Too Late- Mileven~ Part 1

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"Come on El, faster." El mutters to herself, trying to run faster, but her short legs won't allow her.

"MIKE!!!" Dustin yells, squirming in Troy's grip. Mike lets out a shaky breath, moving closer and closer to what he knew would be his ultimate death.

El's legs begin to feel numb, but she pushes forward, knowing what might be happening not far from her.

"DENTISTS OFFICE OPENS IN 5!" Troy yells, holding the knife closer to Dustin's squirming neck. Mike sighs deeply, wishing he could have said goodbye to Dustin and thank him for supporting him daily.

"4!" He wishes he could have seen if Will would make it out of the hell he knew Will was living in. He wishes he could have helped him, and make him feel welcome back into the real world.

"3!" He wishes he could have told Lucas how he stole his action figure when he was 7. He wishes he could have fixed what they had broken.

"2!" He wishes he could have thanked his parents, because even if they couldn't care less, they gave him his life. He wishes he could have told Mr. Clarke what a good teacher he was, and thank him for inspiring his passion for science.

"1!" And finally, he wishes he could have told El how she made him feel. He wishes he could have told her that he wanted the world for her, so she would never be unhappy, and would always have people to love her likes she deserves.

"NOW!" Troy yells, and Mike takes the step. He immediately feels wind gush at his face, and he lets out a loud scream. He looks down, seeing the quarry come closer and closer to him.

He squeezes his eyes shut, waiting for his last moment to end. SPLASH! His body hits the water with such a force that he immediately is greeted with eternal darkness.

"MIKE!!" Dustin screams, and runs to see the heart breaking sight he dreaded would become. Dustin feels tears brim his eyes.

Troy had let go of him, and stared shocked at the water. "YOU DID THIS!! YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!!" Dustin roars, punching Troy in his nose.

El hears the yells, and sees Troy laying on the ground, nose bleeding. She runs to Dustin, and he immediately softens his gaze, tears falling.

"Mike?" She quivers.

"He's... he's gone, El." Dustin chokes, and El feels numb. She falls down, and Dustin rushes to her. "G-Gone?" She sobs, crying harder. Dustin nods, hugging her shaking body.

Troy and his goon run, fast, not looking back.

Dustin and El just sit there, allowing all their tears to fall out, as their hearts are broken. They had lost Mike.

El could never tell him how happy he made her feel. How safe she felt when he was with her, and how grateful she was that he had given her so much.
6 months passed. El was living with the Henderson's, Dustin was kind enough to allow her to stay. She stares at her reflection, tears pricking her brown eyes that had lost hope that day 6 months ago.

The worst thing about his death, was that they never found his body.

He never got to see Will return, and Will was more than heartbroken to find out that his best friend had his life taken to save Dustin.

"Hey, El." Dustin says softly. El looks over at him, and he softly smiles. "How are you doing?" He asks, regretting asking that question.

"Fine." She simply says, playing with the necklace Mike had given her when he took her to his school.

"I know. I miss him too. And it's... it's all my fault." Dustin croaks, as his voice cracks.

"Dustin. It's not your fault." El says, looking at his sad expression.

"He died trying to save me. I should have stopped Troy, I should have actually done something for once in my life, and not let people do things for me." Dustin admits.

"I should have ran f-faster. I was trying to save him... but I was too weak. And th-that caused him to die. Not you." El stuttered, hoping she was using the words correctly.

Dustin pulled her in for a hug, and she silently cried into his chest. He weeped quietly too.

Mike died for them, but El could have saved him. El could be holding Mike right now, and hopefully they would be together.

But little did either of them know, or anybody know...

Mike was still alive, still out there, missing her and planning to find her.

Word count: 770

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