Dangerous- Fillie AU~ Part 1

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For this imagine, Finn is 23 and Millie is 21. They aren't actors either. Also, Finn is a bit... different 😉

Finn stares out his large window, the view of New York makes him softly smile. He had built an empire, and was one of the most successful and rich men alive.

He runs a hand through his hair, the curls had grown curlier and messier over time, but everyone in their right mind knew that Finn Wolfhard looked sexy in anything. (I cringed. He's older though)

"Mr. Wolfhard?" A voice asks, from the door of his clean office. He turns his chair around to meet eyes with his assistant, Sadie Sink.

Her sparkling blue eyes stare back at his, and her fiery red hair is pulled up in a tight bun. She wears a simple white button up shirt, a grey pencil skirt, with a matching grey jacket, and topping it all off with her black heels.

"Yes, Sadie?" He asks, raising an eyebrow expectantly. "You have an interview for the new job position. Should I send her in?" Se asks, hands on her hips.

He nods curtly, another interview. Tons of people had eagerly interviewed for the job, but none were any brighter than the deep color of his eyes. Sadie opens the door, gesturing for the person to walk in.

Finn barely looks up from his desk, bored from all the past interviews. His expression barely changes when he sets eyes upon a girl who stands confidently in front of his desk, her hands on her hips, as she softly sways her hips, trying to gain his attention.

Her blonde curly hair rests upon her smirking face. Her brown eyes look at him with nothing but greed and lust. Her bright red lips were slightly distracting to Finn, but he can already tell she didn't have a good personality.

"Hello, please sit down." He states, flipping through some papers, bored. She does as told, and positions herself, trying to show off her long legs.

He rolls his eyes, but it goes unnoticed by the cocky woman. "What is your name?" He asks, not looking up from the papers.

"Iris. Iris Apatow." She smugly answers, twirling with a strand of her hair flirtatiously.

"Alright, Iris. What makes you want this job?" He asks, finally looking up, but only giving her a cold stare.

"You know... the... benefits." She shrugs, biting her lip, trying to seduce him. "And what benefits would those be?" He asks, trying to act as if he couldn't see what she was trying to do.

"Um.. a good working place. A fine boss." She adds, winking.

"Okay, listen, Ms. Apatow." He says, leaning a bit closer to get her attention. "Call me Iris." She flirts, and Finn contains another eye roll. "I'd rather not. Anyways, I can see you have no interest working here. And I assume, forgive me if I'm wrong, that you only want to get into my pants." He says, spitting ice at the words.

She opens her mouth, dumbfounded, but closes it. "That's what I thought. Now please leave my office." He says, turning away from her.

He can hear her huff angrily, but he smirks to himself when he hears the door close. That you only want to get into my pants. That seemed to be what every girl trying for the job was wanting.

They didn't care to put in actual effort. They didn't care to actually help the company he had worked so hard on. They only wanted to be slept with.

"Mr. Wolfhard. You have one last appointment for today." Sadie says, noticing his frustrated posture.

He nods, yawning tiredly. The whole day had been filled with people trying desperately to get the job, but none were the quality he was looking for.

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