizza or something?" The guys nod, but Andy just holds up these weird looking noddles, that I'm going to assume are vegan. I nod at him then point at Joe. "You call. Here's my cell, ask Pete for the number if they ask for it." I toss him my phone before leaving. I hear the song change to a familiar beat, and a soft acoustic melody play. I walk into my bathroom. I hear Trohman order food, but after that it goes silent for a solid 10 seconds. Then there's hushed conversation. When I walk back in, there's that song playing still, and this time I hear it, I figured out who it is. It's one of their songs, but I recorded background vocals to go with Joe's.

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask, hiding my embarrassment about them hearing me sing.

"(Y/N), doll, is this you singing?" Patrick asks.

"No." I say, not making eye contact and my cheeks going flushed.

"Are you sure?" Pete stands up to be standing in front of me.

"Yeah, I'm sure. I actually found this girl online and asked her to send me a high quality video of her singing-"

"I know when you're lying, (nickname). I've known you for years, and you never told me you could sing?" He tilts my chin up and looks me dead in the eye. My cheeks flush harder.

"I didn't want to. To be honest, that was just a demo, and the CD is mostly just screw arounds." I explain. I push away from Pete.

"Do you have an originals we can hear?" Andy pipes up. It shocks me a little, because he doesn't really talk, just plays the drums while he's here. The fact that he wants to hear me sing, kind of makes me want to.

"I mean, okay then. Yeah sure, hold on." I flip through the tracks, trying to find mine. Once I get to it, I back away, and stand by the door. Turn Off The Lights plays, making me smile. This is a song I'm actually proud of. The only one I've created. The guys listen intently, and when the song ends, they all turn back to me.

"Who does the instrumentals?" Pete asks.

"I have a friend who plays the drums, but everything else is me. It's mostly just me screwing around, to be honest." There's a knock on the door.

"Well, it's amazing. Try not to keep secrets like this from us anymore. Or at least me." He pats my shoulder, before walking toward the door.

"Yeah, please don't. This is fucking awesome." Patrick's already busting himself with replaying the track. I smile slightly, hanging my head, and blushing. Pete comes back with the pizza, holding it on top of his head.

"Dork. Let's go eat, come on." I move to sit back over with my friends, my cheeks still pink.

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