𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮- mileven

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word count:

storms... a smidge of angst if u really look, one swear word. just overall fluff :)

summary: what was planned to be a relaxing vacation turns into a shattered glass door and a shaking el

a/n: another request! this was requested by @Mintiie1 (thank u for the request :) hope u enjoy ❤️)


"I promise, El. This is going to be the greatest vacation ever!" Mike was bouncing on the balls of his feet, desperately wanting- no needing- her to agree so he could take her to a relaxing getaway.

"Mike," she drags out his name, running a hand over her tired face. "You've been asking me nonstop for a week! What is this place you want to go anyways?"

He shakes his head, his hair (which was now starting to grow curly) flopping against his forehead. "It's a surprise, El. Just please let me take you there. We both really need a break from Hawkins."

El sighs, lifting her head from her pillow to lay her head against his chest, his calming heartbeat beating against her ear. "Fine. But this better be the best trip ever."


It wasn't.

Thing had begun easily enough, no rough bumps yet. They had arrived to Hawaii and El had already fallen in love with the beautiful place. The hotel they rented was gorgeous, and much to Mike's surprise, within budget.

So there they sat, El curled into Mike's chest, one arm loosely wrapped around her waist as the other hand ran gently through her defined curls. In El's hand were some picture they had taken during the trip, memories she wanted to cherish until she laid on her death bed.

"Thank you, Mike." El's voice is so soft that Mike almost can't hear it against the rain that had just started to fall. Her words were seeped with affection, her eyes shining brightly at him.

"Anything for you, my love." He places a soft kiss on her forehead, before getting up and helping her set up for a night time cuddle in the hotel bed.


El awoke from her deep slumber to the sound of a soft rumble coming from outside. She lifts herself slowly from Mike's arms, cautious as to not awaken him. Her body was wrapped with one of his t-shirts (much too big for her small body, but she didn't care- seeing as it smelled of Mike's cologne) and some sleep shorts.

She shuffled her way to the hotel kitchen, walking around as quiet as a mouse. She didn't know why she had made such a big effort to be quiet; any noise she made would surely be drowned out by the storm outside.

She fills her cup with water, and slowly tips it to her lips. She stood there, against the cold counter, watching the flicker of thunder every few beats.

She places the water glass down, and decides to step out onto the balcony, making sure to secure the door behind her.

She always had a fascination with storms. They calmed her, somehow. She appreciated the low rumble of the thunder, and how the sky danced in dark colors, the occasional flash of lightning illuminating the sky. Her eyes twinkled against the flash of lightning,

The small pellets of rain kiss her soft skin, and she giggles lightly. Rain was one of her favorite things to feel against her skin, only below Mike's gently caress of course.

She turns on her heel, ready to return to Mike's embrace, feeling drowsiness dawn upon her. She grabs onto the handle, pulling it gently.

To her confusion, there is no avail. She pulls the handle once more, this time with more force. Again, the door stubbornly refuses to budge.

She now feels anxiety begin to bubble in the pits of her stomach.

She knocks on the glass door, hoping that it will do something. "Help!" She lets out, her voice cracking along with the thunder.

She doesn't notice the tears sliding down her face, as they blend in with the once soft pellet of rain, now harsh and aggressive.

She lets out a choked sob, sliding down against the wall do the balcony, pulling her knees to a tight embrace against her chest.

Her breathing was erratic, and the tear-rain mixture clouded her eyes.

"El!" A voice calls muffled, as a hand pounds against the door.

Mike had been awoken not long before, and immediately noticed the lack of presence in his arms. He had searched the hotel room for El, until his eyes had found her small body trembling on the balcony. He didn't remember exactly what happened after that, because before he knew it, the glass door was shattered and he was kneeling in front of El's cowering body.

"El..." he whispers, running a hand against her arm gently. She peers up from her arms, tears sparkling in her honey colored eyes.

"Mike." she whispers, before he pulls her into a tight yet gently hug, his arms running up and down her back in an effort to calm her.

"You're okay, you're okay." he whispers, his soothing voice beginnings to calm her.

She chokes out her last sob, before he pulls her up with him.

Mike picks her small body up bridal style, and steps through the now broken door. "Shit." he pauses, now noticing the small puddle of rain spilling onto the hotel carpet. He sets her down on the couch, before substituting the glass for a curtain he found buried in the staff closet.

"You really broke the door." she monotones, and he shrugs.

"Anything for you, baby." he grins, taking her to the bed, but not before replacing both of their damp clothes.

He pulls her to his chest against the bed, as the soft rumble of the thunder behind to fade from her ears. As she's about to drift off, she tilts her head up to Mike.

"I'm not paying for it."


this is... not the worst thing i've wrote... (looking at my school essays)

hope u enjoyed this and keep sending ur requests! they're so cute 🥺

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