Oops- Mileven

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Requested by @Mat_UwU
"Are you coming over today?" Mike asked through the Walkie-Talkie. "Of course, Mike." El replied, and his heart gave a small flutter of excitement. Sure, sometimes it was risky bringing El over, but both of his parents were usually away when she came over. But this time, Ted was on his two week vacation, and of course, all he wanted to do was stay home and sleep.

"Okay, but be careful, my dad may catch us." Mike said, concerned. "I will." She replies, and he could tell she was smiling. "I'll see you soon." He replied, and she giggled. "See you Mike." She replies, before cutting off. (Is that what they called it? Idk because it's not an actual phone. Just, she "hung up")

Mike ran to the bathroom, and checked his appearance. His hair was a mess, like usual, so he tried to fix it, but it only looked messier. Mike let out a sigh of frustration. "You win this time, hair." He mumbled, and changed into his favourite shirt, blue jeans, and some black socks. They never went anywhere, so they normally dressed pretty casual.

Mike walked slowly down the stairs, and looked in the living room, where Ted normally was. There, snoring deeply, was Ted. He sighed in relief, glad that he wouldn't have to worry about Ted. When his father is asleep, there's no way you can wake him up.

He begins pacing nervously around the entrance area. Moments later,a soft knock on the door is heard. He looks over at his father to make sure he didn't hear it. Still snoring.

He opens the door, and sees El standing there, grinning widely. He grins back. She still managed to look beautiful in just a loose sweater, blue jeans, and her converse. She wraps her small arms around his neck, and he wraps his around her torso.

He loved her hugs, he always felt safe. They pull away, and El looks around nervously. "Where is your dad?" She whispers, not knowing how deep of a sleeper he is. Mike turns around and points to the Lay-Z-Boy chair that his dad was crashed on.

She softly giggles, and his heart begins beating faster. "Is he a deep sleeper like Hopper?" She asks, and Mike nods. "Very deep. So you don't have to whisper. One time we had a party and he slept through it all." Mike shrugs, and she smiles at him.

"Let's go upstairs, and you can take your shoes off their in case he does happen to wake up, but I doubt he will." Mike adds, thoughtfully. She nods as he leads her upstairs. Memories flood back into her mind as she remembers when he first brought her here, after him, Dustin, and Lucas had found her in the woods. She was always grateful that they had went there in the first place.

She takes her shoes off in his room, and he sits down on his bed. "So what do you want to do?" Mike asks, curiously. "I kind of wanted to learn how to play Dungeons & Dragons." She shyly says. Mike's eyes light up, and he grins. "Of course! I would love to teach you!" He jumps up, grabs her hand, and brings her to the basement. El smiles shyly.

She had been nervous to ask him, because it might seem like it is intruding to the boys when they play.

She sits down next to Mike, who is already setting the game up. "Aren't you in the middle of a game with the boys?" She asked, not wanting to ruin the game for them. "Nah its fine, we finished the game a bit ago." He waves his hand, and continues setting the game up. She smiles, eager to play.

A knock hits the front door, and Mike can hear it, as it is loud. "Shit." He mumbles, and sends an apologetic glance at Eleven. She smiles reassuring at him. "I'll stay here, if it's your mom I'll hide." She says,  and he nods.

He runs up the stairs, and opens the door. There, standing eagerly waiting at the door, was Dustin, Lucas, and Will. He smiles at them. "Hey..." He says, and they all reply with greetings. "Can we come in and begin another game of a Dungeons and Dragons?" Will asks, politely. "Like he'd say no." Dustin snorts. "It's still nice to ask." Will mutters. Mike let's them in. "Okay but...ummm..." Mike tries to find the right words.

"What's wrong, Mike?" Lucas asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'll show you." Mike says, taking them down to the basement. Dustin and Lucas grin when they see El waiting at the table. "Ohhhh." They say in unison, but Will stares confused at the girl.

"Who is she?" He asks Mike, clearly confused. "Oh, right you two have never met. Well, this is Eleven, but we call her El. She saved our lives, she closed the gate." Mike explains, and Will nods. He walks to her, and holds a hand out. "Hey, I'm Will. Mike just told me how you saved my life, and I wanted to say thank you." Will says, smiling. She smiles back, and hugs him.

He is a bit shocked at first, but hugs back. "Awww this is cute." Dustin says, and Lucas laughs. "Well she did save my life, multiple times." Will says, pulling away.

"Okay, so what is she doing here for?" Lucas asks, curiously. "She wanted to learn how to play Dungeons and Dragons." Mike shrugs, and El blushes embarrassed. "If you guys don't want me to, that's fine. I get that it's kind of your thing." El adds, looking at her feet. Mike looks over at her, sadly.

He feels bad that she thinks it's intrusive. Please say yes. He thinks to himself.

"Of course!" They all say, happily. She smiles, relieved. "Why don't we start a game together?" Dustin suggests, and they all agree. Mike finishes setting it up, and they begin playing.

El starts to get used to it, and begins understanding the game. She actually really likes it. "Cast protection!" They all suggest, as Mike yells that any army of Troglodytes had come.
Hours pass, and soon Mike halts. "Wait, guys... I think it may be time to go." Mike says, looking at his watch. He casts a nervous look at Eleven, who nods. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom real quickly." She says, and gets up to go to the bathroom.

She walks slowly up the stairs, and soon is in the kitchen, and she freezes when she sees that Ted had gotten up. He stretches and turns around. They meet eyes, and El begins panicking. "Who are you?" Ted asks. She opens her mouth to say something, but nothing comes out.

"Ummm... my name is... El." She says, uncomfortably shifting. He furrows his eyebrows together. "Mike never has a girl over... why are you here?" He asks, accusingly. She panicky slightly, and begins hyperventilating, trying to answer his questions without telling too much.

"What's taking so long?" Mike asks himself, but the boys heard him. "I don't know, maybe you should check on your girlfriend." Dustin says, wiggling his eyebrows. Mike flushes red, but goes upstairs anyways. He freezes when he sees El panicking. "El?" What's wrong?" He asks, walking to her and trying to calm her down.

"Ted." She breathes out, and he turns to see Ted, standing there with his arms crossed. "Shit." He breaths. "Language." Ted sternly says."

"Why do you have a girl over?" He asks, pointing a finger at El, who had slightly calmed down. "Ummmm... she needs help with science!" He blurts out, and she looks at him, confused. He gives her a look that says "just go with it". She nods. "Yes sir... I'm not doing well in science, and Mike is helping me." She says.

Ted nods. "Okay then... just don't do anything you two." He smirks, realizing the farthest he had ever gone with a girl was talk to one about homework. But little did Ted know, his son had gone farther. Mike nods, and grabs her hand, leading her upstairs. "You may want to leave." He says, and she nods. "Thank you for letting me come. Sorry I got caught." She says.

"Hey, it's not your fault. I thought he would sleep longer." He says. "At least know we have an excuse." He smiles. She grins back. "Do you still need to go to the bathroom?" "Not anymore." She chuckles. "I'm going to leave while I still can. Bye Mike." She says, as she slips her shoes on.

She is about to walk down the stairs, when she stops and turns around. He looks at her, questioning her actions, but she simply smiles, and grabs his cheek, smashing her soft lips on his. He blushes bright red, and kisses back. "I'll see you again, Mike." She smiles, and he nods, still in a trance.

Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing that they were caught.
I hope I did well on that chapter XD

I hope you guys enjoyed, and please send more requests if you have any!

Thank you again @Mat_UwU for the request, I had a lot of fun writing this.

Bye guys!

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