Colors of You (Yellow)- Fillie

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This chapter contains major fluff. You may die from it.

Should I do a q&a? (Inside a chapter)



The color of the sundress she wears. Her body is laid down upon the field of yellow roses, her face angled up towards the bright yellow sun. The sun beams down on her, her face lighting up under the sun's intense gaze.

But she doesn't flinch. Her eyes are closed, giving her the appearance that she is asleep. But I know fully well she is still awake. She mumbles words softly, her gorgeous voice like an instrument in a song that I had been missing for my whole life.

A small smile forms on her lips, and she opens her eyes slowly. She stares up at the sky, squinting slightly, before turning her head to me.

"What are you staring at?" She giggles, her eyes lit up with joy. I feel my cheeks grow hot, and I turn to the sky.

"Nothing." I mumble, lifting my eyes up towards the sun. The ball of light satisfies me, even with its intense light, it is a beautiful mystery of the universe.

I lean forward, and my eyes fall upon a single yellow rose in the midst of the thousands. Unlike the others however, it hasn't fully blossomed.

I pluck it carefully from the field, and lean back down to the ground, handing the not yet bloomed flower to Millie. She takes it delicately, and stares at it with a questioning gaze.

"You are a lot like that flower, Mills." I start, as she lifts her eyes to me with a confused smile. "You're different from people, but still, you are beautiful. You don't exactly fit what society tells girls to be, but you have the potential to be even better."

She raises an eyebrow at me, and I instantly curse myself. "I-I mean.. you already are... b-beautiful, but like.. you can be even-even better than now. I didn't mean that! I mean... you're perfect, but different. A-And that's great. I-I'm just going to stop talking." I bury my head in my hands, my cheeks flaring.

I have a huge crush on Millie, and had one since we were 8. I was always flustered around her, because she was just so perfect. But this made me feel I had lost all chances of being with her.

I feel a hand on my hands, and I feel it pull my hands off my flustered face. I looks up at Millie, who was a bright grin on her face. She is practically glowing with happiness, and I feel my heart melt to my feet.

"Thank you." She smiles at me, holding the yellow rose in her other hand. She presses a gentle kiss on my cheek, and leans back, her cheeks tainted.

She returns to her position, holding the flower in her hand gingerly as she smiles up at the sky. Her smile seems to be brighter, filled with more joy than before.

I place my hand over her free hand, and intertwine our fingers. She smiles, and closes her eyes.

I close my eyes too, my head faced towards the bright sun.

I then feel a pair of lips on mine, causing me to open my eyes in shock. Millie hovers over me, her lips softly pressed against mine.

I stare at her features for a few seconds, before cupping her face, pulling her closer to me. She falls onto me, and I smile into the kiss. I wrap my arms around her small body, and she pulls away.

Her face holds a nervous smile, and I bite my lip, watching as she picks slightly at the yellow rose.

"Wow." I breathe, and she smiles more genuinely. "I-I like you Finn." Her words bring an enormous joy to my heart.

I cup her face once more, and press my lips against hers in a simple but all the while extraordinarily amazing kiss. She places her hand on my cheek, and the other gently wrapping around my waist, the yellow rose still in hand.

I awkwardly place my hands on the small of her back, this was my second kiss, the first being the first kiss with Millie. But as soon as my hands find her back, it all feels like heaven on earth.

The bright summer sun beams down on us, almost as if enjoying our moment as much as I am. She pulls away, a huge grin on her angelic face.

"I like you too." I smile, and she grins. Her eyes trail to the roses, and she plucks one, bright and full of a gorgeous yellow pigment, and hands it to me.

"Thank you." I whisper, and she nods sheepishly. She moves closer to me, and rests her head upon my shoulder. I smile, wrapping an arm around her body that is snuggled against me.

I could stay here forever. In a large field of yellow roses, with the bright summer sun shining down upon us, with Millie by my side. No talking, no actions, just peaceful silence.

And that's why I love Millie. She doesn't need to dress up like a Barbie doll to have fun. She finds beauty and uniqueness in the simple things.

Her favorite color is but the simplest of all; yellow. Her favorite food is simply pizza. Her favorite movie is simply The Notebook. She is a simple girl, not needing everything to be huge and expensive.

On her 12th birthday, I blanked on what to get her. She had been my best friend for 5 years then, and I knew practically everything about her, but when it came time to get her a gift; my mind was empty.

So, I decided to buy her a simple yellow beaded necklace. It was very simple, and not very expensive, but it still was very elegant. I nervously handed her the bag, scared she would say I was a terrible friend for not knowing what to give her.

But to my surprise, she loved it. She wore it every day, a constant reminder of our friendship.

Millie didn't need everything perfect. She found amazing things in the simplest of items.

And we may not be dating now, but if I can just sit her, under the yellow sun, with her in my arms, everything is simply perfect.

So today in math class, I was really upset. I didn't really have a valid reason; but my depression comes randomly. So I was really quiet(er than usual), and when my crush asked me for a jolly rancher (haha again), I gave it to him with few words. He asked me if I was okay, and what was wrong. Me being me, I said I was fine. He then said "I know you're not fine, I know when people are upset." And it kind of made me a bit happy that he was (the only) person to ask if I was okay. But then class started, so he had to go back to his seat a few rows behind me. But, I got some amount of courage for some reason, and wrote a note to him. I asked "do you actually care if I'm upset?" And I walked to his desk, placed the note, and asked the teacher (not far from him) if I could go get a drink of water. I left and instantly began to regret my actions. But when I returned, he walked to my desk and gave me the note back. I'm not going to say exactly what it said, but it was sweet. I replied again, and snuck the note to his desk. He then replied, but didn't get the note to me very well. It was intercepted, and I instantly panicked. I tried to snatch the note back from the girl who got it, but she threw it to a friend of mine, who opened it and read what we had written so far. She looked back at me, and said "aw" I was confused so I took the note and read it. It was nice what he said, and I felt butterflies. She then said "I ship you guys" and then teased me when I looked over at him by saying "*my name* and *crushs name* are dating!" I was flustered that he actually was being nice to me. The note passing went on for the rest of the class; with few remarks from my friend saying she shipped it. Class ended (it was my 8th period) so we had to go home. I got home and wrote back, and I'm going to give it to him at school.

That was a long story time, but it made me giddy to think that he cared. He may not like me back, but at least we can be friends.

Hope you enjoyed ❤️

Word count: 1046

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