Colors of You (Red)- Fillie

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Holy crap it's Noah's birthday tomorrow, wtf. Also, starting a new kind of theme for a few chapters, but after (or in between haha) I will be posting other Oneshots. Enjoy ❤️




The color of the dress she wears, that hugs every single one of her gorgeous curves. The color of her lips as she smiles gently at me. The color I feel; of love and admiration. She smiles at me, and I feel my cheeks turn the color of red.

"Are you ready to go, Finn?" She asks me, and I feel my palms grow sweaty with nerves. "Y-Yeah." She takes her hand in mine, and leads me out of the large house in which we lived in.

Her red heels click against the sidewalk, as she pulls me along to the club we had agreed to go to. My eyes trail over her body, taking in every single inch of her that I am blessed to have.

Her hair is curled into tight coils, bouncing with each confident step she takes. Her curves that are gorgeous enough by themselves are amplified as she struts in her short red dress. I can feel her excitement flooding through her as we head to Club Red.

When we walk into the loud and crowded club, Millie pulls me to the bar. The red lighting of the club illuminates her features, and I feel my legs turn to jelly as I stumble after her. She takes a seat in the dark red stool, her eyes fixated upon the list of drinks they serve.

"Hello, Miss. What would you like to order?" The man behind the bar asks kindly, taking out a glass. "I'll have the tequila, please." She smiles at him, and he turns to the table behind him.

"Are you getting anything?" She asks me curiously, her hand rested upon mine, rubbing soothing circles upon the back of my hand.

"I'm good, I have to watch my drink intake if I'm getting you home, love." I smile knowingly at her, who sheepishly grins back.

Even in the dark red lighting, which makes it very hard to see, I can still see her bright red lipstick. Her lips are curved into a smile, and I feel my heart melt at how stunning she looks.

I had seen her in a dress before, all dressed up to look like a princess, and she always did. But tonight, she looked like a queen.

My queen.

Oh lord, how it felt so good to be able to call her mine. The way she smiled at me, the way she left red scratch marks on my back when I made love to her, the way her cheeks flared up when I kissed her neck.

All of those things, whether she noticed them or not, were mine to admire and cherish.

"Finn?" She asks, and I turn my attention back to her, clearing having been lost in a trance of my blessing of Millie Bobby Brown.

"Yes, love?" I ask, and she smiles nervously at me.

"I...I just wanted to say I love you." Her words are indeed random, out of the blue if you must call it that, but they don't fail to make me feel flustered.

Anyone would be overjoyed to have someone like Millie love them. And here I am, with the girl I wish to marry, and she loves me. It feels as if it's a fairy tale; the one your mother reads to you late at night, trying to lull you to a slumber as her soft voice whispers in your ear.

"I love you." I say, kissing her hand lovingly.

We don't say "I love you too". Adding the "too" makes it seem as if you are saying it as an afterthought; an addition to the three words that are a gift to have. To prove how much we do love each other, we don't say too. The three words mean everything, and we wouldn't want to ruin the true purpose by making it an afterthought.

She kisses my cheek, and I feel her red lip stick stain my cheek. The way her lips feel on any part of me drives me insane. Her soft lips are my reason of love and life.

"Here you go." The bartender hands her a small glass filled with a substance that is commonly known as tequila. She takes it gingerly, and raises it to her lips, downing it in one shot.

She places it down on the counter, pushing it towards the bartender, who turns to refill it.

"Be careful, Millie." I say, but a smile tugs at my lips as she playfully rolls her eyes. "Good lord, you sound like my mother." She mumbles, causing me to let out a laugh that is drowned in the music.

I lead her up the stairs, holding her small figure tightly in my arms as to make sure she doesn't fall over. She had too much to drink; her speech was slurred, her legs seemed to be liquid, and her thoughts were clearly not strung together well.

"I'm tiiiiired." She slurs, and I let out a grunt as I seem to be carrying all of her weight. "I know love, just try to pick yourself up the stairs, and then you can get some sleep, okay?"

She nods, and I slowly feel her weight shift to a balanced state. She moves slowly, as I'm still guiding her. Her hair is no longer in the right curls they were in before, and her eyes held an almost bloodshot appearance to them.

But even then, she looks gorgeous.

I guide her to our shared bedroom, and she quickly drops herself onto the bed, burying her head into the pillow. I hear a soft snore come from her, and I get the hint that she has fallen asleep.

I bend down to her feet, and unstrap her red heels, pulling them off her tired feet and placing them in the closet. I then take her purse, and place it on the bedside table. Finally, I move to her dress, and unzip it from the back, pushing it gently off her shoulders.

I then pull it all the way off, having to move her sleeping figure ever so slightly, and fold it, placing it on the dresser across from the large bed.

Her stunning body is complimented in her red lacy underwear, and I bite my lip. I plant a soft kiss on her neck, and then slip out of my clothes.

I climb into the bed next to her, and wrap my arms around her body, pulling her close to me. I feel the warmth from her body radiating against my skin.

"You are my red queen." I whisper to her, before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

I kind of like this theme, but then I ruined it with my trashy writing so :/ :/

Word count: 1111

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