Together- Fillie

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For this imagine, Finn is 16 and Millie is almost 15.
Millie holds her head in her face, breathing getting harder and harder. Tears keep spilling out of her deep brown eyes. She shakes, rocking back and forth.

Finn parks the car in front of the house he had grown all too fond of. He opens the car door and gets out, walking closer to the house. He knocks on the door, eager to talk to her. He is greeted with silence.

He knew she was here, so he knocked again. Still, no response. "Millie!" He yells, pounding once more on the door. He sighs, reaching down underneath the doormat to get the key he knew she hid under there.

He inserts it into the lock, turning it and feeling the door pop open. He pushes the door more in, and walks into the house.

"Millie?!" He screams, worry getting bigger by the second. He hears a loud sob coming from the living room, and he immediately runs towards the sound.

He only thinks the worst thoughts. He rushes in, and is greeted with a sight he hated.

Millie looks up at him, vision blurred by her hot tears. "Millie?" He asks, softer. She chokes out more sobs, and Finn runs to her, wrapping his arms tightly around her small figure.

She stiffens at first, before hugging him back, crying into his shirt. "Shhh." He soothes her, running circles on her shaking back.

"It's going to be okay, just breathe." He soothes, rocking her slightly in his arms. "In and out, real nice." He instructs, and she follows his directions.

Her arms tighten around his waist, and his around her torso. He feels her breathing slow down to normal, and lets out a sigh of relief. He pulls away slowly, but his hands remain in her shoulders, looking into her eyes.

"Millie... what's wrong?" He asks, voice barely above a whisper. "Finn... I'm sorry." She whispers, blinking back tears.

"Sorry? What are you sorry for?" He asks, as she sniffles louder.

"I'm sorry I'm such a burden on you. I'm sorry you're dating me, I'm sorry for being me. I'm ruining your career, people are hating on our relationship." She sobs, and Finn's heart breaks slightly at her words.

"Millie. You are my everything. You make me happy, and I want to spend every second of every day with you. You are NOT a burden on me, you make my life better. Do not apologize for being you, being you is what makes me love you. And I don't care what others think about us being together. I love you, and I will fight whatever gets in our way, WE will. Together." He says, holding her soft hand in his ones.

Her eyes widen and she sobs, this time out of joy. " l-love me?" She cries. They had never said their "I love yous" to each other yet. He nervously nods, cheeks heating up.

"Yes. I love you. I love you more than life itself. You make me happy, even when all I can see is darkness. I always want to run my hands through your soft brown hair, I always want to get lost in your gorgeous eyes, I always want to kiss your soft lips, and I always want to be with you, and holding you in my arms."

Millie smiles, and Finn wipes her tears with his thumb, smiling warmly at her.

"I... I love you too. More than anything. Thank you for always being there for me. Thank you for helping me." She whispers, but he could hear it louder than anything.

He presses his soft lips on hers, and she places her hand on his soft cheek. The kiss is soft, short, yet sweet. Finn pulls away, and kisses her forehead lovingly.

Millie smiles, before burying herself back in his arms.

And Millie then realized that she didn't ever want him to leave. She never wanted him to be hurt. She loved him. And she was scared, but Finn made her feel safe. Finn was always there for her.

"I want to fight this together." She whispers, her breath tingling his ear. He kissed her neck, showing his love. "Me too." He says, pulling her closer to his chest.
Awwwww. I loved writing this chapter.

Word count: 706

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