Secret Agent- Mileven AU

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School can kiss my ass.

"Agent Ives. I've got a mission for you." Jane looks up to meet eyes with her terrifying boss, Dr. Brenner. "Yes sir?" She stands up, crossing her arms over her chest.

He hands her an envelope, and she curiously opens it, slipping a paper out. The paper contains a picture of a boy who looked to be around her age, which his information written sloppily next to the image.

"His name is Mike Wheeler. He knows a lot about us, and may be a threat to us." He states, taking a small step closer.

"And what do I have to do?" She asks, but already knows the answer before he opens his mouth. "Kill him."

Mike runs a hand through his hair, as he sighs heavily. He can see his teacher talking, but he doesn't hear anything, he had learned how to drain out the voices of his teachers.

"We have a new student!" He exclaims, catching Mike's attention. "Come on in!" He gestures to the door, and a figure walks in, shyly avoiding eye contact.

He stares at the young girl. Her short brown curls are only to her shoulders, and her brown eyes shyly peer at the class. She was cute, he had to admit.

"What's your name?" Mr. Clarke asks, and the girl's eyes set upon Mike. "J-Jane." She says in a small voice, eyes lingering on Mike before directing themselves to Mr. Clarke.

"Welcome to AP science, Jane." Mr. Clarke smiles at her, and she returns with a small smile. "You can sit next to Mike, right there." He points at the boy she had already known of.

"Thanks." She mumbles, and scurries over to the desk to the right of his, and sink into her seat. Mike looks at her, studying her features a bit closer.

"Stop staring at me." She whispers, eyes still upon the teacher as he returns to his droning lesson. His eyes widen, and he blushes, looking back to the teacher.

"How'd you know?" He whispers back, and she smirks slightly, glad he isn't looking at her.

"Just a feeling."


"It's been two days, Ives. You should have killed him by now." Brenner stares threateningly at the young girl, who doesn't dare look into his murderous eyes.

"I know... I've been trying to get close to him so I can figure when he's alone." She lies. Her whole life she had been told to kill people, and she did without question. Why was it so hard to kill one more?

Maybe it was because he seemed innocent? Maybe it was because he was her age, and had a whole life in front of him? Or maybe it was because she felt something different around him?

"You better have completed this mission by tomorrow. Or else, YOU'RE dead." He closes the door behind him, leaving Jane to bite her lip, deep in thought.

She pulls her phone out, and presses his contact. After the second ring, Mike picks up. "Hello?" She closes his eyes at his voice.

She couldn't do this. She wouldn't be able to kill him, he meant so much to her. She had never felt this way about anyone, especially after two days.

"H-Hey." She stutters, sitting down. "What's up?" He asks, and she wants so badly to tell him everything; how she was an agent, how she wasn't an actual student, how she was ordered to kill him.

"Nothing. Just bored."

"Oh okay, well... how's school treating you so far?" He asks, and she lightly smiles to herself, not noticing it.

"Okay." She smiles, and the fact that she would have to kill him in the end seems to fade out of her mind.

"Sir?" Jane knocks on the door, ready to admit that she had not yet killed Mike. "Come in." His cruel voice says, and she yanks the door open, taking a deep breath.

She stops in her tracks when she sees Mike, kneeling on the ground, with Brenner to his side, gun placed upon his forehead. He looks at her, and tears prickle his eyes.

"Jane?" He whispers, and she gulps, tears too forming in her eyes.

"You haven't killed him yet. I have been patient with you. You haven't done it still. So now, I am making sure you follow through the mission." He spats, and Mike trembles slightly.

He hands the gun to her, and she takes it with shaky hands. She aims it to Mike's forehead, and he closes his eyes, accepting his inevitable death. He hears a gunshot, and expects to feel an excruciating pain in his forehand, but he feels nothing.

He then hears a thud, and he opens his eyes, cringing when he sees Brenner, limp on the ground as blood spills out fo his chest.

"What the f-"

He is yanked up, and Jane tugs him out of the door, rushing down the hall as he follows. She pulls him into an alley a few moments later, and he looks at her.

Her eyes are filled with worry and fear, and her arms are wrapped around his torso. He was still in shock of what had just happened, and she bites her lip.

"I'm sorry." She whispers, and he attempts to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Could you please explain what just happened?" He asks, voice shaky. She nods, and takes a small step back.

"My name is Jane Ives, I'm an agent who worked for Dr. Brenner. My whole life I was told to kill people, "for the greater good" (Harry Potter reference; achieved) so I did. But when he told me to kill you, and I met you, I couldn't. I don't know why, but something about you makes me feel different."

He looks at her lips momentarily.

"Mike." He looks back at her brown doe eyes, and feels himself slightly melt. "I-I like you."

His expression softens even more, and he lazily smiles, wrapping an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

"Good, because I do too." He grins, pressing his lips on hers gently. She kisses back, her arms returning to their earlier position around his torso.

After what could have been minutes, or a mere seconds, for neither bothered paying attention to how long, they pulled away.

"Being with me could be dangerous." Jane whispers, worry glistening in her eyes. (I did that.)

He smiles, kissing her nose reassuringly. "If I can be with you, it's worth it."

Three words for you: This. Is. Trash.

This was inspired by some Tom Holland/ Peter Parker imagines book (don't judge) but I forgot their user sorry

Word count: 1074

Instagram: @/wolfhardshook

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