𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐞- mileven (au) pt. 1

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word count:

angstttt (basically this whole series is angsty), bad writing

summary: the party lives in a world where women are born without seeing color, but see color depending on the emotion their soulmate makes them feel when they meet, and sees all colors when they connect. eleven knows that mike is her soulmate, but she keeps to herself.

that is, until a certain someone named rachel makes her vision go pure green

a/n: based on dear-selena 's series on tumblr :)
{modern au}
{soulmate au}
[told in eleven's pov]


I've grown to adore the color yellow. It was the color that represented love for friends, and love from friends. Every time I see that color I know it means that I have good friends.

Yellow was also pleasing to me because it illuminated the features on my soulmate's face.

I knew that Mike was my soulmate.

I had known since I first saw him, in chemistry class. He had sat next to me, having run late for class and the seat next to me was the only one available. He had offered me a smile, and I still vividly remember that I couldn't hold a conversation with him throughout the entire class after realizing that pink had clouded my vision.

Pink. The color of love.

We eventually became really close friends, though I kept to myself that he and I were soulmates.

I didn't want him to think that I was lying to him.

Some girls would lie to guys they found attractive that they saw colors around him, and some even got away with stealing the boy from his actual soulmate. I didn't want to be that type of person.

I was perfectly fine being just friends with him, though I couldn't deny that my heart cracked a little each time he flirted with another girl (even though his flirting skills were... unique), but since I was terrible at communication, I kept to myself.

"Hey." Mike squeezes next to me on the lunch bench, tearing me from my thoughts. He offers me his infamous grin, and places his lunchbox on the table.

"Hi." I mumble, awkwardly picking at the sleeve of my jacket. I had been plotting a way to tell him that he was my soulmate for a while now, but every time he came near me my mind went fuzzy.

"How do you think you did on the algebra test?" He asks, taking out his sandwich.

I let out a deep sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Horrible. It sucks too, I stayed up all night studying for the stupid thing and I most definitely failed." I pout, shoving a chip in my mouth.

He chuckles lightly, patting me on the back. "Don't stress too much. I heard that if you fail they offer retakes."

"I have Mr. Robin." I deadpan, and his grin falls.

"Never mind, you're screwed."

"Hey!" I exclaim, smacking him up top the head. He only laughs, shaking his head.

"I'm messing with you, I'm sure you did great." He smiles, taking a sip of his water.

I sigh gently, staring at his side profile. The yellow shifted into a soft pink, and the pink made his gentle smile brighter than I suppose it really was. Everyone told me how his hair was dark brown, his eyes were brown, his skin was pale, and that his lips were a soft pink. Of course, since we hadn't connected yet... I didn't see those things.

As everyone told me, women are born only seeing black and white. When they meet their soulmate, they see color, but can only see one at a time dependent on their emotions. When they truly connect with their soulmate, they can see all colors that matches other people's vision.

I always loved hearing stories of how people met and connected with their soulmates, and lived happily ever after. But I was always scared that my story would add to the many of how they didn't meet or connect with their soulmate, and lived life without color.

God, how I wish I told him sooner. But hey, maybe I could tell him tomorrow.

That might work, right?


"Shut up, Lucas!" Mike exclaims, burying his head in his hands out of embarrassment. Everyone else at the table was laughing loudly, and I saw my vision shift into a soft yellow.

I loved hanging out with my friends, we all just seemed to click when we met. I was closest with Max, but obviously I loved them all equally.

Max and Lucas were together, seeing as Max admitted to Lucas that she saw colors around him, and now lived happily seeing all colors.

She never bragged about it, which I deeply appreciated. She was the only one I told about how Mike was my soulmate. She was incredibly supportive and kind to me about it, and understood my fear. She wanted me to tell him soon, but still was kind enough to tell me what colors certain things were.

My eyes stayed on Mike's nervous smile, my eyes shifting into the soft pink I had grown to look forward to.

Suddenly, Mike's eyes peeked out from his hands and he slowly dropped his hands, gaze fixated on something behind me.

I turned, and my brows furrowed when my eyes laid on a girl across the cafeteria. She had curly brown hair, green eyes, and was talking animated with a group of girls.

"Is that Rachel?" Dustin asked, as all of our eyes landed on the girl.

My stomach slightly twisted, but I tried to push it to the back of my mind. Rachel was Mike's old crush, and I had to admit how stunning she looked. She had moved away in freshman year, and now returned looking amazing.

I glanced back at Mike, seeing his jaw dropped and eyes glazed. "She looks... wow." Mike's voice drops to an amazed whisper at the end of his sentence, and I suddenly see my vision shift into an intense green.

"What are you going to do, Mike? Ask her out?" Will teases.

"I... wow, that would be great. Do you guys think I should?" He asks, and everyone besides Max and I agree.

She sends me a sympathetic and knowing look.

I see Rachel turn her gaze to our table, and she waves at Mike, who sheepishly smiles.

I stand up abruptly, and everyone at the table turns their attention to me.

"I have to go, um, to the bathroom. See you guys." I quickly make up an excuse, and rush out of the cafeteria, and make my way into the bathroom.

I stare at myself in the mirror, small tears forming in my eyes as all I see is a deep green color.

Green for jealousy.


this is really bad but hey! i'm making a series woooo

this will probably have 5?? parts and is OOZING of angst so be warned

(also will won't have mention of a female confessing to him bc his soulmate is a boy *HES CLEARY GAY* so if later in the series ur curious that's why)

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