𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐢 𝐬𝐞𝐞- mileven (au) epilogue!

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word count:

so sweet with fluff u might get a cavity, (1) swear word, im soft after this so u might be too 🥺

summary: the party lives in a world where women are born without seeing color, but see color depending on the emotion their soulmate makes them feel when they meet, and sees all colors when they connect. eleven knows that mike is her soulmate, but she keeps to herself.

that is, until a certain someone named rachel makes her vision go pure green

a/n: based on dear-selena 's series on tumblr :)
{modern au}
{soulmate au}
[told in eleven's pov]


Two months flew by after the confession Mike and I had while sitting at the curb.

Since Mike found out we were soulmates, and we had moved on from any tension, he never left my side. He walked me to school everyday, walked me to class, held my hand during class, sat next to me in all classes we had together, bought me lunch (much to my dismay for him spending money), and took me home so we could study and hang it after school. Sometimes, when I had a nightmare, he would cuddle me until we both fell asleep- though my dad wasn't the fondest of these actions.

Word spread throughout the school of how Mike and I were soulmates, and the reactions of people were mainly positive. Max was especially proud of me, along with Lucas and Will (both claiming they knew) and Dustin was shocked, but excited. Hopper was sometimes jealous of us spending so much time together, but he was relieved that things had worked out between us.

Our relationship had continued to grow into something so beautiful that I mainly saw pink and yellow. If a colour such as red, green or blue appeared, I tried my best to communicate with Mike. It was hard though, I had gotten so used to bottling up my emotions that sharing them was something new and difficult. But Mike was incredibly patient with me, talking through it and making sure I felt loved.

Even with our occasional up and downs, he was the perfect soulmate for me.

When we reached our official three month anniversary, Mike took me on a date at the Fourth of July carnival. Mike continued to win prizes from games- "It's physics, El. Watch me."- he would state before winning the prize and immediately handing it to me.

I soon had too many prizes to hold it all (even with Mike's help) so we both decided to hand some prizes to the young kids who were upset about not winning a prize.

I was in a state of pure giddiness the entire time, only seeing a pleasant pink.

He then led me to the ferris wheel across the carnival. I bit my lip, not wanting to tell him that I was terrified of heights. However, he seems to notice my nerves, as he gently rubs circles on my hand.

"You okay?" His voice is gentle and caring, and I feel my cheeks heat up lightly.

"Just a little nervous, ferris wheels aren't very comforting to me." I shrug, feeling my hands grow sweaty.

He gently smiles, lifting out intertwined hands to kiss mine. "If you don't want to do it, you don't have to, okay?" His consideration makes me smile, tucking a loose strand of my hair behind my ear, biting my lip as I consider if I want to take the death trap.

"You know what? Fuck it, I'll overcome my fears." I raise my shoulders, strutting to the line. Mike laughs as he follows me, our hands still intertwined, similar to our hearts.

Once the line has shortened and we were now getting onto the ride, I took deep breaths.

"Hey. It's okay, I'll be here the whole time, nothing bad will happen." He smiles, pressing a loving kiss to my forehead, as I see a deeper pink.

"My hero." I tease, leaning my head against his shoulder. When the ride abruptly moves forward to allow the next people to board, my stomach lurches lightly.

I grasp Mike's hand, squeezing for reassurance. He squeezes back, and I take deep breaths until the ride moves forward once more.

"You can open your eyes, El." Mike's teasing voice makes me open my eyes. I slightly gasp as all the twinkling lights flash in the evening sky. My body is rested against his, as he rubs my shoulder in a relaxing pace. The ferris wheel had made us stop at true too as to allow the last people to sit in the ride. Usually I would scream or nervously grasp for something to give me reassurance that I would fall, but it was relaxing, and I had Mike with me.

Mike gently turns my head, before laying a soft kiss to my lips. Our lips move in an unwritten pattern, as I move closer to him, his comfort easing the anxiety bubbling in my stomach. I place my hands up to his face, cupping his soft face as his hands wrap around my waist. I smile into the kiss, before pulling away to lay my forehead against his. I don't open my eyes yet, just basking in the feeling of having someone so amazing as my soulmate. I knew I loved him, the way he made me feel couldn't be defined as anything but love. Yet I had yet to tell him the three innocent words.

When he caresses my cheek gently, I decide to open my eyes. I expect to see his features in the soft pink I had seen for so long. However, colours that I had yet to see cake into my vision.

But then all the things people told me echo in my mind, as I see what they see.

Mike's hair is dark brown.

Mike's skin is pale, and tinted pink.

His lips are a gentle red.

And his eyes are soft brown.

Colours appeared in the corner of my eyes. The ferris wheel we were in was dark purple. The lights of the carousel were green and red.

Mike continued to smile at me, but the smile faltered as I continued to stare at him in a dumbfounded faze. I turn my head to bask in the different colour of everything around me. There was so much colour to see!

My eyes soon prick with tears, realization dawning on me. Mike turns my head towards him, tilting his head. "El? Are you okay?"

I smile, tears falling from my eyes. "Your hair... it's dark brown!" I whisper, running a hand through the soft curls.

I was mesmerized by the way his curls felt around my fingers that I hadn't recognized his look of confusion. "A-And... your shirt! It's grey, and you're wearing black jeans! The seat we're in is purple!" I exclaim, I was basically bouncing in my seat from excitement. I looked at all the colours around me in awe, I hadn't seen these colors ever before in my life, and they were so amazing. They were vibrant and unique, and so magnificent.

"El? You gained your colors?!" Mike exclaims, smiling down at me.

I look back at Mike, and his gorgeous brown eyes. I nod, tears falling faster. He grins, pulling me to him as he kisses me so passionately yet so softly at the same time.

"El. I love you." He whispers against my lips, pulling away. I smile, wiping my tears with the sweater I know knew as lavender.

"I love you too, Mike. More than anything."


and there u have it ! this was so fun to write, so i hope u guys enjoyed it !

once again, thank u sm for all ur love and support on this series 🥺

now i'm going to start working on ur requests ❤️❤️

(also: to clarify... please do not give me ur requests in the comments !! i read my messages more bc it's easier but if u comment ur request i might lose it in the sea of ur amazing comments from u readers :) so please message me ur requests so it's easier to find ❤️)

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