𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞- fillie pt. 2

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word count:

nothing! just pure fluff

summary: finn surprises millie and evelyn after a long time away on his tour with his band

a/n: i wasn't planning on doing a part two, but this was requested by quite a few people so here we go


"Hey sweetheart." Finn grinned at Evelyn through the phone screen. Finn tried to call Evelyn and Millie as often as possible when he was away, but what they didn't know was that he was on the way to their house to finally see his family again.

"Hi daddy!" She smiles, her brown hair was currently being braided by Millie, who sat behind Evelyn.

"Hey babe." Finn grins at Millie who leans down to face the camera, smiling warmly at her husband.

"How are my two favorite girls doing?" He asks, running a hand through his messy curls.

"Mommy gave me chicken nuggets for lunch!" Evelyn smiles, showing the camera her nuggets.

"Awww, lucky. I could really go for some chicken nuggets right now." He fake pouted, and both Evelyn and Millie let out small laughs.

Millie finished the left braid on Evelyn's thick hair, before starting on her right braid. Evelyn had begged Millie to braid her hair, saying that she liked to feel like her own version of a princess.

"Don't worry daddy, when you get back home I'll give you some chicken nuggets." She smiles at him, broadcasting her gaps in her teeth from lost teeth.

"That would be amazing, sweetheart." He grinned, eyes lighting up when he looked out the window to see that he was in the same block as his girls.

"Have you been good for your mama?" Finn asks, trying to keep his voice even to mask his excitement.

"I try." She shrugs, stuffing a chicken nugget into her mouth, but obviously not without dipping it in ketchup first.

"She's been great, Finn." Millie states, adding the final touches to her braids, before lightly spraying it to keep it smooth.

"That's good, oh and I forgot to mention, i shipped something to your house and it should be here soon." He said, holding back a wink that might give it all away.

"Oooo, what is it daddy?" Evelyn asked, perking up. She loved gifts from her daddy, he always knew what to get her so that she had something to remind her of him.

"It's a surprise, sweetheart." He said, smiling at her as their house came into his view.

"Awww, okay daddy." She sighs, taking a long sip from her water bottle.

He grins before stepping out of the car, eager to see Millie and Evelyn after a long time. He hands the money to his driver, giving them words of gratitude.

He hides his camera from the houses, knowing that if the street was in their view, one or both of them would recognize where he was.

He jumps up the steps, ignoring the fact that he was a grown man.

He hurriedly presses the doorbell, smiling at the camera.

Millie opens the door, Evelyn still in the dining room eating her chicken nuggets.

She lets out a loud gasp, and tears begin forming in her eyes.

"Hey Mills." He grins, and Millie lets out a broken sob of joy as she steps into his open arms. He wraps his arms around her, before ending the call, shooting one last grin to Evelyn.

"Mommy? Daddy isn't on the phone anymore." Evelyn calls, shuffling out of the dining room to the front door, before letting out a small cry.

"Daddy?!" She cries, jumping up and down before rushing to hug her father's legs.

He pulls away from Millie, pressing a soft kiss on her forehead, and then kneels down to hug Evelyn. He lifts her up, her pajama dress reaching past her knees.

She wraps her arms around his neck, as Millie leans against Finn's back.

"I missed my favorite girls." He mumbles, pulling Millie into his other side, pressing kisses onto both of their foreheads.

"Now... Evelyn. You promised me some chicken nuggets?"


shorter than the last one, sorry, and it's trash, sorry again, but i hope u enjoyed it 🥺

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