Mileven Dating Would Include

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mike and eleven dating would include;

- cuddles. lots of them.

- since eleven can probably go to school by now, mike is literally either a) helping eleven get used to the school or b) staring at her during classes

- mike would probably get bullied during gym bc he has noodle arms, and el would discreetly use her powers to get back at them

- "hey, noodle arms! stop flailing around and play the damn game!"
"oi, troy, are you peeing yourself?"
"not againnnnn"

- passing notes in class

- study dates, but they're too shy to call them dates

- "it's a study SESSION, lucas."
"no, shut up it's just a session."
"yep, have fun on your date."

- the party teasing them 24/7

- occasional jealousy (probably more from mike) bc of some dumbasses trying to flirt with his girl *protective boyfriend mode activated*

- staying up until the crack of dawn on the supercomm

- karen wheeler would take 8373828274843 pictures of them (much to mike's annoyance)

- gently holding hands

- mike being nervous yet proud bc he's never had a girlfriend before and he doesn't want to screw it up, but at the same time, he has a giRLFRIEND

- eleven being scared of a thunderstorm when they have a sleepover, so instead of her on the bed while he sleeps on the floor, they cuddle 🤧

- "mike give me back my book or i will make you piss yourself."
"you wouldn't dare!"

- el being soft™️ in their relationship, and not understanding why mike's cheeks get so red

- "i just wanna cuddle and kiss you mike."
"mike? why do you look like a tomato?"

- el loves his curls

- he loves hers

- el will protect her boy with her life, but mike will do so in a heartbeat as well

- kisses on the cheek

- el has to stand on her tip toes to kiss him on the lips WHAT THE FUC-

- if you don't think that el has used her powers to mess with mike, you are WRONG

- "why the fuck are my action figures in the ai-"
*soft giggles*

- one time el was crying bc she had a nightmare about dr. brenner finding her again, and mike was with her until she woke up the next morning feeling joyful

- mike gradually gets el to like coca-cola

- el being a HUGE star wars nerd

- mike has heart eyes at all times around her

- mike got the dad talk from hopper

- when el finds out her birthday (she better) mike makes sure she has the best day

- mike seeking advice from nancy on how to make a girl happy

- nancy would tease the fuck out of him, but in secret they are her otp

- dustin and will are 5th wheeling
(i ship them tho shut up)

- el comforts mike when he feels that he doesn't deserve her and starts panicking and self-doubting himself

- and of course mike is always there with tea, a movie, and hugs after el has a panic attack

- people are confused by how MIKE WHEELER got a girlfriend (but they all adore them)

- mike would shyly pull el in for a kiss

- el loves when they kiss in the rain

- mike prefers when they kiss under the stars (though none of them compare to her)

- mike gets a camera some time in high school and half of the film is used on pictures of el

- star wars marathon

- max being soft for the couple

- "he lovesssss youuuu."
"i know he does. i do too."
"wait you guys said the three words."
*internal squealing*

- mike shyly using cheesy pick up lines, but el jokingly replies

- "did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
"no, but i did scrape my knee when i crawled up from hell."
"that explains why you're so hot."

- they are cute af

- im not crying you are

🤧 i'm not okay

(i won't be active for a bit, i'm going to disney world and harry potter world :) but thank u guys so much for all of ur love and support. i don't deserve it ❤️)

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