Stress- Mileven

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it's been a while, but i finished my exams (for now) and this chapter is kind of based on how my weeks have been going lately— but sadly i don't have a boyfriend or anyone to comfort me :(

let's just begin, yeehaw 🤠


"Mr. Johnson is the worst!" El groans, pulling out her large amount of homework.

She enjoys going to school, she really does, with new sights and information and people, but she hates the work piled on her.

Mr. Johnson, her math teacher, was the worst of her teachers. It was like he hated kids and despised giving them any free time. He constantly assigned book work, multiple papers, needs to study for a test, and just useless things.

Mike sniggered lightly, but covered it with a fake cough.

"It can't be that bad, El." He grins, having already finished the homework in class.

El loved him, she really did, but she was so annoyed that he had to be so smart in all of his classes. It just wasn't fair!

She finishes pulling all of her homework out, and stacks it onto Mike's lap. He lets out a soft groan from the weight.

"Shit, El." He mumbles, flicking through the multiple papers.

"Help me?" She softly pleads, pouting at her boyfriend.

"Fine," he sighs, and takes out her planner. "Let's see... you have history, math, and science work due tomorrow."

She nods glumly, pulling the history, math, and science work from the small stack.

"Let's start with history, hm?"

She takes a deep breath, before grabbing her pencil and pulling the history work towards her.

"What year did WW2 start?" She mumbles to herself, before beginning to write down the answers to what she knew.

History was her favorite class, but like all of her classes, the homework wasn't fun.

After she finished, with a loud huff and a small chuckle from Mike, she moves to her science work.

She wasn't the best at science, but she knew that Mike was.

"What part of the brain controls movement?" She bites her lip, her mind blank. She peers up at Mike, and nudges him.


"Help me with the science homework." He grins, and looks at her paper with her.

"The cerebellum." He states, pointing at the first question.

She nods, scribbling down the answer.

The science homework took longer than the history homework, but Mike mostly helped her with this one. After answering all 20 questions, she hesitantly pulls out the math homework.

Math was, to say kindly, terrible. She didn't understand half of what they learned in the class. At least with her other classes, she eventually understood them. But math? That was a lost cause for El.

"If 23x + 15 = 13x - 17, what is the value of x?" She mumbles the question, reading it multiple times inside her mind.

"The fuck if I know." She sighs, throwing down her pencil. She leans back on the floor, and feels tears brim her eyes.

It was so stressful to go to school. She was eager to go a while ago, but now, she deeply resented the majority of it.

Lunch was okay, the food wasn't stellar— but seeing as they had lunch so late in the day, she could've eaten a bowl of soggy worms and not cared— and it always smelt weird. Yet she enjoyed talking to the party members (especially Max, seeing as they moved on from past emotions of jealousy, and soon became best friends.)

Homeroom was fun, since her teacher was a softie, he allowed them to talk amongst themselves and play games and whatnot. While the purpose of homeroom was to study, nobody really followed it. What was better, was she had Homeroom with Mike and Will, who were great friends (along with Mike being an amazing boyfriend.)

Gym was great, if you forgot about the exercise. They worked the students hard, and while El did enjoy the free days more than the actual work out days, she got to hang out with Dustin and Max, and see Dustin make a slight fool out of himself.

History was probably the only class she actually enjoyed. She has the whole party in her class (and quite fortunately, they all sat together) and was actually the best student in the class. She loved learning about different events in the past.

But everything else? Rubbish.

"El, what you have to do is subtract..." he trails off, leaning over to see El in tears. "Oh El..." he whispers.

He pulls her up and into his chest, wrapping his arms around her waist as her body slightly shakes in his chest.

"It's stressful. I still have a project due Thursday, and a test on Wednesday... I just... I hate it." She gasps out, crying gently against his chest.

He pulls apart and grabs her shoulders, looking into her glassy eyes.

"El. I know it's hard. It sucks, going to school. But I'm here for you, and I will help you out. So will everyone else in the party, we all care about you. School is something new to you, but we're willing to help. Let's get this math homework done, and then we can play some Dungeons and Dragons, how about that?" He says gently, and El slightly smiles at him.

"Okay." She smiles. Mike wipes her tears off her face with his thumb, and places a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"I love you." She whispers, and he slightly blushes.

"I love you too." He grins, before they work to finish her dreadful math homework.

Word count: 886

love u guysssss 💓💓💓

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