Dangerous- Fillie AU~ Part 8

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Fuck school.

Warning: slightly suggestive comments


Finn wakes up with a smile upon his face, something that had been happening a lot more often since he met a certain someone. He looks down to see Millie wrapped in his arms.

Her curly brown hair is sprawled on the pillow, and her body is snuggled within his, warmth radiating from her petite figure. Her breathing is steady, her head buried within his chest.

He squeezes her a bit closer, not too much as to wake her up, but enough to feel her against him. He needed the reassurance that she was still with him.

He places a gentle kiss on her soft forehead, and buries his head into the crook of her neck. "Hey." She mumbles, her voice raspy and muffled against his chest. He feels a smile grow across his face.

"Hey princess." He whispers back, and she shifts to look at him.

Her heart melts at the sight of him. She was so used to seeing a cold expression on his face, but he didn't look like his usual self at the moment. He looked... cuter.

His curly hair was even messier, his eyes held a tried gaze, and his jaw was set in a strong position. He had a small smile imprinted upon his face, causing her knees grow weak.

He slips off of the bed, and she immediately misses his warmth. She pouts like a child, and Finn chuckles at her pleading expression.

"We have to get up, princess." He laughs, pulling her out of the bed, with non-verbal protests from her. She sighs, but eventually obliges.

She walks to the closet, and scourges through it, searching for a piece of clothing to wear.

She grabs a large grey sweater, and slips it on over her torso. She fixes her black leggings, making them look less wrinkled. She turns around to see Finn smirking down at her.

"What?" She asks, furrowing her eyebrows. "That's my sweater." He says, pointing to the large sweater she was wearing.

"Oh, shit. I-I'm sorry." She stutters, and begins to pull it off, but she feels a hand pulling the sweater back down. She looks curiously at Finn to see him smiling at her.

"Keep it. It looks good on you."

"Millie Brown." Millie stands up at the calling of her name, and walks quickly to the testing room.

The room is eerily empty, with the only furniture being a metal chair, a matching metal table, and a small seat. Finn occupies the small seat, and he shoots Millie a reassuring grin as she walks in.

She returns it with a small smile, before sitting down in the much bigger chair. A short and stout man with greasy black hair emerges from the darkness and begins to strap small pieces of technology and wires to her skin, as she takes a staggered breath.

It was a lie detector.

"Hello, Miss Brown." A much thinner and taller man steps out of the darkness that the other man emerged from. She gives a small nod, her breathing is only steadied when Finn gives her a crooked grin.

"This won't require much on your side. All we ask of you is that you answer 3 questions with honest truth." The shorter man says, and Millie notices how much higher his voice is than the taller one.

She nods, her eyes fixed upon them as they press a round blue button.

Finn stands up, and winks at her before standing beside the two men. He clears his throat, fiddling with his tie without even noticing.

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