𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞- fillie (au?)

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word count:

none, just a lot of fluff and dad!finn + mom!millie

summary: finn is gone on a tour with his band and their daughter misses him a lot

a/n: i'm changing my writing theme a little bit oh well, it's not too different, the writing is still trash tho, so no difference there 🤷🏼‍♀️

Millie stands from her seat on the couch, exhaustion flooding her entire body. Her daughter had called for her from the top of the stairs, for what most have been the seventh time.

She reaches the top of the stairs, the floorboards creaking under her feet. Her daughter, Evelyn, stood at the top of the stairs. Large tears were rolling down her face, her brown eyes puffy and her cheeks red. Her curly brown hair was messy from the tossing and turning in her sleep, her arms were clutching her teddy bear that her dad gave her on her first birthday, and her body was covered with one of Finn's band T-shirt's- which happened to reach her knees.

"Mama.." Evelyn whispered, holding one arm out.

Millie sighed, wrapping her arms around her four year old daughter, and lifting her into her arms, walking towards her daughter's room.

She opened the door with a tap of her foot, and walked towards the lavender bed. She sat down on the bed, as Evelyn cuddled into her side, sniffing weakly.

Millie has a gut feeling that the reason her daughter was having an episode was because she was missing her dad. Finn had gone on tour with his band, Calpurnia. Though Millie and Evelyn were supportive of his career, they couldn't help but miss him majorly. Especially Evelyn, who when she missed him too much, would have episodes during the night, waking Millie multiple times throughout the night.

"What's wrong, angel?" Millie cooed, wiping away some of Evelyn's tears.

"Miss daddy." Evelyn mumbled.

"Aw, Eve. I miss him too, but he'll be back soon." Evelyn, tugged her shirt closer to her, and Millie smiles at the shirt.

Evelyn has missed Finn that day more than before, and begged to "pretty please with a cherry on top wear one of daddy's shirts" and gave Millie her best puppy dog eyes (which looked very similar to Finn's), which Millie couldn't refuse. So she gave Evelyn one of Finn's favorite band t-shirts, which was enormous on the little girl.

Evelyn looked back up at Millie, her puppy dog eyes back again, and sniffed. Millie sighed, waiting for some favor to be asked.

"Can we call daddy?"

Millie sighed gently, and rubbed her daughter's arms gently.

"We can try, bubba. But he might be busy." She stated as she pulled her phone out of her pocket, and pressed the call button next to Finn's contact name.

✧ ✧ ✧

Finn has just finished another one of his concerts, the last one in Europe, before him and the band would travel to Canada to finish their tour.

He was exhausted, so he quickly laid on the hotel room bed and buried his face in the pillow.

As much as he loved traveling the world, performing, and meeting fans, he deeply missed his home and his favorite girls in the entire world.

Finn turned to lie on his back, and looked up at the ceiling, reminiscing on memories with his family.

Knocking him out of his thoughts was the sound of his phone ringing on the bed. He picked it up, figuring it had fallen out of his pocket when he jumped onto the bed.

His eyebrows knitted together in worry when Millie's name came onto the screen. She usually called him with a text beforehand, unless it was an emergency, so he instantly answered.

The screen then showed his wife, who had redness in her eyes and exhaustion clear in her facial features.

"Hey, baby. Is everything okay?" He asked, watching as she shook her head.

"It's okay, but someone was missing you a lot and wanted to call you." She then moved the camera to settle on Evelyn.

"Daddy!" Evelyn grinned.

A smile formed on Finn's lips when her face came on the screen, but it slightly faltered at her red eyes.

"Hey, Eve. What's up, sweetheart?"

"I miss you. I want you back home." She sniffled, clutching the teddy bear from her first birthday.

Finn had already felt his heart aching from saudade, but hearing his daughter say the words he knew they felt only broke his heart more.

"I miss you too, sweetheart. So much. But I'll be back soon, and guess what?" He whispered the last part.

"What?" She whispered, her eyes wide with curiosity.

"I'll be home in just a week!"

"Really?" She asked, eyes bright.

"Yeah, bubba. And if you ever miss me, I want you to sing the lullaby I taught you. Okay?"

"Can you sing it for me?" She whispers, giving Finn her puppy dog eyes that seemed to charm anyone with a heart.

"Of course, but you'll have to promise me one thing, which is that you'll be good for mommy. Okay?"

Evelyn nodded, and waited eagerly for Finn to start singing the lullaby.

As Finn began to sing the lullaby, it was clear to both Finn and Millie that Evelyn would soon crash.

They both were right in their suspicions, because not even a minute later, Evelyn had started snoring.

Finn stopped singing, and instead turned his attention to Millie, who was tucking Evelyn under the blankets gently.

A smile reached his lips when he saw Millie lean down to kiss Evelyn on the forehead.

Millie closed the bedroom door quietly, and carefully walked to the master bedroom, making sure to not make a noise and wake Evelyn.

Once she reached her room, she laid down on the bed and smiled at Finn tiredly.

"Thank you, she's been up and out of bed multiple times."

"Of course, babe. I'm sorry I can't be there for you right now, I feel really bad." He sadly smiles at her, their eyes meeting through the camera.

"It's okay, Finn. I just can't wait for you to be back home."

"Me neither, babe. I promise, when I get back I'm taking a longer break to stay with my favorite people."

Millie grinned at Finn, which he quickly returned.

"I think Evelyn and I would really like that."

"I would too. Sweet dreams, Millie."

"Goodnight Finn."

call ended.

would u look at that?

i'm back with my trash imagines !!

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