How They Met- Fillie (AU kinda ?)

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this chapter is dedicated to my friend who sent me pictures of her answers on the math homework that i didn't finish— ur a life saver.

Millie, an ordinary 19-year-old girl, was roaming the paths in the city park, a set of flash cards in her hands. She was desperately trying to study for her college biology exam. The park was a relaxing place, but Millie soon realized that her cramming had made the calm atmosphere dissolve.

She concentrated on cancelling the other noises; the birds chirping, the dogs barking, the kids yelling, and the rustle of trees in the wind. It was frustrating to study in a suddenly noticeable loud environment, but Millie couldn't help but poke at herself for choosing to study here.

Her eyes are glued on her handmade flash cards, as she rapidly repeats the terms she needs to know inside her head.

She was, in fact, so involved in the flash cards, that she truthfully wasn't paying much attention to where she was walking.

Her studying thoughts were soon interrupted as she walked into a figure of someone at the park. She stumbles lightly, and drops her flash cards.

She takes a deep breath, and hastily scrambled up from the ground. She frantically apologizes to the person she ran into, as she tries to collect her cards before the wind gushes them away.

She sees the figure bend down to help her collect her cards. She jumps to reach a card that had almost flown away.

Once all the cards are collected, she looks up at her savior of her college grade.

His dark brown eyes pierce her's, slight amusement blazing in them. A soft smile tugs at his lips, and his freckles on his nose are clear at their short distance. He runs a hand through his curly hair, before handing her his collection of the cards.

"Thank you so much." She breathes, collecting them all and stuffing them into her jacket pocket for protection.

"No problem. What are you studying?" He tilts his head curiously, after flashing her a brief smile.

"Uhhh biology." She nervously tugs at the end of her sweater beneath her jacket.

"Do you study around here?" He keeps the conversation light and casual.

"Uhh yeah, I go to the college just a few blocks down. You?"

"I go to the music college a bit farther from here." He lightly smiles, subtly taking in her appearance. "Oh, my apologies, where are my manners? My name is Finn." He lightly smiles, stretching out his hand.

"Millie." She replies, shaking his hand gently.

"May I ask... why are you studying for biology at the park?" He lightly chuckles, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Just wanted a calmer place to study." She shrugs, the bitter wind making her cheeks flush a light pink (she insists it's the wind).

"You and I must have different definitions of calm." Finn laughs, gesturing to the small group of yelling kids.

She nervously chuckles, meeting his eyes once more.

"This is kind of abrupt... but would you like to get a coffee some day? Like... as a date?" Finn asks, running a hand through his mop of hair.

"Uhhh yeah, I'd love that." Millie smiles, as Finn's face brightens.

"Great! Could I- uh- have your number?"

"Oh yeah! Of course!" She slightly exclaims, and gingerly takes his phone and enters her phone number. She hands it back, and Finn grins once more at her.

"Well, I must be off. It was a pleasure meeting you, Millie."

"You too." She grins.

He starts walking away, a bit of a skip in his step. Millie grins to herself, before starting her walk back to her dormitory.

She plans on telling her roommate, Sadie, all about the event.

She was so glad she decided to go to the park.

it's been a while, and guys i'm so sorry for my trash updating schedule. everything in my life has been going up and down so writing isn't my top priority right now :(

but i hope u enjoyed that 💗

Word count: 616

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