Ghost of You- Mileven

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Happy Halloween 🎃👻💀🤡😈


My eyes scan over the apartment that I used to call home. It feels empty, lonely. It was almost as if I had walked into a completely different place than what I used to look forward to coming home to after a long day at work.

I almost expect her to walk towards me, and kiss me lovingly, welcoming me home. But she isn't here.

Not anymore.

My eyes begin to feel wet as I spot the silver embroidered picture frame on the counter. I walks slowly towards the counter, and take the picture gently in my hands.

The metal is cool against my shaking hands. I swallow harshly as the photograph of her and I stare up at me. Her eyes look so filled with life, something that she wouldn't ever have again.

The picture captured the most amazing day of my life. The picture was taken during the ceremony of our wedding. The day when we sealed our fates with each other; bonded together with a love so strong.

It killed me that she was ripped from me.

Till death do us part.

The line of a couple's vows used to seem as if they wouldn't happen until one dies of old age. They think if the line as a distant time.

I wish that could have been how Jane died.

Jane always told me how much she wanted to accomplish in the world. She had big dreams, and goals. She woke up everyday, determination in her features as she plans for what the day will do to take her closer and closer to her goals.

I missed her excitement for life. The joy that bubbles inside of her, and the ideas that quickly came to her mind.

I missed everything about her. Her dorky smiles, her shirt and curly hair that always managed to look breathtaking, her soft lips, her caramel eyes. I missed the feeling of safety and love that came from being around her.

I hold the picture against my heart, and close my eyes. I feel myself taken to the imaginary world of a better life.

A life where Jane was still with me.

It's a struggle to even get out of my bed.

The feeling of loneliness, and the longing to stop existing weighting upon me as I slowly rise from my bed. The other side of the bed is still empty, absent of Jane.

I shuffle to the bathroom, still littered with her supplies. Her makeup, which she never needed because she was naturally stunning, rests neatly on the bathroom counter. Her towel embroidered with Jane Hopper and Mike Wheeler; forever and always is hung upon the towel rack.

I turn to the mirror, and barely recognize the person looking back. My eyes are bloodshot, deep purple bags had formed beneath my emotionless eyes. My face is pale, tear stains evidence of my breakdown the prior night.

My eyes are filled with a cloudiness of exhaustion. Jane had only died a few days ago, but her death had taken a huge toll on me. Physically and emotionally.

But what I see in the mirror is not my eyes tricking me.

A faint white wisp is behind me. I turn around sharply, but nothing meets my eye. I slowly turn back to the mirror, where the figure still stands.

"Mike." It says, their voice echoing. I recognize the voice immediately.


"Jane?" I ask, leaning closer to the bathroom mirror. "H-How are you in there?" I ask, my eyes fully awake from the scare.

"I needed to see you one last time." Her voice is faint, almost as if she was talking to me from across the house.

"I-I don't know what to say." I run a hand through my messy curls, my breath shaky.

"Mike. I love you, and I'm so sorry I had to leave you so quickly." She says, her wispy figure seen in my mirror steps closer to me. I turn once more, but again, I am greeted with the shower curtain.

"Don't be sorry, Jane." I mumble, and lean ever so slightly closer to the mirror. I carefully reach my hand up, trembling with pain, and gently rest it upon the mirror. My hand is reflected from across the mirror.

Her figure steps to the opposite of my position, my broken reflection replaced by her. Her figure is no longer a wisp, but a full image of the girl I love.

She places her hand opposite mine, and I feel a faint warmth come from the mirror.

"C-Can you stay with me?" I ask. It sounds selfish, foolish even. But ever since she died, I realized just how much she was a piece of me. If she left me forever, a part of me would be gone too.

She smiles, but even in the mirror, it doesn't reach her eyes. I knew it wasn't going to happen. I had to be able to accept that she wouldn't be by my side when I needed her most.

"I wish. But my time has come, even if it is early. I had to talk to you one last time before I go away for good."

I gulp, but watch her eagerly.

"I will always be with you. Even if I'm not here physically, I will never not be by your side. I know it will be hard. It's hard for me to leave you here. But I love you so so so much."

"I love you too Jane." My eyes cloud again, but this time with tears. I didn't think I had the capacity to cry anymore, but this time I was losing her forever.

She couldn't come back to me. Even with a miracle, I had to accept that she was destined to live this life, even if it was short. I wish I could have had more time with her.

I wish I could have started a family with her. We could have lived in a small cottage in the country, raising our kids. Jane always dreamed of being a mother.

"It's time for me to go." She states, her eyes glistening with the last of our relationship. Her face slowly begins to fade, shifting slowly between her and my reflection.

I knew it would happen, but I can't help feeling my heart being ripped out of my chest.

"Goodbye, Mike."

"Goodbye, Jane." Her figure fades away, and I am left with my fearsome reflection.

"I'll see you some day." I whisper, my hand falling to my side as more and more tears slide down my pale face.

I'm stuck seeing the Ghost of You.

Hope you have great day! Be safe if you're trick or treating, or going to a party! Have fun!

What are you dressing up as?

Word count: 1110

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