Missing You- Fillie

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(Friday) When you catch your crush talking to every girl except you, and then find out he's moving sometime this year.



"Finn, would you stop staring at her? You guys broke up a week ago!" Caleb snaps, rolling his eyes as his best friend stares sadly across the cafeteria at his ex-girlfriend, Millie.

"But she's just so beautiful." He mumbles, his eyes still fixated on the curly haired girl. Caleb sighs, rubbing his right eye tiredly. He smacks Finn harshly in the face, causing Finn to yell out as he turns back to Caleb.

"What was that for?" He demands, slightly rubbing at the bright red mark on his cheek.

"You need to get over her, it's unhealthy." Caleb states, taking a french fry and popping it in his mouth.

"But it's my fault things ended. I screwed everything up." Finn sighs, glancing at the girl sitting with her friends. Her expression seems happy, but has a faint sense of sadness within her joy.

"How so?" Caleb tilts his head slightly, eager for more details on his best friends mystery break up. Finn bites his lip, before taking a sip of his chocolate milk. Caleb waits eagerly, trying to contain his excitement as to allow his friend to share comfortably.

"I got scared. She was my first true love, but I was scared that I wasn't hers. So I left her." Finn looks down at his tray ashamed.

He fell in love with Millie Bobby Brown. He fell in love deeply, and he didn't know what to do. He was a coward, a fool, who was afraid to love someone. But now he realizes what he did wrong. Funny how he had to realize his mistakes after losing the first person he truly loved.

"It's my biggest regret. I shouldn't have been scared, I shouldn't have been so... selfish. Dude, I love her. I should've stayed."

"But you didn't."

"Yeah. But I deserve what I get. She doesn't  deserve to be with someone too afraid to love." Finn sighs, picking slightly at his hoodie strings.

"You need to stop letting what happened with your dad control your life. He left you, yes. But you shouldn't follow in his footsteps. You left Millie. You put her in pain. And that's exactly what your dad did." Caleb's voice grows stern, as if he was punishing a child.

"But what if she doesn't want me back?"

"I've seen the way she looks at you, and I've seen the way you look at her. You guys genuinely love and care for each other. It would be a real shame if you let that go."

Millie sighs heavily as she grabs her binder from her locker, slamming the locker door closed, before turning around.

She jumps slightly at the sight of Finn so close to her. His cheeks are tinted red, and his posture is nervous. Her heart breaks slightly at the sight of him after their breakup, but she's strong enough to hold eye contact.

"Hey, Finn. What are you doing here?" She asks, raising an eyebrow.

Ever since their breakup, they had avoided each other like the plague, but still found themselves constantly wrapped up in each other.

"I'm sorry." He whispers, his voice breaking at the words. He hated having to apologize to her, because it always meant he had failed her.

"What are you sorry for?" She asks, and he grabs her hand gently. She tenses at the sudden touch, and Finn notices. He drops her hand, but keeps their hands in close proximity.

"Can you... Can you meet me at the park at 4:20?" He asks, his hot breath slightly fanning against the side of her face. She bites her lip, before nodding slowly. He smiles gratefully, before walking towards his last class of the day.

Millie lets out a shaky breath. She missed him so much. She missed him calling her at 2 am because he had a bad dream of losing her. She missed him hugging her tightly when she was upset. She missed him fussing over her when she had a small cold. She missed everything about him, from the one curl that always bounced, to the freckles dotted across his face.

But she finds herself getting angry. He left her, saying that he "didn't feel anything anymore". Why on earth did he want to talk to her so suddenly?

Millie fiddles with her light pink sweater, the cold breeze swaying her hair gently. She hugs herself tightly, wishing she wore a thicker sweater.

She perks up at the sound of leaves crunching. Finn rushes towards her, wearing a thin coat. His sneakers crunch the fallen leaves, as his pace is urgent.

"Hey." He breathes when he reaches her. She offers his a small wave, the awkward feeling between the ex-couple increasing. They both hated it. How had they gone from such an amazing couple, to this?

"I-I had to give you an explanation for what I did." Finn stuffs his hands in his pockets, rocking on his toes anxiously. She nods, and gestures to the empty seat on the park bench next to her.

He hastily sits down, and turns to her, his hands slightly shaking. "I love you." He starts, and her eyes widen. They had never said their 'I love you's yet, but the love that she felt for him was so strong.

"What?" She gasps, and he looks down at her hands. He reaches slowly for them, and when she shows no signs of discomfort, he places them in his.

"I love you, Millie. I have for a long time, pretty much since we started dating. But... I've been scared to love someone ever since my dad left me as a kid. But I did what he did to me, and I am so so so sorry. I understand if you don't want me back. But I had to tell you. I can't just continue staring at you and wishing I could tell you how much I love you."

Millie licks her lips, staring at the boy that she had never lost feelings for. His eyes held a small tinge of red, and his cheeks were flushed, but she couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or the cold breeze.

Millie grabs his face, cupping it in her cold hands, and presses her lips against his. He places his hands on her waist gently, their lips moving in sync.

He missed her soft lips, the way they just seemed to mold against his. He missed the feeling of safety he got when she kissed him, whether it was a quick and gentle kiss, or a passionate and somewhat rough kiss.

She pulls away slowly, but their foreheads stay pressed against each other's.

"I love you too." She smiles, her eyes fluttering open to stare at Finn. He smiles back, pecking her nose gently.

"So... Millie Bobby Brown, will you be my girlfriend again?" She smiles, nodding eagerly.

"Of course I will." His heart explodes, happiness illuminating every feature of his adoring face. His eyes brighten with adoration, his smile spreading, and his cheeks flushing a deeper red.

"I love you, and I'm so sorry that I let that scare me away from you. You mean the world to me." She smiles, happiness still radiating through her, even if he is blaming himself for what his father ruined for him.

"I love you too. And I will be with you through everything that happens to you."

Thank you to everyone who has been consoling me with what happened with my crush. I'm feeling a lot better, but tbh I didn't expect him to like me back.

Besides, he's moving sometime this year.

So yeah, thank you to everyone! You are all such amazing people, and I couldn't be more grateful to have you guys in my life, even if it is from a screen.

Word count: 1235

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