Marks- Fillie~ Part 3

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This was high key requested. And your wish is my command 😜
*do I even need to let you know it's not edited?

"You failed your math test?" Mrs. Wolfhard's voice comes out with an icy sharpness, as she holds the test in her hands. Even from his desk, Finn can see the large red F upon it. He places his head in his hands, sighing deeply.

"I'm sorry Mom, I truly am." He mumbles, not daring to meet eyes with his clearly furious mother.

"I signed you up for tutoring. Is that not enough?" She asks, voice shifting from anger to disappointment, making Finn wish she was mad instead.

"Mom... something... something happened last night. I guess all my studying just... slipped out of my mind." He lifts his head from his hands, leaning back in his chair. He sees her expression shift into curiosity and worry.

"What happened, curls?" She asks, and Finn doesn't even crack a smile at his childhood nickname. "Something with Millie." He shrugs, loving and hating how her name tasted on his tongue.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He hesitates, before shaking his head.

"Okay then. Well... whatever happened, you'll have to move on, because you have another tutoring session at 1." She rubs his shoulder, and he bites his lip. "Fine." He sighs, getting up and walking to his bathroom to get ready.

"Hey." She says in a low voice, as he slides into the seat across from her, and he begins pulling out his textbooks. "Hi." He mumbles, taking out his pencil.

"Let's just... work on studying for your redo next week."

He nods curtly, pulling out his test paper. He hands it gingerly to her, and she grabs it, beginning to scan his test answers.

"I did really bad, and I'm sorry. I wasted your time and patience." She looks up at him, finally noticing the red tinge in his gorgeous eyes, the deep purple bags under his eyes, and the extra messiness in his curls.

"Don't be sorry. I struggled in math for a bit too, but I got better eventually, and now I help those who struggle." She shrugs, adverting her eyes back to his paper.

He doesn't reply, and suddenly acts very interested in the golden color of his pencil. "You seem to still have struggled with algebra." She softly says, and he nods glumly, eyes still trained on his pencil.

"Can we... talk about what happened last night?" Millie nervously fidgets with her black pen, and thinks back to the color of her mark. He lifts his eyes finally, reflecting what she was feeling inside. Hurt. But he also looked very curious as to what she had to say.

"I... I guess. But only if you want to." He rubs his eyes tiredly. She shifts her chair a tad bit closer to him, and he finds himself mirroring her action.

"Look, I'm sorry I reacted so poorly. It's just... I think I know who I fell in love with, and I freaked out." She rubs a hand through her short brown hair.

"No... it's not your fault. I'm the one who tried to k-kiss you." He shakes his head, trying to reassure her.

"That's the thing. You tried to kiss me, and I didn't let you!" She groans, and his eyebrows shoot up his forehead.

"What?" He breathes, eyes wide. "I... I realized that night that the person I had fallen in love with... was y-you." She looks down, crossing her legs with a slight discomfort of what he would say.

Would he blame her for letting his mark turn black? Would he be disgusted in knowing who he fell in love with? Would he never speak to her again?

Her thoughts were abruptly shut down when she feels a soft pair of lips against hers, and she sees Finn, cupping her face, eyes shut tightly as to enjoy the kiss more thoroughly.

Millie's eyes flutter closed, as she wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, but not close enough. Finn seems to read her mind, as he pulls her onto his lap, their bodies pressed together. All further thoughts are erased from both of their minds as they get lost in the kiss.

Whether they were kissing for 10 hours, or 25 seconds, Millie did not know. But neither did she care. She pulls away, and her questions swim back into her mind.

"Wow." He whispers, cheeks dusted with a light pink blush.

"D-Do you..." She trails off, still breathless from the moment that had surprised her.

"Yes. I love you too. I'm sorry if I made you upset last night, I don't even know why I did it, my heart was just telling me to lean in..." Millie laughs lightly at how adorable he looks.

"Well... its a god thing you love me, because this is my first time."

"It's also kind of my first time. And I'm so glad it's with you." Finn replies, smiling as he cups her face once more, smiling brightly at her.

"Mills! I did it! I passed the test!" Finn yells excitedly, grinning broadly as he rushes over to her at the library.

"Shh!" The librarian hisses, placing a finger upon her lips.

"Sorry." He mumbles, turning back to Millie. "I did it!" He exclaims in a much quieter voice.

Millie grins, and opens her arms, Finn walking into them, and wrapping his arms loosely around her waist.

Finn had studied so hard with Millie the past week, he was determined to pass the test. And yes, maybe he got a few distracted by his girlfriend from time to time, but it was worth it to be with the girl he loved.

"I'm so proud of you." She whispers in his ear, kissing his cheek.

"That's all I get?" He asks, pulling away and pushing his bottom lip out into a pout. She giggles, pretending she doesn't know what he is talking about.

"Well, what do you want?" She asks, teasing tone laced within her voice. "You know what I want. I worked my butt off and all I get is a kiss on the cheek?" He emphasizes the word, displaying the reason for his childish whining.

"Oh right. You want me to kiss you here?" She asks, before kissing his chin. He furrows his eyebrows.


"Here?" She kisses his nose, and he wrinkles it in frustration. She bites her lip, trying to keep herself from bursting out laughing.

"No!" He whisper yells.

"Here?" She kisses the corner of his mouth, teasing him once more.

"Damn it, Millie." He mumbles, pulling her closer to him and slamming his lips against hers.

Boy was he glad he failed math.

Word count: 1106

Hope I did you guys justice 😂

Last part, but I hope you enjoyed this mini series. It was very fun to write!

Requests are still open, so just message me with any ideas you have!

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