Grey- Mileven AU

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AU: the au is explained in the story, but here's another part you should know. In this chapter, Eleven doesn't have her powers. She is a normal girl, without the tortured past she was given in Stranger Things (she deserves a happy life am I right?)

Also; this chapter is a vent chapter. So expect some sad content.


"Mike!" Eleven groans, as Mike lifts the blanket off of her barely awake figure. "What, El?" He laughs, as she buries her face deeper into the pillow.

"I don't want to go to school." She mumbles, her voice muffled against the white fluffy pillow. He leans down to her, and tugs at her small hand.

"Come on babe. It won't be that bad." He pulls her, but she forces her strength upon keeping her weight on the bed.

"Yes it will!" She says, lifting her face from the pillow, and wincing as a bright light shines to her eyes. She squeezes them shut, not ready to adjust to the bright lighting of her room.

Mike and Eleven were 17 years old, and Mike often stayed at her house overnight, to help her with her night terrors.

She opens her eyes, and shifts her body to look at Mike, who was grinning down at her. Admiration twinkled in his eyes as he stared at the girl who was his soulmate.

He still remembers the day everything changed.

All he could see was grey. He didn't know what color anything was, but that was how it had been since he was born. It was how everything was for anyone. All you see is grey until you meet your soulmate, in which your world would finally be filled with color. But Mike was now 15 years old, and he still hadn't met his soulmate. Most of his friends had already met their soulmates, and were off in a happy relationship with them. Mike had constantly wondered if he even had a soulmate, if the universe decided to make him fit perfectly with someone.

He walked down the crowded sidewalk, his hands stuffed in his hoodie pockets as his feet guided him to the sandwich store he visited frequently. His head was down, but he knew the way like a map was etched in his mind.

He opens the store door, and walks towards the counter of the shop. "Hey, Wheeler!" The cheery voice of Bob Newby causes Mike to lift his head.

He smiles, giving Bob a small hello. "Your usual?" Mike nods, handing Bob a 10 dollar bill. "No, no, no! On the house!" Bob grins, pushing the money away with his big hands.

"Really?" Mike inquires, and Bob nods eagerly. "You've been a regular here for so long, you deserve it!" He smiles, before turning to the kitchen. Mike stuffs the bill back into his hoodie, a soft smile upon his face.

The sound of a bell ringing chases Mike to turn around, and his eyes fall upon a girl, around his age, standing at the door. Her brown hair rests gently upon her angelic face, and her brown eyes fall upon him.

Wait. He can see color.

"H-Hi." He stutters, taking in the strange feeling of finally being able to see color. She too seems in a state of utter disbelief. "Hi." She breathes, and walks to the counter beside him. Her eyes never leave him.

"I... I don't want to be weird but I see color now, so I think you may be my soulmate." He blurts out, and her cheeks immediately flush to a soft pink that he wishes could stay within his mind forever.

"Yeah... me too." She smiles, and he nervously runs a hand through his curly hair. "I-I don't really know what people do when this happens." She admits, and he chuckles.

"How about I take you out for dinner?"

"Fine." She huffs, rolling off of the bed and falling ungraciously to the floor. "Fuck." She mumbles under her breath, her body entangled in the blankets that decided to join her in her tumble.

He laughs loudly at her, and she jokingly flips him off, causing him to laugh harder. "Help me!" She whines, stretching out her hand, and he grabs it, pulling her up.

"But don't ever make me wake up before 7 am, got it?" She shakes her finger sternly at him, walking to the bathroom to change out of her pink pajamas.

Time skip brought to you by Joyce's Christmas lights

"Come on, El. Where are you?" Mike mumbles, having knocked on her door for the fifth time, still receiving no reply. The worry that was bubbling in his stomach was on the edge of bursting.

"Mike?" A voice asks, and Mike turns to see Hopper standing behind him, a curious look upon his face.

"Mr. Hopper. Where's El?" He asks, his voice shaking with dread. "I-I don't know. She's not here?" He asks, and Mike shakes his head.

A loud scream is heard, and Hopper snaps his eyes away from the young boy, and towards the street the noise was heard from. "What was that?" Mike asks, his eyes darting towards the same street Hopper was staring at.

Hopper doesn't say anything, but breaks into a sprint towards the street. Mike bites his lip, before following the sheriff quickly. "Please don't!" The same voice screams, and Mike gasps at the familiarity of the voice.

He knew that voice anywhere. El.

He sprints faster, and turns into the alleyway. He freezes, his eyes scanning the terrifying scene. Hopper stands a few feet ahead of Mike, his eyes glued upon the sight. Eleven is pinned against the brick wall, her nose bleeding as a man with a black hood covering his face holds her throat in his right hand.

"El." He chokes out, feeling tears begin to bubble in his eyes. "Mike!" She screams, her eyes staring helplessly at him. "El!" He replies, rushing to the man and tackling him to the ground.

They wrestle for a moment, the man pinning Mike to the concrete ground. "You son of a bitch." Mike hisses, punching the man across his face, causing him to fall backwards.

Mike takes the moment of weakness to lift himself up, and rushes to El who wraps her arms around his neck. She sobs against him, and he too lets a few tears slip out of his eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks, cupping her bloody face. "A bit hurt. But I'm fine." She whispers, and weakly smiles at him.

"Mike!" Hopper yells, and Mike turns to Hopper. The man fires his gun at Mike, the bullet piercing his chest. El lets out a mangled scream, her sobs rising to her throat as his body drops to the ground.

Blood pours out of his chest, and Eleven drops to her knees, lifting his head into her lap. "Mike, please don't die. You can't." She cries, cupping his pale face. His face continues to grow pale, and he raises a hand to tuck a piece of hair behind her ear.

Her vision flashes grey before returning to color, and her heart rate increases.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be with you any longer." He whispers, and his hand falls to his side. She feels his body go limp, as her vision fades into a dark grey color.

"No!" She screams, clutching his body to her chest. She just wanted him to wake up suddenly, and give her his classic crooked grin.

But she knew it wouldn't happen.

He was gone now.

Torn from the world, leaving her alone.

She sobs, clutching him closer to her body, not caring if her outfit was collecting blood.

"Please don't leave me."

Word count: 1223

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