First Few Days

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Monday, 4th May 2020
This is my first day as the HWS(Human Weapon Soldier, the new tech to fight FUO like what i have written at the introduction). Today, i will be transfered to an Indonesian naval base  located in west Sulawesi, Indonesia. I expected the time to get there from the boots camp for HWS with soldier type navy in Jakarta to the naval base would take 5-6 hours by ship. Turns out to take 10 hours because of enemy ships and maelstorms. When i reached the naval base, the admiral greeted me politely and asked one of the ship to bring me to my room while he go deal with something. Shortly after, i'm in my room looking at how my room looked like. My room had around 2.5m height and 4m×4m length and width, with 2 beds. The ship who led me told me to get some rest for the day and told me that i would be getting a roommate in about 2 weeks. She also told me to leave the introduction tomorrow and left, she did not tell me her name. I looked back at the room, dusty and dirty. I cleaned it as much as i could until the clock tells me it is 10 o'clock at night. Then i wrote my experience in my diary and went to sleep.

Tuesday, 5th May 2020
I got up early and found the same girl who led me to my room yesterday waiting for me outside my room. I got dressed and got out immediately. She said that her codename was Ahmad Yani Frigate ship(we use codenames in the naval base, not real name) . She also told me she will show me the location of places at the base, apart from the toilet and bathroom(she told me where they are yesterday, i just forgot to write it). She first showed me the location of the admiral's office, the admiral is a man btw. Next was the mess hall, the mess hall was bigger than i thought i would be, and it is just the typical mess hall you would see in a normal naval base. After the mess halls comes the training area, the training area is extremely huge, we can practice our combat skills there. I was then shown to the factory, i don't want to describe how the factory looks like, i can smell oil and hear sounds without having to go in. At the hallway when Ahmad Yani showed me around the base, i met some other HWS. They were destroyer Gajah Mada, a boy around 14 years old, corvette Cut Nyak Dhien, a girl around the age of 17. Before i describe them, i'll describe myself, my height is around 185cm, as heavy as 61kg(without equipment) with short black hair. From what i see, everyone in this naval base has black hair, including the admiral. Ahmad Yani has a long ponytail hair, height around 162cm. Cut Nyak Dhien has a twin tailed hair, height around 155cm. Gajah Mada is the only one i met so far who uses glasses, he's height is around 149cm. I saw a few other HWS that is not navy soldier type, but i decided to talk to them at a later date. Tomorrow i will be told about the rules in this naval base. I don't know whether to look forward to it or not

Wednesday, 6th May 2020
Today, Ahmad Yani explained all the rules in the naval base. Curiosity got me, we have limited resource and manpower for HWS, so what about the aircraft carrier's planes? How do they carry planes and go to war? Ahmad Yani gladly explained to me that the carriers can not do such things, so they carry drones, not HWS. The next question was about transport ships and cargo ships, she stared at me when i asked the question. Her answer was that those ships can not be HWS. Then she asks me why i didn't know, well my instructor at boots camp only told me about corvette, so how should i know? The lecture took a long time. After that, i planned on meeting other HWS in the base, but i was too pissed off at how dusty my room was(my room wasn't used before, so no one cleaned it), so decided to clean the room, write things in my diary, and go to bed.

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