Gushing- Fillie

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my friend recommended that i watched voltron, so i did. AND HOLY SHIT IM OBSESSED ALREADY


"So, as most people know, you are dating Millie Bobby Brown." The interviewer starts, as Finn nods lightly.

"How is that?" The interviewer shoots Finn a smile, as Finn lifts the microphone to his lips.

"It's amazing being with her. We were really close friends before we started dating and I think that that really helped us to form a relationship, and make us less awkward. Um, she is truly one of the greatest people I've ever met, she is supportive, kind, funny, smart, beautiful, and talented. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend." He finishes, his cheeks heating up as the interviewer cheekily smiles at him.

"Sounds like Mr. Wolfhard is in love." He shoots a wink to Finn, who bites his lip to hold back a grin.

"I-I am. She's that person that could melt the iciest hearts and she's just got this vibe that makes people happy around her. I... I truly do love her." He smiles, running a hand through his curls.

"Aw that's so cute!" The interviewer gushes, shifting in his seat.

On the outside, Finn looked like a calm and lovesick puppy. On the inside, he was panicking. Millie and him hadn't said their first "I love you's" yet, and he just said he loved her during an interview.

"So, moving on... what can you tell us about Stranger Things 3?"

Millie groggily picks up her phone, it was vibrating loudly as she blinked away her sleepiness. She saw the name of Sadie on the screen, and she tapped the accept button.

"DID YOU SEE IT?!" Sadie screeches, and Millie scrunches her face, her ears lightly ringing.

"Jesus Sadie shush. I just woke up. And see what?" She hears Sadie mumble a quick apology.

"Finn did an interview! You NEED to watch it!"

Millie's eyebrows knit together. Why did this interview matter so much? Of course, she always watched Finn's interviews, but why was this one more important than the others?

"I sent it to you." Sadie squeals, and with a soft note of gratitude, Millie hung up.

She clicks on the video that Sadie sent her, and sees that it's not the full interview, but just a section.

"So, as most people know, you are dating Millie Bobby Brown." The interviewer starts, as Finn nods lightly.

"How is that?" The interviewer shoots Finn a smile, as Finn lifts the microphone to his lips.

"It's amazing being with her. We were really close friends before we started dating and I think that that really helped us to form a relationship, and make us less awkward. Um, she is truly one of the greatest people I've ever met, she is supportive, kind, funny, smart, beautiful, and talented. I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend." He finishes, his cheeks heating up as the interviewer cheekily smiles at him.

"Sounds like Mr. Wolfhard is in love." He shoots a wink to Finn, who bites his lip to hold back a grin.

"I-I am. She's that person that could melt the iciest hearts and she's just got this vibe that makes people happy around her. I... I truly do love her." He smiles, running a hand through his curls.

"Aw that's so cute!" The interviewer gushes, shifting in his seat.

The video then ended, and Millie dropped her phone in shock.

He loved her?

She smiles, her cheeks flaming up a bit at the pure thought of him returning her intense feelings towards the boy.

"Babe, I'm here!" Finn calls, the front door closing behind him.

Millie stays on her bed, her mouth agape.

"Babe?" Finn asks, walking into her bedroom, and crookedly grins at her.

"Hey." He smiles, walking over and hugging her. He notices her stiff figure and pulls away, concern clouding in his chocolate eyes.

"Mills, are you okay?" He asks, running his finger gently against her jaw.

"You love me?" She whispers, her voice so fragile, as if it would break if he said no.

"I..." he trials off, looking into her soft eyes. The look in her eyes was the last confirmation he needed. He loved her. "I do. I always have." He says gently.

"I love you too." She smiles, pulling him in for a kiss.

"Thank god." He mumbles against her lips, as she grins.

"You're a dork."

so i haven't been as active on this account bc of traveling and stress and other stuff. so when i come back, i am pleasantly surprised to see that...


i honestly don't know what i did to deserve all of this support and love from u guys. i love u all so much and i'm so thankful for ur support. I truly don't deserve it with my shitty writing, but thank u so much 💖💖

Word count: 719

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