Do You Love Me?- Mileven

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Mike tucks a strand of Eleven's short hair behind her ear, admiring her pretty features. He smiles as her chest slowly rises and falls, as soft snores came from her mouth.

Her brown eyes were shut, and her brown hair gently swayed with the soft breeze. He places a loving kiss on her forehead.

They were laying in a hammock, Eleven cuddled against his chest. Mike was softly kicking the ground, as to keep them swaying, to keep Eleven asleep.

The fall weather was breezy, as leaves were scattered across the ground. The trees swayed like the hammock, as the cold breeze softly gushed around the world.

Mike was wearing his favorite blue and black striped sweater, paired with his light blue jeans, and his wife sneakers. Eleven was wearing an old sweater that Mike had given her 2 years ago, with her dark blue jeans, and her socks.

Mike and Eleven had been dating for 3 years, and they were celebrating the ending of summer in 1986. School was coming closer and closer to them. Mike was dreading it, but El on the other hand was excited. It would be her third year of school.

"Mike?" She whispers, face still buried in his sweater, face pink from the breeze. "Yes, El?" He asks, bending his head just a bit to see her.

"Do you love me?" She asks.

"Of course I do. Why would you ever think I didn't?"

"Well... I see a lot of girls looking at you. I want to make sure that you won't leave me for them." She pouts.

"El...other girls don't matter to me. You are my everything. I love you so so so much. I will never leave you, because you mean too much to me to ever let you go, even for a stupid reason." He says, as she looks up to meet his eyes.

Her eyes twinkle, with love and admiration for Mike. Her cheeks burn a brighter red, and Mike assumes it's from the breeze. 

"I...I love you too." She smiles, kissing his soft lips. He doesn't hesitate to kiss back, arms wrapping gently around her waist. She pulls away, smile printed on her adorable face.

"Gosh, I love you so much." He mumbles, foreheads joined together, neither wanting to ever pull away.

"I love you more."

"No, I don't think that's possible."

"But it is." She giggles.

"Nope." He chuckles.

"Fine. We love each other the same." She sighs, defeated. He smiles, kissing her head softly. "Deal."

She grins, laying her head back down on his chest, inhaling his sweet smell. He places his chin on her head.

Words couldn't even express how much they loved each other.


Remember to message me with your requests!

Love you guys! ❤️❤️

(P.s. thank you for 4K!!)

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