Nightmares- Mileven

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I seriously need tips on how to tell if a boy likes you back.

Eleven laid in her twin bed, her blankets wrapped tightly around her as her arms cuddled her soft teddy bear given to her by her savior; Hopper.

It was a simple bear, slightly tattered with age, but it was one of the few things that calmed her of her late night anxieties.

But this one was overly frightening. Eleven shifted in her sleep, clutching the bear tightly.

"Mike?" Eleven calls, her voice echoing in the dark abyss. She is only met with the eerie sound of silence.

"Mike?" She calls once more, her voice growing more terrified. This time however, she hears a sound other than silence. A muffled scream.

Eleven musters up her courage, and rushes towards the sound, determined to find Mike. He would tell her everything was okay. He would be there for her. He would save her.

She lets out a mangled cry when she sees the most heartbreaking sight her eyes have ever met.

There, laying on the ground, blood pooling from his chest, was Mike. His hair was messy and unruly, his eyes wide with terror. A rag was shoved in his mouth, while his arms and legs were tied together.

"Mike!" She sobs, rushing to him. She yanks the rag out of his mouth, and works on untying his hands. Mike gasps for air, his breathing ragged.

"Stay with me, Mike!" She cries, her hands shaking while she attempts to undo the tight knots of rags around his hands.

"El, you're too late." He pants, and she sobs harder.

"No, I'm not! You are going to stay right here with me, and we can go home."

He sadly smiles at her, and leans as close as possible. She leans towards him, cupping his scarred face.

"I can't lose you." She whispers, trying to tell him, to show him, how much she needs him. He was her rock, and she couldn't lose him. She would die to keep him alive.

"I'm sorry, El. I love you." His voice gets heavier and heavier, until his eyes close, and his body falls limp.

"NO!" She screams, clutching his body. She checks his chest, and her world falls apart when she doesn't feel a heartbeat.

"Mike! You weren't supposed to go!" She screams, rocking his body back and forth as she screams and cries.

Eleven shots up from her previous position, panting and tears falling from her face. She wipes her tears, and quickly reaches from the supercomm next to her bed.

"Mike?" She whispers into the supercomm, and she waits for a reply.

"Yeah?" His voice replies, and Eleven sighs in relief.

"Can you come over? I had a nightmare."

"El, you know that they're just bad dreams, they're not real."

"I know, it's just... it felt too real." She tries to keep her voice steady, but it breaks at the end, giving herself away.

"I'll be right there." The supercomm then cuts off. Eleven sighs, placing it back on the table next to her bed, and grabs her teddy bear once again.

Thirty minutes pass, and she was almost asleep until she heard a soft knocking on her window. She peeks up at the curtained window, and approaches it slowly.

She peeks through the curtains, and smiles when she sees Mike standing there, his face slightly red as his bike laid discarded on the ground.

She opens the window, allowing him to climb in. She immediately hugs him when he's inside, and he lets out a muffled sound of surprise.

He wraps his arms around her, burying his face in her hair. Her head was nuzzled into his chest.

"What was your nightmare about, El?" He whispers, and she lets out a shaky breath.

"You died, Mike. You died, and I couldn't do anything to save you." She let's a few tears fall, and he hugs her tighter.

"It was just a dream, El. I'm not going to leave you. I promise. I'm always here for you. And I want you to be safe and happy."

She lightly smiles, pulling away slowly. She grabs his hand, pulling him towards the bed.

"W-What are you doing?" He stutters, his face turning red.

"I can't sleep, I need you to cuddle." His lips turned up in a small half-smile, and he sits down on the bed. She lays down, her curly hair splayed on the pillow.

He lays down next to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, as she places her hands on his chest.

"Wait, what about Hopper?" He nervously asks.

"Don't worry about him. Just cuddle." She mumbles, pulling him closer.

He sighs, before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, and turning the lamp off.

I'm back!

So I am feeling a lot better and have finally gotten some good sleep, so let's attempt to update some other stories haha.

Thank you guys sm for supporting me and understanding. I seriously don't deserve you guys at all.

Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Word count: 784

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