Birthday- Fillie

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"Mills time to wake up!!" Sadie yelled, shaking a sleeping Millie. "Saddddddddssss I don't want to get up!" Millie groaned, throwing her pillow at Sadie.

"It's your birthday though." Sadie reminded Millie.

Millie jumped up, and got ready immediately. She wore a pink sweater, blue jeans and ugg boots.

"The others are waiting for you." Sadie said, before handing her a bag. Millie took it and opened it. Inside was a beautiful necklace that read "friends are our choice"

Sadie took her's out too. "Sadie..." Millie said, speechless. "Happy Birthday." Sadie said, smiling as she spread her arms out. Millie ran into them and they hugged for a while.

"Thank you." Millie whispered. Sadie pulled away. "Now lets go down there and you see the boys." Sadie said winking. Millie blushed knocking what Sadie was talking about.

Millie liked Finn, and Sadie constantly teased her about it.

"What about Caleb?" Millie teased back, smirking as Sadie's face turned red.

"W-We're just friends." Sadie stuttered. Millie smiled, dropping it.

"Let's go." Sadie said, pulling Millie to where the boys were waiting in the car.

The boys were excited to see them, especially since it was Millie's birthday. "Mills!" Finn yelled, stepping out of the car.

Millie ran to him and hugged him happily. Finn rested his chin on her head, and smiled to himself.

Millie tried to refrain from turning into a tomato, but came out with a pink blush.

They pulled away, both of their cheeks dusted with a hint of red.

The others watched smirking. "Hey lover boy, mind sharing the birthday girl?" Gaten teased, and Millie went to hug him.

She hugged each person, receiving happy birthdays from each one.

"We're heading to the trampoline park, so you can sit in the back with Finn." Caleb said, sitting in the drivers seat.

Next to him was Sadie, then Noah and Gaten, then finally Millie and Finn.

"How does it feel to be 14?" Finn asked, as they started to drive. She smiled, and shrugged.

"Not much different, to be honest." Finn chuckled.

Millie smiled, loving the sound of his laugh. She rubbed her eyes and yawned a bit.

"Tired?" Finn asked, gently. She nodded, before resting her head on his shoulder.

Finn's heart started to beat rapidly, he felt it would burst out of his chest. His hands became sweaty, and his face began to heat up. He was scared of the effect she had on him. It was hard to speak around her.

He loves her.

But he doesn't think she likes him back.

"We're here." Noah said, smirking at the sight. Finn nodded and gently shook Millie awake. "Hey, we're here." He whispered.

She smiled and kissed his cheek. "Thanks." He flushed dark red, and she bit her lip. She opened the door, and Finn followed soon.

They walked into the trampoline park, and started to jump. "Hey guys, can we talk?" Finn asked, jumping to Caleb and Gaten.

"Sure. What about?" Caleb asked. "Millie." Finn said, in an obvious tone.

"Oh right... the love of your life." Gaten said dramatically, placing a hand to his chest.

Finn bit his lip trying not to blush. "Holy shit." Gaten said.

"What?" Finn asked.

"You're blushing!" Caleb said. "You love her!" Gaten exclaimed.

"Shush!" Finn said. "YOU DO!" Caleb gasped. "SHUT UP!" Finn yelled.

Finn calmed himself down. "Sorry. What should I do?"

"Ask her out." Caleb said.

"But she doesn't like me back!" He said.

"She totally does." Gaten said.

"What? How?" Finn asked.

"Sometimes your total obliviousness just blows my mind." Gaten said, rolling his blue eyes.

"Sadie, Noah I need your help." Millie said, walking over to them.

"Sure, with what?" Noah asked, putting his hands in his pockets.

"So you know how I like Finn?" Millie asked.

Noah and Sadie nodded before Sadie quietly added "Love."

Millie glared at her, before continuing. "I want to see if he likes me back."

"He does Mills. Haven't you noticed?" Noah said. Millie's cocked her head, showing her clear confusion.

"He's always looking at you, smiling, his eyes light up when you walk in." Sadie listed. Millie bit her lip and looked down embarrassed.

"You should ask him out." Noah said, and Sadie nodded. "Okay." Millie said, shaking off the feeling of doubt.

Millie walked to Finn, as Finn walked to her,

"Finn I have something to say." Millie stated. "I have something to say too."

"Say it on 3. 3, 2, 1.."

"I like you." They both said. Millie giggled.

"Millie I've liked you for so long, but soon I realized I love you." Finn said, making Millie gasp.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked, nervously fidgeting with his hands.

"Yes, Finn. I would love that." She said, smiling as he hugged her.

"Finn." She whispered in the hug.

"Yes, Millie?" He asked, pulling away to look at her chocolate eyes.

"I love you too." She said, causing Finn to smile like an idiot.

He grabbed her cheek and crashed his lips against hers.

The others were fangirling, so happy that their ship was sailed.

"Get some Finn!" Caleb teased.

Millie pulled away, smiling.

"Happy Birthday, Mills." Finn whispered.

MILLIE IS 14!!!!!! HOLY SHIT I FEEL OLD! She is so amazing and I can't believe she's already 14!

MILLIE IS 14!!!!!! HOLY SHIT I FEEL OLD! She is so amazing and I can't believe she's already 14!

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Excuse me while I go cry....❤️

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