First Words- Fillie

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This is another AU that I saw, and I'm in love with the idea. I may also do a chapter with the AU reversed. Anyways, enjoy!

AU- the very first words your soulmate ever speaks to you are tattooed somewhere on your body since you were born.
Millie stares at herself in the mirror, self consciously pulling her dress down a bit more. Her curly hair is rested gently on her face, and her body is covered with a simple yet classy purple dress.

She stops her eyes from traveling down more when she rests her eyes upon the tattoo she has on her wrist. The words plainly said "wow, I'm sorry but you're beautiful."

"Millie, are you ready yet?" Her mother calls from the hallway, and Millie sighs, grabbing her stuff. "I'm ready, mum!" She yells back, opening the door and walking downstairs.

Her dad was invited to a gala with his family to try to convince a company to join their company. But the fact was, they were rival companies. The Brown business versus the Wolfhard business.

She smiles shyly at her dad, who is waiting eagerly by the front door. "You look great, sweetie." He smiles, opening the door and allowing everyone to walk to the limo that they had rented for this special occasion.

Millie sits down between her older brother, Charlie, and her younger sister, Ava. They both look just as uncomfortable as she is. They all knew that Mr. Wolfhard and their dad were rivals in business, and they both had been wanting to buy the other out.

Millie sighs, wishing she could be heading anywhere but the gala.
"Come on, darling." Her dad says, reaching his hand out to get her out of the limo. She takes it, slowly getting out of the limo. The building was built of fine pristine marble walls, dimly emitting a dark yellow glow.

A red carpet is nearly laid on the ground entrance to the building. She immediately hears voices and soft music coming from the building.

She walks quickly, keeping her head down as many reporters ask questions, cameras flashing repeatedly. She enters the building, and immediately is blown away by the sight. The walls were tall, decorated with elegant lights. The floor is made of freshly polished tile flooring, shining under the bright light.

Men in suits and women in dresses talk and dance around the beautiful building, eating some of the food at the red table-clothed table. "Ahhh, Mr. Brown." A deep voice says, walking towards the Brown's.

Millie sees Mr. Wolfhard, reaching his hand out for her father, who shakes it politely. "Welcome!" Mr. Wolfhard grins, gesturing to the crowd of people.

"Thank you, Mr. Wolfhard. This is my son, Charle, and my daughters, Paige, Ava, and Millie." Mr. Brown replies, gesturing to each of the Brown kids.

"Pleasure to meet all of you." He nods to them, before pulling two boys to him. "These are my sons, Nick and Finn." He says, and Millie looks up to rest her eyes on one of the boys, who was revealed to be Finn.

His brown eyes sparkle in the light, and his curly hair was messy yet still managed to look classy. His hands were stuffed in his suit pocket, and Millie can't help but note how good he looks with the navy blue suit, a black tie around his neck. His brown eyes pierce into hers, and she feels her breath get caught in her throat.

He stares at her, dumbfounded by her beauty. Her curled hair hangs gently against her neck, the length of her shoulder. Her body is complimented in the purple dress, and his eyes move up to her face. She sports a nervous smile, and her chocolate eyes stare back at his, a hint of embarrassment lost in them.

It takes them a moment to realize that everyone else has already left, conversing with other people, or in Charlie and Ava's case, dancing together.

Finn gulps, scratching his neck and walking over to the girl that had caught his eyes. "Umm... wow, I'm sorry but you're beautiful." He stutters, nervously smiling at her. She blushes, but smiles back at him. "I'm Finn, even though you already know that." He says, holding out his hand.

"I'm Millie. So your dad is the owner of Wolfhard Industry?" She asks, shaking his hand.

He nods, looking around at the people who were lucky enough to attend the gala. The two businesses were huge, and everyone had only hoped of being invited to the gala.

"Would you... would you like to d-dance?" He shyly asks, gesturing to the dance floor, that had a few people dancing gently to the faint music being played.

She smiles softly, nodding and taking his hand, walking to the dance floor. He places his hands on her waist, making sure to press gently as to not hurt her. She wraps her arms around his neck, and they begin to sway to the slow song playing.

"I want to get to know you." Finn mumbles, looking into her eyes lovingly.

"Me too." She smiles, and Finn ponders what to ask her. "Umm... how old are you?" He asks. "14, you?"

"15. You look amazing for 14." He shyly says, cheeks flushing a light pink. She smiles, reaching closer and kissing his pink cheeks. "You look great for 15."

They spent the remaining 3 hours of the gala, conversing and learning new things about each other. They grew close, already feeling a deep bond between them. So it was, admittedly, hard to say goodbye at the end of the gala.

"It was amazing meeting you." Finn smiles, running a hand through his curls. She smiles, cheeks hearing up.

"Hopefully we can meet again. May I have your number?" She asks politely, looking for something to write with. She finds a pen and a napkin, and he writes his number, gingerly handing it back to Millie.

"Come on, Millie." Her father's voice says, gesturing to her to come to them. Millie sighs, kissing his cheek once more. "I hope to see you soon." She grins, and he grins back. "Goodbye Millie." He says, kissing her knuckles.

And with that, she was forced to leave him. She had grown a bond with the boy, and couldn't help but like him as more. She wishes she could stay at the gala forever as long as Finn was there.

She glumly looks at the window, rubbing her eyes tiredly. The gala was amazing, but she'd be lying if she said she wasn't tired from being at the gala for almost 4 hours.

Millie looks down at her wrist, and she reads the tattoo. "Wow, I'm sorry but you're beautiful." And her eyes widen in realization. Those were the exact same words Finn had greeted her with. She smiles to herself.

She couldn't ask for a better soulmate.
I hope you enjoyed that one shot! It was fun to write. I love this AU so much, and I'm glad I decided to were a story with it.
Word count: 1108

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