Mileven as Parents

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Mileven as Parents:

**- ignore the fucking lame time skips it's weird i just wrote so ignore any weird Tim skip things

➣ so el tells mike she's pregnant by giving him a baby pair of shoes

➣ since he's smart he immediately figures it out and won't stop crying bc HES GOING TO BE A FATHER

➣ they are literally so excited

➣ they both cried so hard when they got their first ultrasound

➣ lily max wheeler-hopper was born on july 17th, 1995

➣ lily has mike's hair and both of her parents eyes

➣ what a fucking bundle of joy

➣ "it's so small"
"well, it will grow mike"

➣ everyone in the party are called aunt or uncle

➣ hopper pretends to be upset bc now he's grandpappy, but he loves it

➣ lily's first words were "love" bc she was so used to everyone saying how they loved her

➣ mileven taking turns handling the baby at night

➣ the others in the party babysit when mike and el go on a date

➣ max fucking cried when they told her that lily's middle name was her name

➣ max loves that girl like her own child

➣ they would be absolutely perfect with her (best parents)

➣ they were so sad to drop lily off at school for the first time

➣ family dinners mostly consuming of peanut butter sandwiches

➣ mike filming lily grow up + interactions with her family

➣ lily just has telekinesis- and you bet that child abuses the hell out of it for laughs

➣ el is pregnant again when lily was 3-4

➣ william lucas wheeler-hopper is born october 19, 1999

➣ lucas and will treat william like their own kid (especially bc the baby was named after them)

➣ william has el's hair

➣ his first word was "dustin" bc dustin hangs out with him a lot

➣ you bet dustin cried

➣ lily is GORGEOUS as she grows up

➣ people love her, but she doesn't like most people

➣ she's a science nerd and loves art

➣ when she gets to high school, mike worries that she'll start dating and he's not ready for her to grow up

➣ she has a crush on a girl in her chemistry class (bc they have chemistry 😉)

➣ mike and el subtly hinting for her to ask anna out

➣ lily eventually asks her out, and anna says yes

➣ so she dates anna, and mike and el can see how in love they are

➣ she didn't worry about her parents not accepting it bc she was raised to know that it wasn't wrong and that it doesn't make her different

➣ everyone is supportive as hell

➣ william, on the other hand, is not a nerd

➣ lily loves star wars and dungeons and dragons, so she plays with the party a lot

➣ william hates it :(

➣ dustin is heartbroken

➣ william, or will as he goes by, is a MAJOR jock. he gets on every sports team and he's really talented

➣ when he's 15, he starts dating a "girl" named alex, and after dating for a few months, alex comes out as non-binary. he's supportive and is quick to refer to alex as his lover instead of girlfriend

➣ mike and el nearly cried bc they were so proud that he saw no problem with it (they raised them well)

➣ will didn't get el's powers :(

➣ when will was 5, and lily was 9, el gave birth to their final baby (they agreed to stop at 3, but would be okay if another came)

➣ james dustin wheeler-hopper was born on may 6th, 2004

➣ dustin loves this little child more than dart

➣ after a while, james grows to be a mini version of mike and dustin combined

➣ james is a music nerd

➣ he's such a softie

➣ lily protects james (especially when he was younger)

➣ lily and james are so close it's adorable (😉 if u get this reference i will love u forever)

➣ will (young) protects lily from bullying

➣ james also has some of el's power, just not as much as lily

➣ will tries to be so competitive with james, but james just outsmarts him

➣ "i bet i can move these boulders to that area first"
*will lifts the boulder, while james uses what part of telekinesis he has to lift it*
"heyyyy, no fair!"

➣ james is bisexual as HELL

➣ he owns his sexuality

➣ "it's adam and eve, so i did both. it's called the bi-ble for a reason bitches."
"if homosexuals have a "gaydar" can i have "bi-fi"?
someone rejecting james: i'm straight as a highway
james: my highway goes both ways *winks*

➣ hopper spoils these kids

➣ mike and el have such amazing kids

➣ softest family ever™️


i wish my family was like this 😔

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