𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐢 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫- fillie

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ANGSTTTT, i think that's it it's just really sad so 😻

summary: but you like her better, wish i were heather

a/n: sorry for taking so long lmao but if y'all are interested im still active on my instagram!! @ s.pideycarol if you want to follow me 😌😌
- requested by @Euphoricfileven !! (requested angst, lmk if this is good 😔)


finn and millie had been best friends since elementary, the duo was practically inseparable. when one walked into a room, you could guarantee that the other would walk in shortly after. finn and millie were what you could call, "attached to the hip."

but sometimes, when you're so close with someone that they've unknowingly integrated themselves into your day to day life, it's hard to not catch even the slightest of feelings.

millie wasn't an exception.

millie didn't exactly remember when she started to feel differently towards the curly haired boy, but over time his smiles felt more special, his eyes looked more beautiful, and her heart felt fuller around him.

it was a gradual fall, but millie knew it was there. perhaps the love she had for him was always there, manifesting through their many years of friendship.

i still remember
third of december
me in your sweater
you said it looked better
on me, than it did you
only if you knew
how much i liked you

years friendship led to less boundaries between the two. initial awkward hugs and high fives in the hallway turned to close embraces, cheek and forehead kisses, and cuddling.

millie wasn't a huge fan of physical affection, but the moment her head rested upon finn's chest, she felt safe, warm, loved.

on one cold afternoon when millie and finn went to his house after school for their routine homework session, millie had felt an extra chill flow across her body and tickle her skin. she tried to push it away, but finn soon noticed her slight shivers as she cuddled into herself for better warmth.

"you okay?" finn breaks the comfortable silence, causing millie to lift her eyes from her calculus homework, glad to spend any second away from the torture.

"y-yeah, why wouldn't i be?" millie subtly curls further into herself, seeking warmth.

finn stares at the girl for a few more moments (👁👄👁) before standing up from his previous spot on the carpet, walking to his closet, and pulling out a maroon sweater. he hands it to the shivering girl, causing her to furrow her brows.

"just put it on." he gently states, and millie does as he says.

warmth immediately engulfs her body, as she lets out a small sigh. finn smiles lightly.


"yeah. thanks."

and when she attempted to return the sweater the next day (having forgotten she was wearing it when she left that night), he declined, claiming she looked better in it and that he had others anyways.

so millie went home with a smile on her face, and his scent eminent in the sweater.

but i watch your eyes, as she
walks by
what a sight for sore eyes
brighter than a
blue sky
she's got you
while i die

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